All Chapters of If It's All The Same [COMPLETED]: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
70 Chapters
Chapter Fifty One
When I woke up, it was already 9:00 in the evening. I thought I wouldn't even be able to sleep because of the overflowing excitement, yet I was just too tired to think about that already, I just literally drifted off when I closed my eyes.I was getting a little hungry so I rolled to the edge of my bed and stood up, grabbing a hoodie from my cabinet and my wallet before I went out of my room. It was dark outside so I just turned on the lights in the living room since Lyza might not be at home yet, before going down to grab some food.The moment I got to the canteen it was a little packed since most of the people who are staying in the building are students or staff at the university. I just bought fish and chips and a can of soda and ate in peace as I was checking my phone for notifications. "Enrique's probably busy," I whispered to myself and put down my phone before chugging the last remaining liquid in my can. It wasn't really a problem to me if we aren
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Chapter Fifty Two
I was still a little sleepy when my alarm rang, yet the moment I realized that it was my first time working at the research center, I suddenly felt the rush of adrenaline in my veins. I felt so ecstatic that the idea woke me up as if I had just drunk an espresso shot. I closed my eyes and smiled as I was stretching my arms--it was probably the best sleep I ever had for years."Good morning indeed," I told myself before I finally stood up and fixed my bed before I headed outside of my room to make myself some hot cocoa. When I got out of the door, I realized Lyza had posted her schedule in front of hers which had me curious so [it's probably not considered creepy since I'm her roommate] I read it. Her schedule's really packed, and aside from her lectures, she also has a side job at a famous fashion brand. Which had me thinking for a while... I knew how she was acing her studies back when she was studying law, and she seemed really enthusiastic about her degree pro
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Chapter Fifty Three
"Do you feel better now?" I sighed and smiled. It was probably a wrong decision that I added Enrique on my speed dial in case of emergency when I didn't want him to worry about my anxiety attacks and relapses. Besides, I didn't want to bother him since I know he's busy with his work and the cafe... it was really bad timing."I'm okay now..." I uttered, checking my watch in case I'm going late but I still had ample time to spare. "I'm sorry I called."Enrique sighed, "Hey... never think that you're bothering me, Kath, okay? I'm always here to help."I nodded, "I'll ask around if I can find a therapist. I probably need one now," I say, looking at myself in front of the mirror. At least, I wasn't looking terrible after that meltdown. "I'm running late... Call me when you're free, okay?""I know you'll be busy. Just call me whenever, I'll wait." I smiled. I hung up the phone first since I'll probably just end up talking to Enrique if I didn't. I
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Chapter Fifty Four
A week passed by in a hurdle. Lyza and I... well we're still not on talking terms although, she was finally recognizing my existence. I mean, we're living on the same roof, so the more this cold war between the both of us prolongs just makes it even harder to live. I might as well just find another location... Today's my day off yet I didn't really have much to do so I just planned to go outside and roam Cambridge until the end of the day. I haven't gone around since all I did ever since I got here was go to work and then sleep. I survived without buying my own groceries since I figured I could just eat at the cafeteria every day instead of eating processed foods. I realized I was getting older, I might as well take care of myself so I wouldn't worry my friends.Adjusting was the hardest part... aside from the fact that I was miles away from my friends, I knew no one, and by then a sudden realization hit me--it felt like I was in a battle arena. I mean, not in a
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Chapter Fifty Five
I promised Enrique that I'd leave the apartment so I wouldn't wallow with my thoughts. When I left Brampton, I promised myself I wouldn't make anyone worry about me since I've always lived independently. Enrique said I was probably homesick since it's just been a week since I left Canada. It was reasonable enough and convincing. I knew I was homesick yet at some point, it felt like I wasn't just homesick. I didn't really know where to go so I just asked the cab to drop me off at Market Square. It wasn't really far from my apartment and only took four minutes for a ride, I'd probably just walk home since I already familiarized myself with the route. The moment I got there, it felt like I lied to myself. The place was huge, and there were a lot of people. I didn't really check what it looked like since I just searched for places where I could buy some stuff and it brought me here.Just by looking at it... I'd probably get lost on the way home. 
