All Chapters of Heiress of Rome: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
55 Chapters
Broken Hearts
Trix woke up less than a minute later. A crowd had gathered around her and she found herself in Felix's arms. She had never fainted in her entire life. Yes she had been knocked unconscious when she was kidnapped but this was different."Princess, are you alright?" A man called out."Yes. I simply lack rest. I will be fine." Trix tried to get up but Felix stopped her. She could see the concern in his eyes."Maybe I should take you home Trix." Felix said with a frown on his face."I'll be fine. Please take me to Lord Hector so I might congratulate him and his future wife.""I am here Trix. Please don't tire yourself." She looked to her right and there was Hector holding bottles of cure
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Marrying for Love
Trix woke early the next day feeling cheerful and rested. The events that had transpired the night before had begun like nightmare that ended as a sweet dream. She layed in bed remembering in her mind the dances she shared with Lord Felix, their late night stroll, and even how he had opened up to her that night. She was happy he was there. She would have felt alone and had would have done something irrational. Trix knew that she would have to face the reality of last night's events, but she lay on her bed trying to delay it. Soon Fausta and Cassia came into her chambers to wake her. The two maids were whispering and giggling as they entered her chambers. She could hear the mention of Felix's name and hers."I am up. There is no need to wake me." Trix called out from her bed."We
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Not a Bad Guy
"People of Rome. It is on this day that we shall be rejoicing." A lone man in the square called out as the crowd gathered. "It is on this day that the gods have smiled upon us. The Princess Vitatrix, daughter offered Emperor Patricus and Empress Eliana, has been betrothed to Lord Felix, son of Senator Felix. To commemorate this occasion the emperor has commissioned that a week of celebration be held. Feasts and Fights in honor of his daughters engagement." The crowd cheered. Among them were three women, they had their faces covered and they wore simple clothing. Little did the people of Rome realize that this was their Princess Vitatrix and her Lady's maids Cassia and Fausta. The girls had gone to the market place as Trix wanted to see the people's reaction to her engagement. In reality the engagement had happened a week ago but
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Awkward Conversations
The night was a blur to Trix. She knew that music was played, that food was served, and gifts given. The only part of the night that stuck to her was the one dance she shared with Hector and the moment he had handed her over to Felix. This is not what she wanted, to be around someone you love but not be able to love him. It hurt her. As her engagement to Felix was to be celebrated in the following days she knew she had to put on a mask of false joy. She knew that any woman would be happy to be engaged to Felix. He was kind, intelligent, rich, he was perfect. But despite his perfection Trix could not find it in herself to love him. Was this the price she had to pay for being with her family? Or was it just some cruel twist of faith that had led her to be in this situation at that particular moment?"Trix are you listening to me?" S
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Society of the Eagle
"So a secret cult of Roman senators who are calling themselves the Society of the Eagle were behind your abduction and poisoning. To add to that you believe that Lord Felix is one of them. Do you have any idea how absurd that sounds Trix?" Hector questioned her. They had agreed to meet in her chambers after the matches at the arena."Don't look at me as if I'm crazy Hector. I actually heard them." Trix said."Do you have any idea who they are?" Hector sighed."That's why we are going to my father's library to look them up. Also I've asked some of the guards go look into it." Trix said gleefully."Are you trying to build your own spy network?" Hector teased."Well I will eventually ne
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The Truth
The hall was filled with men and women of the nobility. Many stared as Trix entered the room, the ladies gossiped on why instead of her betrothed she had come with the heir of House Julian. Others were simply unaware of who Hector wad and assumed him to be Lord Felix the younger. Trix scanned the room in search of Felix, he was not there."I cannot see him." She whispered to Hector."I'm sure there is a reason for his absence. An urgent matter perhaps?" Hector patted her hand as they made their way to the head of the hall where a table wad prepared for the imperial family. They stood as the emperor greeted the guests and only sat when he sat.At this Hector moved to make his way to a seat near his grandfather and fathet when the emperor called him. "Surely you will sit with us Hector.
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She had to marry Felix. She had to do it for her people, but how can she marry him when the man she truly loved stood right in front of her?"Trix why did you agree to marry him if you did not want to?" Hector asked."Because if I do not my father will be forced to find another heir. It will most probably be that little boy, oh I can't even remember his name." She continued to sob."Trix I'm sure there are many other men out there who you might like more than Lord Felix. Why marry him?" Hector asked.Trix bit her lip. Should she tell him? She loved only one man. She wanted to marry only one man."Hector, I love someone else." She managed to say.
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Hector's Fate
Hector woke in his bed. A figure sat beside him. A woman? His vision was blurred and he could not move. What had happened last night? He remembers a man saying something to him then suddenly losing consciousness. How was he on his bed? Had a servant found him?Hector lost consciousness once more.He could feel the light as it streamed through a window on the roof. Then a knock came from the opposite end of the room. He tried to move, but his body failed to cooperate. The knock grew louder and more urgent. Had he be given some poison?"Hector open the door this instant!" Came Trix's voice from the other side. Hector wanted to shout for help. His lips did not move. He was frozen. He eyes were shut. Darkness engulfed him once more."Hector it's the emperor! Are you in the
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Trix sat by Hector's side. She watched him go from bad to worse. He had a raging fever and the poison had not yet been found. The doctors told her that he might not make the night."Hector I'm here, I love you. Don't leave me. I only agreed to marry Felix because you were betrothed to Marcella." Trix confessed. She did not know if Hector could hear her. All she knew was that she needed him to get better she needed him. A life without Hector would not be a life worth living."My Lady, the doctors are here to see him." Fausta said with downcast eyes. In the past days the staff at the palace learned to be wary of their princess. She had more than once snapped at them and they understood her frustration. They had the best medical resources possible and yet a cure had not yet been found. The love of her life was dying and she could not do an
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Waking Up
Hector could suddenly feel himself coming back. He could see the light, he could feel the heat of the room. The late thing he remembered was Trix pressing her lips onto his and he dove back into oblivion. He thought that would be the last. He thought it was the end. Then suddenly all of his senses began to awaken. He could hear the clamor of the doctors around him as they rushed in and out of his chambers. He could feel the heat, either of the candle or sunlight entering his room. He could smell the disgusting odor of the medicines they must have given him. But there was once sound he craved to hear, one scent he wanted to smell, one touch he wanted to feel. He wanted to know Trix was there. That she had stayed, that she had not given up on him as he lay dying. And if she had he swore he would win her back.Slowly Gravity managed to open his eyes, and for the first time in what seemed to
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