All Chapters of Demon's Evolution: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
606 Chapters
I was surprised. When I woke up, no I was actually really amazed that I even woke up.I thought I was dragon food all this time. But no need to think of it anymore. I don't know how I am alive but what matters is that I am still alive. But the other thing that took me by surprise is the body of the dragon in front of me, just a few metres away from me.I tried to get up but to no avail, even though I am alive my body is far from being fine. I cannot feel my right arm and my right leg at all. I am also sure I broke some of my rib bones. I still wonder how I am still alive in this state.I knew before I lost my consciousness that the system announced some notices to me. since I cannot do anything with the current state of my body I could check up on what I missed.[Level up][Level up][Level up][Level up][Level up]….Levelling up a total of 18 times in one go..even though the monster was Epic ranked, the level bo
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It's been exactly 92 hrs or 4 days since I rested inside the egg to heal myself. The system literally meant what it said when it said my body will take 4 days to heal. Just a minute ago I couldn't move or feel my body at all. But now everything is fine as if nothing happened to me. not even a speck of injury or wound can be seen on my body.Must be the miraculous powers of the Supremacy system as it calls itself.Even the claws I lost have now regenerated and looks as good as new or even better!First of all, I need to find food, 4 days without a drop of water in my stomach is making me crazy, I cannot go on like this any longer.Of course, there is a large amount of food just right next to me but it is unedible'[Corpse of Falak Dragon][Unconsumable]Quite disappointing if you ask but I had no choice since the system deemed it to be unconsumable. No need to risk it by trying. I have learnt that even though there isn't any being I ca
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Hunt Continues
As soon as the Orcs approach I turn and run away into the cover of the trees, not too far away. I speed up directly to a bigger tree using stealth to at least fool the sense of the orcs for a few seconds.The enraged Orc begins their ascent as soon as they sensed me, charging directly at the tree. instead of running, I charged directly towards the orc as my eyes meet the eyes of the frenzied monster."how do I look, You pig?!"Just dodging their slow yet massive axe heading towards me, I strike his right arm holding the axe with full force.It tore through his arm as it let out an agonizing growl.All the other orcs came to the rescue of their comrade with no plans whatsoever. Can orcs even think?Not likely seeing their moves and fighting skill.A showdown between 4 orcs and a demon.They lunge forward with axes and claymores ready to chop me in half with their terrifying attack.When it strikes it hits nothing but empt
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The Elite Orc warriors were no different from the normal ones, the only difference being it slightly stronger than the normal ones.just like before I took care of them by leading them to the forest and taking care of them one by one. This time though it was much easier.The reason being that while I was waiting for my wounds to heal, I bought new skills using the essences I saved up from the system.[Biokinesis(R): manipulate the biology of other beings to cause internal damage. Contact is required]I bought this for 4000 essences and bought a skill to boost my already fast speed to another level for 1000 essence.[Dash(UC)- the speed of the castor is temporarily doubled to move to a location or in a direction while traversing the intervening distance.]Although it is such a simple and common skill it made my battles so much easier, the reason being I can spam it because of its mana cost being kept at 1 due to my Op skill. HeheThe o
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Inside a grand palace."Syllia, is your information true?""Obviously, do you think I would make any mistakes in such a simple task? Folwin?""what Syllia said is true, I have been informed by my men that the human empire was successful in bringing those wretched parasites in our world!'"Hmmph, Hamon you sent your own men to find out? I guess you do not have any trust in the information I provide. I might as well retire from my role in the Intelligence department since all of you decided to do it yourself!'"I was just making sure the intel is true since a small mistake can be fatal for us, don't start again Syllia Elaynore.""mention my full name again and you won't know what killed you, Hamon Aravaris!""quiet down! Do you have to fight amongst yourself every time there is a meeting of the council?"" You two are part of the 7 Cardinals aren't you ashamed of your foolish antics?"don't try to lecture me, Alred, you do
