All Chapters of The Intrigued Trilogy: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
66 Chapters
Chapter 51
Chapter 51:Grace’s P.O.V“Good morning, my love,” Daniel kissed the curve of my neck and I sunk into him in welcome.“Morning,” I whispered hoarsely, sprawled lazily in bed next to him, wildly sated and naked. I did not want to get out of bed.Daniel smiled down at me, his electric blue eyes soft on mine and his dark hair sprawled across his forehead. I twisted my arms through his hair and brought down his face to mine for a good morning kiss that blew my mind and nearly stopped my heart.“So, how are you liking Hawaii so far?” He asked once we parted.“It’s beautiful.” I told him, stretching out like a cat before I nuzzled into to chest for a morning cuddle. “I’m glad we came here and I’m glad our friends are here with us. Thank you.”“Anything for you love,” Daniel wrapped his arms around me before settl
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Chapter 52
Chapter 52:Tatiana’s P.O.VTen days. I can’t believe it’s been ten days since we arrived at Hawaii and it has been pure bliss.We spend the mornings at the main hotel cafeteria where they served breakfast buffets before heading over to the beach to participate in various sports, fool around in the sea or just get a sun tan. Then we had lunch and sometime head over to Honolulu to shop or go sightseeing or just curl up in bed and have a nice nap. Evenings were accompanied with lazy walks on the beach and bonfires with other guests where we got to socialize with other people and make new friends. And then after dinner, my nights were spent in Damien’s arms, making love until we were too exhausted to move.Overall, I was getting the best out of this trip. We also found out that the resort manager was a friend of Daniel’s and they had been to college together, which was why Daniel had chosen this
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Chapter 53
Chapter 53:Kendra’s P.O.V:I nudged Grace with my elbow and pointed towards our table at Ty and Damien, who seemed to be in a heated conversation of some sorts. “I get that you and I are the newlyweds who were in desperate need of a honeymoon, but any idea why Daniel invited them along?” I whispered in her ears.Grace frowned at me. “Why are you whispering? They're too far out of earshot. And Daniel invited them along because Ty is our friend and Damien’s his brother.”I shook my head at Grace. “Honey, its adorable how you can be completely oblivious to your surroundings.”“I agree,” Daniel said as he joined us at the buffet table, standing next to me while Victor came to stand beside Grace with a large plate in hand.“You guys are so frustrating!” Grace huffed. “Daniel, tell Ken why you really brought Ty and Damien here, or she'd
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Chapter 54
Chapter 54:Tatiana’s P.O.VI saw him again today, by the beach, when we were playing water volleyball. He was standing by the line of trees right at the back of the beach. And then I blinked and he was gone. He was here again.Connor.Why was my mind playing such dirty tricks on me? I wanted to forget what happened between me and him. Two years of torture was more than enough. Then hadn’t started two years ago. He had been a nice guy once, kind and compassionate. Or maybe I hadn’t been able to see behind his mask and he had always been evil. The marks he’d left behind will take time to fade away, even though there were no sign of them physically. I don’t think I could ever trust anyone the way I did him. And that’s why I agreed to this no-strings relationship with Damien.Damien...he’d seemed distracted the whole day. He shown up to the sports area eventually, b
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Chapter 55
Chapter 55:Tatiana’s P.O.VDamien seemed nervous to tell me his story. I could clearly see the weariness in his eyes. But curiosity had won over me and I couldn’t seem to tell him to stop, even if it meant him being uncomfortable. I was going to see a part of Damien not everyone knew; it was my chance to get to know him better, to see how his mind really worked.“I met Marian Joseph a little over a year ago, at a night club.” Damien began. “She was a beautiful woman with this dark hair and pale green eyes, so it wasn't a surprise we ended up spending the night together.” I tried to suppress my jealousy as I heard Damien describe this Marian woman, but the only comfort I found was that he didn’t look all that thrilled to be telling me this story. In fact, there was an underlying tone of bitterness to his voice.“We began dating after that, meeting each other when it was conv
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Chapter 56
