All Chapters of Blood moon Eclipse: tales of a lone wolf: Chapter 11 - Chapter 15
15 Chapters
Next day at school, I met Kairi but she ignored me. She did not even return my wave. I went to class dragging my feet, hesitating about my day now that I had even lost my best friend. "Look who it is, Anathi the whore!"My bully Carly began to say. "Tsk! Hi w that little whore business of ours going? Made enough for your college?"She smiled in glee as her posse roared out in laughter. I had had enough. I was tired, tired of her, very tired of being bullied. I bound my hands into fists, I was ready to attack her and rip her hair out. "Shut the hell up!"They all circled me. Laughing. "Oh look, the little whore wanna start a fight with us!"Carly's friend began to say as she slapped one hand in the other. They all began to cheer as they started up a mock fight.``Shut the hell up! I have had it with you." They all drew back in fear. "Her eyes just changed colour! They are yellow!"One of the girls uttered as she shook. They all went quiet. I had never before fel
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So, what made you decide to help me, after all you decided you did not want anything to do with me!"I asked her later on as we sat outside in the school yard. "Well, I figured these were the last days of our schooling together and we have been best friends for a long long time, Anathi,"she said as she hugged me. "I wouldn't want our friendship to end like this, you know the moment he came to me and threatened to have my father lose his job if I didn't do what he asked, I was scared. He wanted me to break my friendship with you for good and also to bully you like everyone else, so that you don't have any friends left."She said, to my utter shock. "Who?"I asked her, failing to comprehend her words that had seeped into the hollows of my ears. "Dumuzi of course!"She said to me, "So Dumuzi did this? All this?"I uttered in a state of disbelief and suddenly all that had happened to me in my young life flashed before my very eyes. Sudde
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After half an hour of torturing us they seemed tired yet unsatisfied. My brother lay in a pool of blood on the floor. He had stopped moaning and he was still."Please spare us!"  My sister begged as she wept. "I have to take my brother to the hospital!""Hospital!" Hoe head chanted. "You think your brother's life is worth more than your sins? You still haven't told us yet who Anathi is. Is it the lass we tossed about!"My sister did ynot answer but wept even more, then she began to beg him to spare me. "Your little sister here exposed our very sacred life to the mundane a and you expect us to save her life!" The leader said to my sister who was utturely engulfed in immense, tears. "Hoe-head" he motioned to the guy who had blocked me at the gate.  "Take the problem outside and get rid of it!" He said to my horror. My young life flashed before my eyes. I was shivering, scared. I would never have begged for my life though because
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I slowly  made my way back home through the forests, carefully. I did not want  to get caught by any of those uncivilized council thugs incase they were searching for me. I then walked briskly afraid of the hollows that came with the night. The moon was high up in the night blueish- navy sky with a few stars twinkling in the distance.  The forest was quiet, deathly and deafeningly quiet except for a few critters of the dark that haunted the peaceful night. The smell of the semi wet soil penetrated my nose.  I was heaving with anger, with fear. Was my family okay? Had my sister really been ravished? How could my life have crumbled to this! That Dumuzi, I felt so much anger for him even though he was in prison.   Suddenly, I felt a fear I had never felt before. My heart broke at the thought of my sister, and how those men must have treated her. Deep inside of me was a hesitating feeling urging me to turn back and not return home but I kept on on m
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Chapter FifteenThe sun's rays lit up my room through splinters in my curtains at dawn and I found my self awake, awake with a heart too heavy to bear the burdens brought forth by yesterday's troubles.  I lay staring at the ceiling and ruminating on what was to become of my young life. My father wanted me to go hide out in Egypt, to commence my life as a slave under the supreme pharoahnic rule as there was no hope and  no abundance for Atlantis citizens like I in that land of the living deities. I was scared. I was afraid of the unknown.  It was in that moment I gained a whim of courage ruminating on how I was going to face my problems that something suddenly happened. My sister knocked on my door, as if she knew I needed her in this bleak moment. "Come in. I uttered."Wakey wakey, aren't you going to school today Anathi?"",School? I asked her. Where is dad and how can I be thinking of school when you know what happened with our brother. I
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