All Chapters of Amulet of the Witch: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
23 Chapters
Chapter Ten
Corvu had spent a little longer than half an hour teaching me how to keep a grip on my sword, but I was otherwise left with more bruises than when I had fallen off that cart last week. I was here for so long already. It meant I had missed a few shifts at work as well, so surely someone would have noticed I was missing by now. It’s not that I expected anyone to come looking for me, I just didn’t want to be forgotten. Maybe I should have tried harder to make more friends. I’d hate to think I’d go completely unnoticed. I do have a good friend, we grew up at the orphanage together. She was adopted though, but we never lost touch. She calls me once a month and visits every few months or so. She lives in New Jersey so the subway ride can be a little long. I miss her. It’s night, and even though we don’t have to worry about Skelly’s anymore I’m still worried a
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Chapter Eleven
Day SixteenCorvu found a place that was less like an inn, more like a backpacker’s lodge for us to stay that night, we were just lucky that the extra bunk in the room was empty for the moment, so we had the time to ourselves. As I look around the room, it’s obvious that all sorts have occupied it, especially with all the unusual markings, cuts and stains spread amongst the walls. Completely grotesque. Luckily I had other things on my mind to occupy myself. The lodge had a bath, so instead of taking a bath in a lake I jumped at the idea to use hot water, so I told the boys I would be back shortly.In fairness, I’ve never had to boil water for a bath before. I had dunked most of my foot in too early so it felt really sore by the time I’d finished, but at least I was f
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Chapter Twelve
Day SeventeenThe next morning when I wake up, I decide to let the boys sleep a little bit longer. I wouldn’t normally venture out on my own like this, but I just wanted some fresh air, and a little extra time to practice. Dawn had barely broken through by the time I got to the back of the lodge where I was only surrounded by our horses under a made up shelter, hay and an empty cart. It was kind of Corvu to get me a rapier to protect myself with. Buckling myself up properly I decide to unsheath it and practice my footwork, lunges and retreats. Corvu told me it was important to keep distance from my opponent but just as important to strike when the opportunity arises. The dry dirt makes small dust clouds as I lunge forward and pull backward. I’m actually starting to enjoy the idea of swordplay, I can also see that my fantasy novels didn’t
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Chapter Thirteen
Dusk crept up on us quickly, but Corvu had managed to find the entrance to where the giant dwelled. In front of a huge hole in the middle of a mountain, surrounded by dead vines and ash. This was not a tourist destination. Corvu appears to be emptying a few items from his backpack and replacing them with others. Dismounting the horses, we tie them up beside a distant tree and enter the cave. Corvu has his slingshot in hand, although I don’t imagine this to be as easy as the story of David and Goliath. Either way, it was better than trying to use my rapier against a giant. The cave wasn’t as dark as I expected, there appeared to be bits of light shining through a thick ceiling of vine and mud above us. I wonder how that works? I thought this was a mountain? Perhaps the giant had built it himself.Step by step we get closer to the sound of hummi
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Chapter Fourteen
By the time I’ve picked up enough wood, Corvu and Gecko have made their way to me. I’ve become used to picking good vantage points for campsites, and preparing places for fire. If there’s ever the opportunity, perhaps I will actually go on camping trips when I return home. Gecko decides to sit against a tree trunk, wanting to keep out of the way. I knew he was in a lot of pain, at the very least it looked like his arm was broken, but the deep gash on his forehead and shoulder really needed tending to. “Hey Corvu,” I speak up, “, how far is the next village from where we are?” He thinks for a moment before answering, “If we leave at first light, we can probably make it before dusk.” That was a long ride for a child with a broken arm. Corvu looks at Gecko, noticing exactly why I asked. “I&rsq
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Chapter Fifteen
Day Twenty-One. Riding to the top of the hill with Corvu and Gecko by my side, we finally see it; Wanbourne. The Capital from this heightened distance was magnificent. There are hundreds of homes, towers and farms circling a great white stone wall, and within those walls I can see towers made of white stone and emerald roofing, accented in glistening gold around all of the edges that glistened in the sunlight. I can’t wait to see what the area looks like from inside.  Travelling past a guard tower we make our way inward. Dismounting the horses we walk them through the crowded village. Each home was built with a lot of care upon the dirt and ground beneath it. It was obvious by the flowerpots and colored paint on their front doors that people took pride in their homes. Gecko was right though, it was mostly dominated with humans, although I did see the odd
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Chapter Sixteen
The dress Sandy laid out for me was actually really beautiful for clothing made around here. It was mostly white underneath with a purple top layer that had silver swirls resembling flowers around all the edges. Perhaps upon seeing the amethyst on the amulet she decided I should stick to a certain color. I wasn’t against it, I thought it suited me well. It wasn’t poofy, in fact it sat on me nicely.  I open the doors to my room and see guards standing by it. Were they standing there the whole time? “Are you ready to go to the dining hall, my lady?” One asks me. He sounded quite young beneath the helmet. I nodded as an answer and they directed me where I needed to go. This is going to be a long and confusing day.    When I enter the dining hall, everyone is looking at me. This was the first t
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Chapter Seventeen
I’m shocked. The determination and sternness of his voice almost frightens me. Why does he want the amulet now? “I thought you didn’t want the amulet.” I remark. He sighs and closes his eyes for a moment. After he opens them he takes a step toward me, then another. Mimicking his movement until I reach the bench, I practically fall into it. Leaning down to face to face with me he responds, “I don’t, but if it means they won’t torture you to death for it, then you need to give me the amulet.” He wants to protect me? He places his hands on both my knees and kneals between my legs. He was so close to me. Why was he so close to me? “Tia, if they find their way into this castle, they are going to kill you. I’m a Trickster, it would take a lot more effort for them to convince me to let them have the amulet.” The longer he stares into my eyes the harder he’s making i
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Chapter Eighteen
Day Two. But I didn’t die there, either.  In fact even with my eyes closed all I remember seeing was that bright flashing purple light, then hitting my head on something solid. As I struggle to open my eyes, I make note of something in particular...I’m freezing. Why was it so cold? I put my hands down to the ground as my vision slowly comes back. Was this snow? I hear a grunting sound and I realize I’m actually sitting up against Corvu who had just banged the back of his head into a wall. Pulling back I realize the most important thing. He’s alive. I take a deep breath and look around me.  This is familiar. I know where I am.  “Ow.” Corvu sighs, grabbing the back of
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Chapter Nineteen
Day Twenty-Eight. The next thing I know, the three of us plonk onto the floor, the bench no longer there. I let out a short yelp as a spear is pointed into my face. “Wait!” I hear Sandy’s voice. “It’s okay, they’ve returned.” The guards pull back for a moment and appear to recognize us. As Sandy helps me and Shelia from the ground I take a look around. We’re inside the main hall and the Prince was nearby, this time in full golden armour like this father wore before. Approaching us, he looks a little relieved,  “And they have the amulet! The Orcs aren’t going to be victorious today, it seems.” He chuckles. I roll my eyes and run to the nearest door. Beyond it I could see various archers lined up along all the windows. I had to find out what was going on. Through a gap between them, I could see torches below u
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