Chapter 56:Tatiana’s P.O.VA couple days later, I was woken up from my peaceful slumber by a loud banging noise from my front door.Instantly, I unwound myself from Damien and jumped out of bed and was rushing towards the closet to get dressed. Damien was still fast asleep on my bed and it was too late to hide him or wake him up without making a mess. All I could do was pray that it was only room service and not my best friends.I walked over to the door cautiously and peeked through the key hole, but surprisingly, there was no one outside. So I opened the door a fraction and peeked out once again. Again, I found no one outside.Opening the door fully, I stepped out into the veranda and looked around. The sight of the clear blue ocean water was the first thing that greeted me. It was a gorgeous, sunny day and several people were already out and about roaming the beaches or taking a dip in the sea. Maybe it h
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Chapter 57
Chapter 57:Tatiana’s P.O.VI climbed down the stairs of the veranda and directly into the sea water where Damien was already out for a swim. The night was warm with a light breeze making the plants on the veranda sway slightly. The water was quiet with the waves lapping lazing against the white sands of the beach and against the stairs of our overwater bungalow and the moon was full on the night sky, giving the atmosphere a romantic touch.It was perfect, I thought as I got into the water and looked at Damien who was staring up at the moon with his back to me. He wasn’t wearing any clothes...I wasn’t either. So I walked over to him as silently as I could and wrapped my arms around his waist from behind. Damien instantly placed one of his hands on top of mine, already familiar with my touch.The water lapped at my chest, covering up most of me so that if anyone was to look out their window at the moment,
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Chapter 58
Chapter 58:Damien’s P.O.VI love you, Damien.NO!It can’t be! This is exactly what I had been trying to avoid, haven’t I? I had told Tia specifically that I couldn’t do feelings, that I couldn’t trust another woman with my heart after what Marian did! I even told her my story. Even my family, even Daniel didn’t know all the details but I’d told Tia...Why did I tell her all that? Especially when I had sworn off relationships for good. Maybe it really was my fault? Had I gotten involved without even wanting to? Had I given her the wrong message all along? But what had I done than any other man wouldn’t have?Was it the gifts I’d given her? But I’d given gifts to everyone, to Daniel and his new bride and even to Victor and his wife.*“Oh! Damien, these look wonderful!” Tia looked at me with her wide green eyes filled with
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Chapter 59
Chapter 59:Tatiana’s P.O.V:The ride to the airport was quiet and tense. It was clear that the others felt it too since Grace and Ken voluntarily decided to sit beside me instead of with their husbands. Damien and I didn’t talk but Grace and Ken tried to make small talk so that the silence doesn’t become constricting.I caught Ken giving Daniel a ‘What did your brother do?’ look from the corner of my eyes. I also watched Daniel give a small shrug in return. But I think they already knew the truth, at least my friends did. It wasn't Damien who was at fault, it was me. Me and my stupid feelings. Damien had warned me right from the start that we'd have nothing more than physical intimacy between us. Anything more and he'd be gone.I hadn’t planned on him finding out either. But he had and now I feel like I'd tricked him into something he never wanted to be a part of. And it wasn’t h
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Chapter 60
Chapter 60:Tatiana’s P.O.VI closed my eyes and rested my head against the seat, relieved that the dreadful flight was over and to be finally away from Damien.But my relief was short-lived as the cab came to a stop a couple feet away from the airport terminus and none other than Damien Romano climbed into the back seat with me.“The cab’s taken.” I told him curtly before I closed my eyes again, trying to avoid the sting of tears.“I just want to talk.” He told be before telling the cab his location and settling back into the seat.I stayed quiet and turned my head towards the window to avoid his gaze that was burning holes in me. There were a thousand things that came to my mind but I couldn’t transform them into words. What was I supposed to say? I’m sorry I fell in love with you? I’d rather cut my tongue first. I couldn’t-wouldn’t beg for
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