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Lucky or Unlucky
Here I am sitting on the dead body of the Boss or what it used to be of this dungeon as I heard the sound of the system.[You have defeated Xago the boss of the dungeon][The dungeon will no longer spawn Orcs][Spawning of Imp initiated][Host does not meet the required rank][Spawning delayed]What does that mean?Imp? Why is it spawning imp now? And what rank do I have to be to meet the required rank? Explain, please…..[The host needs an army to conquer the world][Required rank of the host is Elite][Dungeons conquered by host will spawn monsters that will follow the command of host][The rank of the dungeon conquered will determine the type of monster spawned]Whatever, there's a long way to go before I reached that… for now, let me pray for my lost right hand….A few hours ago.I was dodging and playing with the boss by spamming my dash skill when finally afte
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Herd of monsters
[Defeated 100 Orcs][Advaced profile of Orc's Available]The Orc race is the race of fire. Among all races, Orcs possess the greatest physical strength, with high maximum HP and ATK levels but slow movement, attack and casting speedsOrcs have two Main evolutionary paths.-Fighter (1st evolution)A basic fighting class, Orc fighters focus on brute force melee combat. At evolution, the Orc must choose to journey his path to the warrior as a Brutish Orc raider.-Shaman(1st evolution)Basic spell-casting class, Orc shamans cast beneficial and damaging spells while wielding staffs, magic maces and swords. Only the talented with high MP levels can have this evolution pathThe Orc consist of 27% of the population of the Kherin Empire. The orcs found in dungeons do not possess the ability to evolve beyond 3rd evolution.Whoa! That is such a huge info dump, I don't think my brain can handle that much. By the way, why do I need t
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The Princess's Worries
City of light.Princess Ladia was staying inside one of the magic towers of the city. The reason being the coming dungeon exploration happening in a few days of the heroes.Ladia was not worried about the heroes in the slightest, but she cannot afford to lose too many heroes in the process. Although it is necessary for her to pick out the useless bunch from the rest, she hoped that most of the heroes survived.After all the weight carried by a single hero is tremendous, if brought up right they will act as the frontline and power of the whole empire.Who would dare deny or ignore the might of a group of heroes?"Elder, I heard the intel of the three dungeons is available, can I take a look at them?""Of course Princess"Soon enough the intel was on the princess's table.After seeing the information on the three dungeons, Ladia grumbled,"The first two dungeons are fine but what is wrong with the third? A rare monster was
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Unexpected Guest
Before I can even think, my feet are moving, dashing I quickly run out of the path of these hordes of monsters. Four-legged, giant bodies about twice as tall as me with head that looked like that of those herbivores dinosaurs that I used to read about were coming in group after group. Phew, I bet I would have been squashed if I stayed there any longer. The monsters continued to come without end for the next five days, during which I came down and collected as much aura as possible. What intrigues me is that none of the monsters was above the Rare rank. I knew there must be a reason for it. Either way, it has made collecting aura much easier. I don't have to go out hunting for uncommon monsters and put myself at risk, and I get free food squashed and ready to serve. Yum. The wide variety of creatures I saw during the past few days made me realise that this dungeon is larger, much larger than I imagined it to be. As I finished collecting the aura of another monster, I could see how
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Aura Fire
 I don't hate humans, I don't intend to be friendly with monsters either.But one thing I know is that I am no longer human.If I don't kill they will kill me instead. Only the strong can survive in this world. If I want to survive then I have to become strong, and if I want to become strong, I have to kill.Simple as that. I could see the chaos caused by the humans. Dozens of monsters have already been slain, some tried to fight the humans only to be killed by the knights without achieving anything.The monsters were powerless, even the strong Rare rank monster had no chances of surviving. Cut down by the blades of the knights in just one swing.Which explains the strength of these five humans, each of them was stronger than me no doubt.Most of the monster has already been killed or escaped. The humans were searching through the corpse now, I could see the mages us
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