All Chapters of The Vicious and Vengeful: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
76 Chapters
Chapter Twenty One
*Kenchiki*   Silence filled the entire area, except for the sound of blood flowing from the body on the ground like a river.   Kenchiki stared at his brother, who was standing across from him, with a bloody and mutated body in between them.   When kenchiki opened the door, this was not something he was expecting.   When he made it to his brother's place, he was worried about how he will be received, maybe even ignored until he left, but his heart stopped when he saw the door which had spots of blood on the white wood.   He tried to open the door with his shaking hand, but he noticed the door was locked, terrified of what could have happened, he finally located the key that he had made as soon as he found out where his brother was moving, feeling glad that he did now, he ripped the door open only to be met with a bloody scene.    Quickly, he closed the do
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Chapter Twenty Two
There were two figures within the darkness with only traces of light. One was standing over what seems to be a coffin and was cloaked by the surrounding darkness, while the other was a stream of energy that flowed together to form a human shape, gender unknown.   "Master, the master host is....."   "I'm aware."   "Master, the speed the master hosts recovering of the fragments is going too fast. I'm afraid it would bring harm to him. Maybe it's better to take it slow."   "We don't have time for that. You think I enjoy seeing him like that, unaware of what is going on around him, and the possibility that I may bring him to harm."   "But unfortunately I have to do the hard way, if not he may not exist anymore, I can't bear to lose him, the last time I barely made it through, but if you think I risk losing him again, your wrong."   "But …"  
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Chapter Twenty Three
Yoshiki walked down the hallway and stood at the end, right before he entered the kitchen. The entrance living room was clean, there was no evidence of what took place yesterday. He looked around for a moment and can't help but feel that the children of heaven had too much favor, but on the bright side, he is going to take full advantage of Kenichi's favor, to get his missions done. As for the bear assassin, he chooses that life, where his death can come at an unknown time and most likely an unknown Aponente. As the saying goes, you reap what you sow.   Shaking his thoughts away, he headed to the kitchen, opening the fridge he looked at the ingredients he had and made Chongqing Noodles for breakfast, it was easy and light on the stomach but most importantly it was filling, but most importantly of all, he only had the ingredients to make that dish, the man he needed to go shopping.   The main reason being that if he goes shopping by himself,
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Chapter Twenty Four
*Kenchiki* When he originally came to visit his twin, he was expecting a lot from the visit, to be yelled at, ignored, or even for his brother to be disgusted with him, but never in his wildest imagination did he expect to find that his brother has brutally mutated a man in cold blood, or that when he covered up for him, he forgot he did not know their family business; he was screwed, especially since he kept it a secret from him all this year. Why hasn't the ground swallowed him up yet?   Shifting on his sit, he put down the spoon; he was using to eat his brothers cooking; he was a bit disappointed that there wasn't more, be never knew his brother cooked, or that it would be so good, he was stupid not to tell his brother the truth the day their parents died, maybe then life wouldn't have been so lonely and hard.    Rolling his shoulders, he felt more relaxed than he ever felt in the last few years. Being the boss of the Renegad
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Chapter Twenty Five
Yoshiki are you really alright? I can call the doctor for you if you want." He lifted his head to look at his worried twin, before dropping his hands from his temples. He dropped his head onto the island and rested his head against the cool marble.   ["Host?"]   "Daisuke, where have you been?"   [" I went to talk to master. I hope nothing has happened since I was gone."] "No, nothing major. Can you do a medical scan of my body?"   ["Yes, host"]   "Please, start the scan."   [Starting full body scan ...1 ...2.....3...5 ...10...30....40 ...50...60.....70...100 ...scan complete. Results: Race: human Gender: male, Health level: 100% "Host, you're perfectly healthy. Are you feeling uncomfortable in any way?"] "Yes, uncomfortable. I get these quick and out-of-the-blue emotions, and then they immediatel
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Chapter Twenty Six
Feeling the hands on his body and the warm breath on his neck, he felt goosebumps forming on his body.  He was reminded of Damon, the way he felt beside him; heavy, solid, grounding him in the present. The silky smoothness of his skin under his touch, how he smelled of smoke, sweetness, and the oddest one, coldness. Even now, his laughter rang like bells in his mind every time he let his guard down. All of it haunts Yoshiki, reminding him he's had a taste of sweet poison, tasted their sweetness of it. Yoshiki had given into its sweetness and now he can never escape, but he never wanted to escape. He was too deep, he never wanted to surface from it.   He pushed down the temptation and reached the hand that had almost pulled his belt from his pants, while trying to calm down his heart, it couldn't happen, not yet, he needs to eliminate any chances of the male protagonist getting together with his brother; he needs to be more patient.  
