All Chapters of Falling For Professor Caines: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
68 Chapters
*Edited Breanna's POV Finally, he blinked twice and nodded, backing away from the table, Breanna was tempted to let out a huff of breath she had been holding, but refrained, wanting him to be as far as possible before she did so. Then his next words made her hiccup. "I'll wait." He said softly, she almost died, her throat tightened, chocking silently on her own breath, she felt her face redden. It was easier to talk to him over the phone, but now that he was here, it felt weird. He was the infamous Professor Caines, that was as tough as nails, secretly evil judging by the frown he wears and hates his students with passion. "Are you sure sir?." Breanna asked, but he was already making his way to the siting area. "Yes, Ma'am." He teased. "She might take a while." Breanna tried to persuade him again. "Then I've got good company." He sat down, pulled off his cloak. She didn't really want to understand his words, he surely couldn't be referring to her as "good company" She had ex
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*Edited Breanna's POV She threw out lightly with a yawn. "There is no such thing." He said almost immediately. "Of course there is, I fell from my bed once and twisted my ankle, I have never walked by a soccer field or a football field and not get hit by a ball, one time I got hit on my nose, I thought it broke!." She muffled a laugh at the memory, he didn't smile but his green eyes lit up like she had noticed it to do when he found something slightly interesting or funny. "My nose turned black, and I had to wear a cast over it for weeks." Breanna found herself talking a lot with him than she normally would with any other person, or maybe it was because she was trying hard ignore that they were going to spend the entire night in a cold examining room. He didn't seem like a easy person at first to talk to, with stories of him being the devil's reincarnate circling around campus every now and then. He was the very first professor in the entire history of Charleston to have only
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*Edited Maxwell's POV He woke up to a jiggling at the door, followed by the soft padding of feet and a low murmur. His butt felt numb for some reason as he tried to study his environment. He tried to lift his hands and realized he wasn't alone. His eyes burned as he tried to pry them open, as day light seeped in through the window, he let out a grunt, shielding his eyes with his other free hand. Her large brown hair was sticking out every where as her face fell into his chest. He hated being touched, especially by people he didn't know, but he barely knew this girl and her touch didn’t repulse him. He looked around and remembered they spent the night at the clinic, he let out a breath, trying to stop his smile as he remembered how the night went. But his smile was short lived when he noticed his jacket on her and why she was in his arms in the first place. He reached in quickly to feel her face and her neck, but her temperature felt normal. She suddenly started to burn up in th
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*Edited Breanna's POV When he said 'Let me drop you' she was not at all prepared for it to become a regular thing, but since then, at the end of her shift, he was there, waiting outside the clinic in his black Escalade, even when he wasn't in the clinic, for his 'session' with Dr Robinson. The rides were nothing but awkward silences and forced conversation, but he didn't give her an option of declining, and even with her rude persona she was still very much scared of him. And she didn't mind cutting the cost of taking buses back home. She was wary because, she didn't know the reason for his sudden friendliness, so there would be no reason for him not to turn her worst enemy. And yet, she had slowly become used to him dropping her off from work, but she was not prepared to bump into him on a Friday night in spring break. Breanna finished with her classes pretty late and stayed hours at the library afterwards, stuffing loads and loads of books in her head and by the time she was th
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*Edited Breanna's POV Breanna decided to not let the tickets go to waste, since it was happening in Lakeside. After hours and hours of staring at the ticket as it laid on her work table. After two rounds of 'Should i? or should i not?', she finally got ready. Although she preferred soccer, it has less bumping and tackling, she was well versed with football. Her high school had a very successful football team that many prestigious universities came to scout every year, so she spent a lot of time watching high school football. Instead of a baseball hat, she wore a beanie, an oversized black tee shirt and a pair black of leggings. She didn't tell Professor Caines if she was coming or not, so she didn't expect to meet him, mid hotdog bite right outside the huge stadium. He was wearing a football jacket with the number eleven on it over greyish-black concert tee that read "No Rules" and a pair of black jeans, so that they were sort of matching. The shirt hung to his body almost lik
