All Chapters of New Year Surprises: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
65 Chapters
Perhaps it was because the path was already familiar, having already traveled it once, making it seem shorter. Perhaps it was because we were unconsciously moving faster, our desire to finally get home stimulated us. Or maybe it was because our hearts and minds were now lighter, the problems of before no longer weighed down or overwhelmed us, but for whatever reason, Travis, myself, and the rest of our fellow travelers are closer From home.We both sat down once more under what has now become "our tree" and talked quietly about our plans for the future."Are you sure?""I'm positive""Jane, if you're worried about costs, you really shouldn't be. I only hide in the account when we all go out to eat because I think it's funny. The truth is, I have more than enough money saved from all the classified missions and other high-ranking missions that I have had over the years""And I have more than enough money saved from my missions and from working as an
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There is something about being back home, especially after a very long time away. It's a relief to be back where you know where everything is, how everything works, and overall it's just familiar and more convenient.As much as I enjoyed the frankness and quirkiness of that Japanese town with its cloudless blue skies towering above my head and the flat, desert land that stretches infinitely around me (except on the busy and crowded streets). , of course). I'd rather be back in my town with its thick canopies of sprinkled leaves and branches and streaks of dappled light. It makes me feel protected, safe, healthy, and safe at home. Home. The very thought of saying it makes me feel a warm, heartbreaking feeling around my heart that hurts a little, but it's nice to feel that kind of yearning pain now and then ... It reminds you to be grateful for what you have and sometimes we give. for granted."You seem
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I smile in triumph."That?" Mrs. Shiji creeps in with a crooked smile on her face."If the worst thing Travis can do is bother me once in a while, I think we'll be fine in the long run." I smile back.Then, out of the corner of my eye, I see something rise rapidly a few inches from her head and another is heading straight for her."NO!" Scream.I quickly push Mrs. Shiji aside, pull a knife out of my sheath, and deflect the projectiles with the plane of my weapon."We are being attacked!" I yell at the others, but when I turn to look at them, they are already deflecting projectiles with their swords."Dispersion!" Travis instructs the unarmed members of our convoy.In an instant, the servants and servants are launched in different directions through the dense forests. On the way to Japan and on the way back, Travis had instructed each member of our convoy on what to do in case we were attacked."We are a large group," he
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"I'll get you a bed. It can't be comfortable for him to sleep like this""Was he here all night again?" "All-day, all night ... He never leaves! He hasn't set foot outside that door since it was brought in! He says that he wants to be here when she wakes up""Really?""Yeah, he won't even go down to the cafeteria to eat. We started to care so much about him that the other nurses and I started bringing him food, but even then he barely touches it""I see. He ... he cares about her, doesn't he?"Well, let me put it this way, sir: Travis baker is not the type of man who likes to show how he feels, but with her, with her daughter ... I know he may not be the most conventional of all relationships, but it's certainly not the worst either, especially when you see them together ... like this."Yes, I see what you mean ... Thank you ...""Fuji""Fuji. You have been helpful in more ways than one""You're welcome sir
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"You can come home and stay with me and your mother. Anyway, we've missed you" Dad says cheerfully, gently rubbing the blanket with his covered leg.I just smile back and say nothing because as much as I love my parents, going home is the last thing I want to do. Leaving home was my sign of independence and coming home would be like taking a step back. Not only that, but I also know that Mom and Dad will worry about me all the time and unlike Madame Shiji, they still haven't learned the difference between "suffocate" and "let go" yet."Rose also offered to take you back as her roommate or she can move in with you and act as a full-time doctor in your apartment," Blanca says.Although a little better, again it is not one of the best offers I have heard so far. I love Rose and she is my best friend, but she can also make me nervous. That's why we barely spent a year as roommates before she decided to find a place for me.I feel a hand gently squeeze mine an
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"What's it for?""To congratulate you on finally getting out of here""Aww ... That's very sweet of you. Thanks!" I smile at Travis, extending my hands to accept the large bouquet of white daffodils from him, and instinctively bring one of the floral trumpets up to my nose to inhale the sweet scent of him."You're welcome, I know they are your favorites, and considering what they represent, I thought they would be perfect""You're right, they are my favorites and they adapt to the occasion by seeing how they represent rebirth, but how did you know all that? I don't remember saying any of those things to you""You see, I was standing in a field of flowers, trying to figure out exactly which ones to get you when a girl saw the blank stare on me and decided to pass on some much-appreciated pieces of information about me."I pause to smell my precious flowers to look at it"You've been talking to Rose, right?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at
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"Mom, Dad, thank you for trying to protect me, but this relationship I have with Travis is not something you can compare to other relationships. We have known each other for ten years. That is more than enough for a relationship to develop and grow between two people. If anything, he and I have taken a long time to get to this point, so even though things seem to be happening fast between us, it isn't, we should have been together a long time ago by now"My parents had been quiet as if trying to take in everything I had said. Then my father finally spoke."You're talking about more than just moving in with him, right?" - He asked as if he had learned the lesson "Look under the bottom" from Travis himself."Yes I am. Sorry, I've wanted to say it for a while, but the moment never felt right. You see, we're not just dating, we're… engaged" I said quietly."What about you?!" my mom screamed"Engag
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When Travis taps his foot on the fully open bedroom door, I'm surprised to see that unlike the rest of his apartment, his bedroom has personal touches here and there.The first thing that strikes me is the full-size bed that is pushed against the far left of the room, not just because it's the largest piece of furniture in the room, but because of the distinctive olive green shuriken quilt that covers it. Interesting, as it's not something you would normally find in the home décor section of a store, but because he's a well-known military and elite, it's fitting.Travis leans back and gently sits me on the bed with my legs dangling off the side. Then he looks at me like he expects me to go to bed right away and fall asleep, but my curiosity prevents me from doing so. From the position I'm in, I let my eyes roam the room, which has been a mystery to me until now.On the long wooden windowsill that also doubles as a bookcase and at the head of the bed, ther
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In Japan, Valentine's Day is celebrated differently than Western countries do. Rather than being romantically involved couples exchanging gifts to express their feelings for each other, it's more about women giving chocolates to the men in their lives, whether or not they think of those men in a romantic sense.I enjoy the tradition that is also practiced here in the village. It allows me to show all the men in my life that I appreciate them and that they all have special meaning to me. And because of its tradition and the way the chocolates are distributed equally, I am not ashamed to go up to one of the guys and give him a gift that on any other day could lead to unwanted gossip.The only person I have dared to give more expensive and higher quality honmei-choco, or "possible winning chocolate" every Valentine's Day, at least until the year he defected was Albert. Yet even though he, like all the other men I had given chocolate to on Valentine's Day, had reciprocated
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"I guess it's just a lesson I never learned on my own," he admits, lying on his side, his head resting on his hand."What about that? I have to be the teacher this time" I say funny."You did it," she says, smiling at me."But I have the feeling that my work is not finished yet""No?""No. I have more work ahead of me""What?""Because you, Captain, have a lot to learn about happiness and I have every intention of teaching you everything I can about it through practical experience with me, of course." I smile maliciously at him.Travis laughs."God… I love you," he says."I know you do ... But lesson number one: don't tell me, show me"And with that, he puts his game face on and gets to work.The first place he decides to drizzle the chocolate is my lips. He lets two small drops fall on them, he smooths the chocolate over my lips with his thumb like lip gloss, first on my upper lip, then on my
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