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Chapter Twenty Seven
Yoshiki didn't know how long he had been asleep when he opened his eyes. He sat upon the sofa; he looked out at the open balcony door and beyond to sun shining in the sky. Yoshiki knew without being outside that he could tell it was like an oven out there.   He blinked his eyes to push down the urge to go back to sleep. Swinging his legs off the sofa, Yoshiki stood up and removed his t-shirt. He was not used to sleeping wearing a top; it made him feel uncomfortable. Throwing the t-shirt onto the sofa, he walked to the door leading to the kitchen; he was starving, and he wanted to make some food for himself, but knowing that his brother was most likely coming back, he made more than enough for two people, speaking of which he wondered where he ran off to.   Opening the fridge, he was met with space. There was nothing to cook with. It was completely clean; he had forgotten with all that happened he to go shopping, closing the door of the fridg
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Chapter Twenty Eight
Yoshiki was really regretting giving in to his hunger. If he hadn't, he wouldn't be in this situation, to begin with, looking at the dead-end of the alleyway he ran into, he turned to his pursuers, who were kindly holding up guns at various parts of his body, yup he really shouldn't have given in to temptation.   Let's go back to half an hour ago. It all started when he got food from the place where the original was killed. Not the best choice, as he can see now.   ****   Yoshiki lifted the cup towards his mouth. As it lifted there, there was a sudden silence before there was a sudden loud whip-like Bang! a sound of porcelain smashing into pieces.     He slowly looked down at the cup that he just held that was lying on the floor, on top of the ice tea that he was about to drink and the smaller pieces of the cup, he stupidity continued to look at the broken cup, dumbfounded on how it got
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Chapter Twenty Nine
Yoshiki looked at three guns being pointed at him. He didn't know whether to laugh or to cry.   The universe seems to want him dead. He put so much effort into escaping alive but for what, to die in some dark alleyway just because he couldn't hold his hunger. He looked up at the sky, wondering if there was someone up there laughing at him.   ["Host?"]   "Daisuke, you're back, no time to talk, I'm thinking."   ["You can spin for a weapon"]   "I know that, but with my luck, it's a sure guarantee I will die here, besides I have a massively destructive weapon in my pocket."   ["What weapon?"]   "Shhh, no time to talk, remain quiet until I'm done."   ["Yes host"]   Yoshiki put his left hand inside his jacket pocket while giving what he hoped was his most charming smile, "Can I interest you gentlemen in
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Chapter Thirty
Yoshiki was happily shopping at the grocery shop, which was actually named the grocery shop. It seemed like the owner was too lazy to come with an actual name for it.   Anyway, he was happily shopping and trying to decide between white or yellow cheese; he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. He knew what that meant; it meant that a woman looking for a husband was somewhere near him, and he just becomes the main target, he felt like crying, today really was not his day, quickly looking for a place to hide he quickly found the perfect place, the cooler section.   He quickly fast-walked towards the milk section and stood right behind his hiding place, behind a woman who was trying to reach for milk on the top shelve, his plan was simply to stand near a woman, get friendly with her by telling her he was new to the area and ask where certain products are kept and then when the other woman sees him with the other women it would look l
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