All Chapters of The Brothers CEO: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
53 Chapters
Chapter 21
“Are you ready?” I asked, turning to Jake as we sat in the driveway of my parent’s house. This was the house that I grew up in. My parents had lived in this house for nearly 25 years. When they first got married, they couldn’t afford much. My dad got a big promotion when I was a young and this was their big purchase. They loved this house and I loved growing up here. The neighborhood was quiet but friendly, a far cry from many of the neighborhoods in the city. My parents lived far enough away from Chicago that they didn’t have to deal with all the crap of the city, but close enough that visiting was easy. Jake smiled at me, grabbing my hand. “Of course I’m ready.” “Well, I am glad one of us is ready.” I said as we exited the car. I could hear laughing coming from the backyard and decided to bypass going into the house and head straight around to the back. Opening the gate, the squeezing noise caught my mom’s attention and she turned quickly towards us. “Amali
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Chapter 22
The only thing that kept me sane over the past week was staying at Jake’s. My landlord had the front door rekeyed by Thursday, but Jake didn’t want me to leave until after work on Friday. I was more than happy to stay. I enjoyed the nightly stress relief and I had really needed it.  The team had been working until nearly nine most nights trying to finalize for our meeting with Dr. Ochoa.On Wednesday, the team had a good breakthrough. Stephanie and Brian had been working in the lab and noticed a reaction in one of our many trials.  After Martin, Katrina, and I compared that to the research we had been reviewing, we were able to actually narrow down our questions for Dr. Ochoa. This was a great step, as I had felt like we had stalled in our questions. If this was going to be viable pediatric cancer treatment research study, we needed to have a clear focus.Jake had been equally busy this past week. I knew that he was spending a lot of time trying t
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Chapter 23
JAKE’S POVDinner was essentially ruined after my aunt left. I stood up for Amalia, I confirmed to Amalia that I didn’t care what my aunt said, but I knew at the end of all of it that what my aunt said and did hurt Amalia. Hell, my aunt really didn’t need to say anything. Just the way that she looked at Amalia was enough to be hurtful.We spoke positively about the meeting with Dr. Ochoa and Amalia discussed her plan for her team this week as we ate, but the atmosphere had changed. I could sense her frustration and unease. She shouldn’t have to always be worried what my family thought about her. That just wasn’t fair to Amalia. Jonathan thought she was great. Anna did as well, despite having never met her. I shared with Anna about two weeks ago. I wanted her to know. I liked talking about Amalia but felt like I was so limited in who I could talk to, that telling my sister felt like a good next step. I planned on telling my other sister, Em
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Chapter 24
AMALIA’S POVThis week had been long, and I was glad that it was Friday afternoon. Katrina and I had been working the last two nights, running inventory in the lab, and getting things ordered to start some small tests next week. I had planned on staying late on my own, but Katrina had offered to stay with me. I appreciated Katrina staying with me. It gave me someone to talk to so that my mind wasn’t continually going back to Jake.The interaction with Jake’s aunt on Monday had really bothered me. I was probably more upset than I should have been, but the way that his aunt looked at me showed how much she was judging me. After she left, Jake and I didn’t really talk about the exchange. It seemed like Jake was eager to just move past it and forget about it. But unfortunately, I could not move on as easily. My brain just didn’t work that way and I was stuck in a bad cycle. I couldn’t help but think about how she was judging me, or the t
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Chapter 25
I stood outside of the Waldorf Astoria, admiring the architecture of the building. It wasn’t the first time I had seen the hotel, but it was the first time that I had stopped to appreciate the building. The fall flowers that lined the front entrance added to the beauty of the building. There was a slight chill in the air, the first signs that the weather was completely in to fall, and all traces of the warm weather was gone. The weather was chilly enough that an evening gown was less than warm enough to keep out the chill.“Ready to go in?” Katrina asked. With Jordan out of town visiting her sister, I was left with few options when Jake said he wasn’t going to get back to Chicago tonight. To say I was disappointed was an understatement. I was excited to share this with him and he wasn’t going to be here. But Katrina had been great and was more than eager to attend with me.I tried not to overthink things, but I was notorious for doing that
