All Chapters of Will Bear the Moon: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
237 Chapters
Chapter 11 Arrived in Dawny
*Ana* When the carriage enters the town, we start to slow. The wheels clack and wobble as they cross the cobble roads. Our journey is finally coming to an end. The Dawny castle should be just ahead. My heart jumps up my throat, and I swing to the window to peer out. “About time,” Maddie relaxes. "It'll be great to get out of the carriage for a while." "Mmn," I can barely answer. I’m so distracted by the window and what I see- the streets and buildings are so different from Nochten. Everyone uses brick and wood here. Although it’s not that late in the day, I find the sun ready to set. The days are short here. Dawny’s Autumn is much different than Nochten’s. I catch sight of a colored leaf. It drops and catches into the air. I watch it fly over. I pull my hands under my pits and shiver. "I don't remember it being this cold." "Is it always like this?" Maddie moves a blanket over me. I pull it up over my chest. I am instantly grateful that she brought them. "You're just use
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Chapter 12 Choices
*Ana* We are escorted to a set of guest rooms that are freshly cleaned with flowers in every vase. The rooms smell sweet and airy. And it feels bright with the yellow wallpaper and soft cream-colored furniture. It was more than adequate for anyone staying in the castle. But I feel odd about having to use it. Why can't I use my old bedroom? I remember having one of my own. Though I can’t say exactly what that looked like. But I did. So why not just let me use that? Unless someone else uses it now. It strikes me that they might not be free anymore. It might be his now. I smile when I think of him. If that's the case... I don’t mind the room change. It’s insignificant to me. "What you smiling about?"Maddie is in the middle of unpacking. She opens trunks to pull out packed clothes. "I was thinking that this isn't my room." "Oh? You remember that?" Maddie pauses to roll a pair of socks. "I'm surprised you can. You were so young when you left." I lessen my smile a little at tha
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Chapter 13 Tea Party
*Ana* Maddie was right. I feel dismal as the temperature drops the closer the maid guides us outside. She leads me down the patio steps toward the gardens. All the while, I try not to shiver obviously but it’s becoming more frequent. The Autumn chill is no joke. I have to pull the shawls closer. But they are not effective and the cold stabs through. Worse, it’s just around my shoulder. My feet and legs are getting the worse end of the deal. The chilly air seems to lick at them. I should have just put on that stupid dress. I am suffering silently. Ahead of the maid, I can make out a stoned seating area. A table has been set with china and snacks on tiers. The table has two chairs. One is empty as Stepmother sits in the other. Upon seeing her, I dart my eyes about. I’m hoping to find another smaller figure. Someone that should be either shorter or around my height. But, as we draw over, my expectations die. There is no one else around. It is going to be just the two of us. Thoug
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Chapter 14 I'm Not Your Mom
*Ana* “Queen is how I’d prefer you call me if you don’t mind. Since we are not related, after all.” Queen Belinda smiles to thin out her lips. Her blunt white teeth look sharp even though she is human. She doesn’t have fangs but I feel like if she did- she would be lashing out at them. But why? I look at her so confused. My head starts to shake before I even know it is. Why are you looking at me like this? “But, we're family-“ “Empress Anastasia,” She again addresses by title. “I’ve been in society long enough to recognize those of talent. You, my dear, I can validate. You may do great things one day.” Queen Belinda motions for Julia. The maid pours more tea into my still-full cup. I see it begin to overflow and stain the tablecloth. It grows up to the edge of the table and threatens to spill over. I have to quickly switch away less it drip and burns me. “What are you-“ I look to Julia, but Queen Belinda demands my attention. “You have no mother and will never know how it is
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Chapter 15 Revoke
*Ana* After my Stepmother leaves, I don’t move from the table. My mind is blank as I feel the events linger. I’m trying to make sense of things, but it doesn’t stay still enough. It keeps rolling around in my head. I can still feel her kick under the table- her phantom nails grating over my skin. But the final blow was to hear that I won’t see brother or father.- that he doesn’t want to see me. She could say all of this without losing her smile. “It can’t be…” My voice comes too late. No one is here to hear me. I have no one to listen. I’m not sure it could change anything, though. Even if I had spoken up then, what could I say? What could I prove? Did I have anything to counter her with? That I was safe? That Father wanted me? But then why wasn’t he here? Was it really true that he had to leave? Or was that an excuse? What proof do I have? Did I have proof that it wasn’t true? Nothing. This is the quickest answer that comes to mind. I have nothing. What I have is a single le