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Chapter Fifty Six
I left the coffee shop as fast as I could the moment I realized who was in front of me.Drey Punder.I scoffed. He's never really going to leave me alone, huh?I walked away as fast as I could just so I'd be miles away from that coffee shop. Fucking A. Why is he even here? Does he really have nothing to do in life but pit Lyza and I against each other?When I realized that I was far from the shopping center already, I stopped walking and heaved a deep breath in. I couldn't help but to feel scared thinking he might come after me, or if he knows where we live. There were a lot of scenarios playing in my mind, and I can't even get them to stop.I clutched my chest as I try to take a deep breathe. I was losing air... I couldn't even breathe properly. My chest was throbbing as well as my head that it feels like I'm going to pass out any minute because it feels heavy.I never really imagine seeing Drey again... and I never wanted to see him ever i
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Chapter Fifty Seven
The ride going back to the apartment seemed long even if it wasn't that far. Neither of us spoke, so I contented with looking outside of the window as I watch the droplets of rain race against each other on the surface. We let the silence engulf the both of us, but today, the tension was slowly fading away.It was nice.It felt nice when I thought that we might probably have a chance with being civilian with each other, if not friends.Lyza confessed a while ago that she was the one who stayed with me when I was at the emergency room--apparently, it was because I saved her number on my phone as "roommate" and they asked her if she could accompany me back home since I looked really fragile. The sudden turn of events was... frightening. Yet I don't want to ever see Drey again.It wasn't because I still liked him... I was just angry... and confused. Because out of all places, why Cambridge? I was already trying to live a peaceful life without hi
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Chapter Fifty Eight
I came to the center earlier than the time I'd usually come to work just to try and have breakfast at the cafeteria. Trying new things out of my bucket list still felt like an achievement for me--even the littlest ones like this. Yesterday was a breather. Compared to the first few days that I was here, it felt a little better and light. Lyza even told me that she wasn't purposely leaving the apartment early just so she wouldn't see me, she just really had to leave really early since she was finishing a project. I wanted to ask why she quit studying Law, but I could already mirror in her eyes that it was a reason for passion over money. She seemed genuinely enjoying what she's doing right now. I mean, sure she was really studying hard for law but there's always this feeling that she might've just pursued it because it was along the line of work of some of her relatives.She must've been suffocated trying not to break all the rules... and now she's here, living her
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Chapter Fifty Nine
"Are you okay? You look pale." I shook my head and smiled when Lyza came at me, concern laced on the tone of her voice. What the fuck is wrong with Drey? Does he really want me to live a life of guilt?  He's a fragment of my past that I want to forget. I don't want to go running back and forth just because I liked him. I went straight to my room and laid down on my bed without even bothering to change my clothes. I suddenly didn't want to talk to anyone--seeing Drey drained the energy out of me, although I was thankful that my anxiety attacks didn't show up and cooperate with my control for now. I just came from the hospital and another record there would probably result in my friends asking me to come back home.  I closed my eyes and massaged my temples. I was anxious for a while, but I was getting a little better with some breathing techniques. I can't even determine if I was angry or sad, or both... I never really thought I'd meet him eve
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Chapter Sixty
I went to work at the usual time I'd go, although I was feeling a little nervous after that conversation with Drey. I don't know what's bound to happen after I talk to him personally. I haven't even talked to Enrique since I don't even know where I'd start. The situation was really odd, and I can't even find the right words to tell him.And then I'd be meeting Drey.I was being eaten with guilt already.My day started gloomy when I woke up being reminded of how I had to suck up all remaining courage within me just so I could meet Drey. He seemed fine with it, and he probably had an idea already on why we were meeting. For once and for all, I want to clarify my feelings already and clear this remaining bad atmosphere between the both of us. After this... I don't really know what would happen next.We might end up not seeing each other anymore, or probably the reverse.Besides, I don't want to be unfair to Enrique. He doesn'
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