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Chapter 26
JAKE’S POVI hated coming to these galas. I hated even more that I had lied to Amalia about coming home tonight, knowing that I had to come to this event. It was only once a year and raised a lot of money for research, as well as brought in new investors. Dad insisted that Anna, Jonathan, and I go. He said that since he was retired, he would no longer be attending all company related events. That was understandable, but he was a big talker. He could coax money out of anyone, well except Mrs. Turner.Apparently, my dad had called Sophia a few days ago and asked her to come with me to the gala. She had agreed, although when she questioned me about having a girlfriend and not bringing her to the event when we spoke last night, I froze. I didn’t know what to say. My dad expected to me to bring arm candy. Amalia was beyond beautiful, but after the disastrous evening with my aunt, I didn’t want to subject Amalia to any other issues or judgement.  While
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Chapter 27
JAKE’S POVI awoke in the morning, a glass of whisky on the coffee table in front of me. I had fallen asleep on my couch, not even bothering to go upstairs and get changed. I just took off my jacket and bowtie and left the rest on. Jonathan had offered to stay the night with me but, honestly, I didn’t need him to see me like this. I yelled, screamed, and cried for at least an hour after I got home before the fourth glass of whisky caught up with me and I passed out.I had desperately wanted to go see Amalia last night, but everyone told me that I needed to give her time. I knew Amalia and I knew that the more time she had, the more she would think. The more that she thinks, the more she will get caught up in a bad thought pattern. I didn’t know if I could say anything that would help to pull her out of that, but I knew that being stuck in that pattern would bring her to a dark place.I sat up on the couch, the headache hitting me hard as the mo
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Chapter 28
Chapter 28“I know that this is not a usual request, especially after the recognition I received for the team’s recent medical research, but I would like to be considered for the lead medical researcher position in Dallas.” I stated, firmly, as I sat across the desk from Anna.  Anna had been in Chicago initially just for the Board of Directors Gala, but I had heard that she had extended her visit by a few days after she became aware of what her asshole brother had done.  “I don’t believe that I can continue working here in Chicago. I know the team in Dalla is new, and I am hoping that both teams can continue to work on the research we have started here, if at all possible.”Anna sighed and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. “Amalia, you are the best medical researcher we have. I don’t want to lose you,” She paused, and I shook my head in acknowledgement. “My team in Dallas is new. I actually
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Chapter 29
Chapter 29   I was surprised at how friendly everyone was at the new lab. Apparently, it was well known that I had a recent advancement in our cancer drug research and everyone who greeted me was excited about being a part of the research. It was a welcomed difference from my work in Chicago. Not that people weren’t friendly there, there is just something about southern charm that made the people in the Dallas office a bit more welcoming. I was even pleased to see the skill set of my team. During our first meetings this week, the team had some great ideas in terms of next steps and directions to take our research, and we had already had several virtual meetings with the Chicago team. The drug research was still in its infancy and would require a lot more experimentation and lab trials that could take years to complete. Yet, the team was focused, and I was happy with all of those on the team. One researcher on another team, Kevin, had been quite f
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Chapter 30
Chapter 30 “Geez, what happened to him?” The nurse said as we entered her office. I laughed. “He was an idiot and I punched him.” I led Jake to the seat in front of the nurse. It appeared as if his nose had stopped bleeding, but it still wouldn’t hurt to have the nurse look it over. Jake shrugged. “I deserved it.” The nurse tilted Jake’s head back and looked him over. She wiped the blood off of his face, cleaning it up. She felt his nose and Jake winced at the touch. “It appears broken. I would recommend a trip to the doctor to ensure it is set okay and doesn’t need surgical intervention. At the very least they can set it.” The nurse handed Jake a clean towel. “You know we aren’t done. I might be willing to talk things through with you and see what comes from it, but that doesn’t mean that I trust you again. What you did hurt me a lot.” A combination of relief, anger, fear, and sadness washed through me. “I know,” Jake shook his he
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