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Chapter 16 The Hidden Passage
*Side note to readers: song recommendation while you read. Try Once Upon A December by Emilie Pandolfi* I groan while stirring from sleep. My eyes burn as I flutter myself awake. But they give me the chance to adjust to the darkness. Each blink helps clear my sight as I see better at night. And it is night. Some time deep into it. I can tell by how dark it looks outside from the windows. “Maddie?” I am up. My eyes scan the room, for her but see nothing. However, I find that the trunks are all closed and stacked up. Maddie must have finished packing and gone off to bed. The sight brings a small smile of relief. We can leave as soon as it’s morning now. I feel myself grow a little warm at the thought. Home never sounded so wonderful as it did right now. Home. I never thought I would look at it like that before. Until now, I had thought this was- At least I know people will be waiting for me. They have to. But the thought gives me no solace. I feel myself grow cold again. I mo
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Chapter 17 Hello
I must be in the right direction. The song is getting louder. Thank god, I’m relieved that I’m going the right way. It's been a couple of minutes of following down the strange hall. And it would be a waste if I wasn’t. I’ve been trying to remember this when I turn- so I can find my way back. I don't want to be lost. But it’s easy to get distracted by what I found here. My eyes can’t seem to stop themselves from roaming. But seeing it has proven one thing for sure, this hall is abandoned. It has to be. It’s full of discarded pieces with little to no organization. As if this were the land of castaways- I see furniture covered up in big white sheets and portraits piled on each other. Unidentifiable pieces of wood and building supplies are bundled haphazardly together- as if someone intended to come back for them. But that must have been who knows how long ago. Everything has a thick coat of dust. I move my hand to trace a line over an exposed armrest. It’s clean against the thick c
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Chapter 18 Hello Prt. 2
*Ana* "What is this place?" I feel a little silly to even ask. Because I know what it is. Sorta. It’s a room. But it’s not like I’ve ever seen it. The colors are so vivid- I must blink to ensure my eyes aren’t playing with me. I want to say they could be because I’ve been in the dark for so long that it’s not adjusting to the light just yet. But they’re fine. My eyes are not seeing things. I am standing in a room like that which I’ve never seen. And I’m blown away right there. If I had to break it down, the room should start with the walls. They have painted shades of blue in yellow of the likes I have never seen. It’s almost garish in the shade- seldom used in nature. It’s a color I never expect to find in my palace. But that is just the walls. What is inside the room is as follows- a lush purple carpet that sinks in with every step. It borders most of the room save for the sides where the furniture is. I see toys everywhere- they litter the ground. I see trains, building blocks
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Chapter 19 Sensation
“Hello, little brother,” I repeat. But I still don't believe it. I never thought I would get to say those words. Let alone see the very face that is my brother. This must be a dream. Or not- as I hear another snore from him. It breaks the fantasy- only proving that this has to be real. I don’t think anyone ever dreams about someone else snoring. But still, I can’t help but stare on. “He’s adorable.” I find myself needing to gush over him. His face looks so sweet, like a little doll- a miniature of my father in almost all the ways, save for the beard. But outside of that, I am happy. It's good he takes after Father. Better than the alternative-if he happened to take after my stepmother more- I don’t think I could do that. I already know. It would make this very difficult. Just thinking of her makes me shiver. What a scary woman. Was she always like this? I can't remember. But there is something I was right about. If this was his room, which it had to be-This child is well tak
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Chapter 20 Best to Retreat
*Ana* With all the trunks packed and the horses ready, my entourage and I are prepared to leave by dawn without delay. There is only one thing left to do. I must give my farewells. But I can’t lie and say I find this the most challenging part. I understand it is an official duty- a right due and expected from one ruler to another. But I can’t help but feel myself struggle to mouth the words. Finally, I open my mouth only to feel myself shiver instead. Whether that is from the icy air or from the one I stood before, I can only say today has been especially cruel. The wind doesn’t seem to end. Each blow feels like a finger reaching through my skirts to claw at my legs. I wince as I stand, but my mouth still lacks the words. I can only swallow as I try to build my resolve again. Once my official duty is done, I can go. I have to remind myself. I have to- from one ruler to another. It is the proper way. I must do this. I am Empress. I know. I know it well. So I force in another br
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