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*Edited This chapter contains use of strong language and reference through out. Maxwell's POV Driving home from the game, he couldn't help the smile on his face. He actually had fun for a game he didn't even want to go. He hadn't done anything 'fun' in ages. It was always work, sleep, work some more and sleep. It almost made him miss being a boxer, being on the road, the thrill, the excitement. But boxing was something he could never go back to, not professionally anyway, he had found other things to live for. And he enjoyed the quiet life more and helping people without cameras in his face. The next day, feeling very nostalgic, he decided to hit the club. The last time he tried to get laid, even though he was undercover, he ended up in an ambulance. He needed to release a whole month of pent up sexual tension. He decided to go to a friend's Pub in town, the guy had been begging him for months to come check the place out since it opened. But with the new lead they thought they
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*Edited Breanna's POV Weeks later Drives with Professor Caines were awkward at first, with tension filled car, and forced conversations, but slowly, things became more relaxed and they actually became less strangers ad more friendly. After her shift at work, he was waiting to take her home, after classes, he was also there to take her home or to work. She didn't miss not having her car, but it also made her worry that she was being too dependent on him, what happened on a day he couldn't pick her up?. The football game gave them something to bond over, and having grown up with boys and no friends, she watched a lot of ESPN and was very familiar with a lot of sports. Forced conversations, became discussions of different sports, from football, soccer, basketball, baseball, cricket and even boxing. And when they weren't talking about sports, there was music. Jack owned every old time band record there was, rock, pop, R&Bs, country and turns out, he loved old school music. He in
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*Edited Maxwell's POV After his sweet nightmare, Maxwell decided to talk to someone, that was not his therapist who was already probably planning a wedding for them. The first person that came to mind was Steve, he had known the man for a while and Steve never sugar coat things, so he called him out for a few drinks. Steve arrived to the bar a minute after he did, sitting at the very back, in what seemed to be a tacky VIP section. Since his drastic lifestyle change, Max didn't really like going out to clubs or bars, he liked to stay far, far away from alcohol as possible, so this was a rarity for him, but he needed to talk to Steve, away from work. Alcohol started when he was still a boxer, he would 'threat' himself as he often called it after every win and throw a party with those he used to consider friends and squander a lot of money, drinking themselves to stupor. Then some how, a little coke came, at those parties, before he threw himself back into training for another big
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*Edited Breanna's POV She was about to ask how he found the place, but she was silence by a drop of water on her cheek. Wiping off the water with one finger, she looked up into the sky as more drops followed. She turned to find him already looking at her and without a word, they scampered to their feet. The rain seemed to be faster, falling in hard drops, Breanna let out a yelp, covering her head with her arms as he grabbed the lantern. Thankful for leaving her shoes on, she ran ahead of him with a shriek, it wasn't hard to find her way back since there was only one path that led there, but she did stumble on some stones and pebbles. Thunder clapped in the skies, lighting her path, but it came at a cost as the rain poured, before they made it back to the car they were drenched. "Ah." She screamed at the loud thunder that followed, almost jumping from her skin. He started the car before he was even seated and made an illegal drift, speeding off. "Oh, my goodness!." She shifted
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*Edited Breanna's POV "I would have offered my special, Avocado toast," He began with a lopsided smile. "But I'm out of Avocados," He paused and bit his lip. "And bread." Breanna laughed. "So what do you have?." He walked to the kitchen as if unsure himself. She followed with a slight bounce in her steps. "Microwave pop-corn, eggs, ready-made cookie dough, oranges and Broccoli." He listed off. Breanna frowned again at the odd combination of food. "Pop-corn?." "Cookies and pop-corn." She mused watching him walk away. She began with the cookies, all they needed were a little bit of flour and toppings, they were already cut out. She had just figured the oven out when a phone suddenly rang. She immediately reached for it, thinking it was hers, when she remembered, hers was on the couch. They had the same ring tone. He appeared a second later and she froze. "I have the same ring tone." She managed to blurt, immediately the heavy pads of his feet reached her ears, but the next wo
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