All Chapters of Haven: Rise of Luna: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
45 Chapters
“I’m yours, Alpha.” I told him breathlessly. His eyes locked on mine and as if that was the password to the lock on his control he finally gave in. He leaned down and captured my lips in a kiss once again only this time it was passionate, it was needy. His tongue swept my lips and I didn’t hesitate to deepen the kiss, our tongues battling for dominance. He walked over and pushed my back into the wall. His hands began to roam my body, one finding it’s way onto my ass and the other onto the my back, working circles with his fingers that made me arch my back and moan into his mouth. I felt him smile against me, realizing he loved the reaction he was getting. I worked my hands over him the best I could without ripping his pants off. I ran my finger up his back and the other into his hair, gripping just enough as another moan rolled off of me. This sent shivers up his spine and produced a groan from him that told me
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“Your father had the maps I needed so I didn’t need to draw anything up which saved a lot of time. I have been filling out where the major armies are and the bases as well as where I think the best common ground meeting places would be.” I nodded, “You don’t think that meeting at the bases would be the most efficient way to do it?” “Efficient, yes. Ideal, no. There are too many weapons, too many scenarios that could play out if any of them decide to rebel and reject you guys as leaders, which there will be at least a few. Technically we are creating a trap, using deception to get them together and then tell them their leader is gone. It won’t go over without some hiccups. And our best bet is to be on a neutral territory when that happens.” I could see more and more why Codyn was a general despite his young age. He thought things through better than nearly anyone else
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The Royal Pack
{ Oryn } I held the items Vynetta had laid on the table to be brought to the cove and waited for her to come and take them one by one. She had a vision for this ceremony that Remus, my wolf, and I were having a difficult time seeing so we stood back as any kind of support she needed. By the time she was done and stepped away I saw how incredible the cove looked. She had candles leading along the water up to a homemade platform that she had formed from loose trees and branches from the fight. She then laced flowers and vines between, over and amongst the platform to create a gorgeous stage. Our pack was all of 4 people, a stage may have been too much but I heard Remus remind me that we were starting future traditions, and apparently this was an important part of the ceremony tradition. Vynetta and I had spoken very briefly about how this would go, really only comparing notes on what our wolves wanted/saw for it. Both Remu
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{ Vynetta } I closed my eyes, trying to soak up the little bit of sun that was peaking through the winter clouds that coated the sky. The sounds around me were overwhelming at times still, having spent so much of my life in peace and quiet at Haven, now being around more people and machines my head still struggled to adjust at moments. I felt a hand on the small of my back and by the way my skin danced underneath it even through my dress I knew who’s it was. I turned and opened my eyes taking in his gorgeous ocean blue orbs. “Where did you go?” he asked, his sexy deep voice pulling me back to reality. “Just trying to shut out the noise for a moment,” I answered him honestly. He hummed in response to this and pulled me in closer to him, kissing my temple gently. We had been sitting here at this tiny airport for about 20 minutes no
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{ Oryn }   “Do you know what Gabryl’s job is?”   I turn my head to watch my beautiful mate. I can’t help the look of slight shock that plasters my face as I wonder why this was the first question she chose to ask.   Johnathyn’s eyes narrowed at her, but not in a rude way. He was gauging her question and her.   “I do,” He answered finally. “Our parents told me when he came of age and became the Guardian.”   “So you are aware of who he guards then?” She continued.   His head tilted slightly and I think he might be understanding where she is going with this.   “He guards supernatural bloodline descendants.” He says slowly.   I watched as my mate, diplomatic as always, sat calmly with her gorgeous legs crossed and her hands wrapped around her knees. She was casually leaning back in her chair and I was lost in the sight of
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Round One
{ Vynetta }   Choosing where we would go first is the question that forced us to leave a day later than I had hoped we would. We spent hours agonizing over what the order should be of visits before landing on a final schedule and sending out the communications. The first stop on this world re-shaping tour, was Europe. One of the biggest congregations of werewolves resides in Europe and it actually happens to be relatively condensed. It is also a faction that Kaydan neglected quite a bit due to his personal hatred of Italy.   We arrive at the private airstrip and I immediately scan the area for auras, animals, anything. I needed a layout in my head as we disembark into this new country.   The message that Codyn sent to the local generals was simple and non optional, we knew they would obey but we also knew what we were up against. Preventing a war was the bare minimum of our jobs for the next week, but it also an imperati
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Fallen and Risen
{ Oryn }   I stand with Vynetta beside me as wolves funnel in and slowly fill up this icy cove-like area that we chose as the spot for this first meeting. We are positioned among the wolves, Vynetta looking like a simple family member of myself to the incoming wolves, a few of whom I notice also bring with them members of the family. Mostly men, but I spy a couple other women in the group as it grows larger.   Codyn stands in front of everyone with a scowl etched on his face, his stance wide and his arms crossed as he radiates power. He is more powerful since he became Beta of our Pack, but we were able to work with him on suppressing this in his aura for these meetings. From where we and the wolves are standing, he looks like a pissed off and intimidating general for Kaydan’s army which is exactly what we were aiming for.   There is a few silent minutes that go by when no more wolves are entering the area. I see Codyn n
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Another Original
{ Vynetta } The moment that my aura reached the furthest corner of the tundra and the wolves all boomed out respectfully I felt an insurmountable pride radiate from Juno within. Everything had been nothing short of chaos recently and while I knew who I was, and what was coming, this was the first time I ever felt like what I was, a queen. Looking over thousands of wolves who awaited the right words, the right orders was intimidating, but having my mate beside me lowered my anxiety greatly. His aura washed over me and his scent wrapped itself around me once again as my knees went weak, Goddess what that scent alone does to me. I watched him carefully as he nodded gratefully to the wolves to stand and then I gave him my full attention as I waited for him to address them as well. “My name is Oryn. I am a descendant of Tellus, and I am proud to stand before you today as the Alpha. I was like most of you. I was born dif
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I immediately held out my hand and called out, “Scarlyt will you please come here.” She gently made her way through the crowd and after her first few steps they seemed to realize she was the one I was calling to and made a path for her. She crossed the snow giving a soft smile to her mate who sighed a breath of relief. I made a mental note to apologize to him for not calling her back to us sooner. She stood next to me and took my hand in hers. I felt the power of our pack work through us as she was my Mona. I turned my head back to the wolves in front of me and most had their eyes narrowed At Scarlyt trying to figure out why they sensed she was different. Release your aura, all of it. I told her in Mindlink. She did as she was told. Her aura held power, but it was not overwhelming in the least. What her aura held more than anything, was proof. And it washed over the wolves in one sweep an
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“I think your mate was a tad distracted and didn’t hear quite everything,” One of the elder wolves says.   Well shit, I Wasn’t only busted by my mate this time either. I clear my throat as a small blush creeps up my neck but I shake it off. If there is anything I will always own up to its the way my mate affects me.   “You would be right, I am easily enthralled by her beauty and her voice,” I admit to the elder wolf who gives me a sly smile.   “I was telling them about how we are mostly done here….” Vynetta tells me softly, giving me the cue to pick up after that. That’s all I needed.   “Yes, thank you all for your patience and your kindness again.” One of the wolves covers a laugh with a cough and now I’m positive that Vynetta already said that same thing so I continue while shaking it off, “We look forward to seeing all of you next week in your own territories with more good news. As of right now,
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