All Chapters of The Lost Luna Princess: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
82 Chapters
Power of One
  Jakes POV   I did as Vladamir instructed and forced Hunter to recede, he began to snarl and growl in a menacing manor as I forced us to shift back, Hunter was livid wanting to kill the filthy bloodsucker that dare lay a finger on our mate. As much as it pained me not to let Hunter do things his way, I wasn’t under any circumstances going to gamble with Angel’s life, something I hoped I wouldn’t live to regret.   “Hahaha, such an interesting thing this ‘mate bond’ you beasts have” Vladamir actually spat the term mate bond as if it left a sour taste on his tongue. “Find the girl threaten her and the big bad alpha submits” his laugh rang out throughout the grounds of then Kingdom causing the hairs on my arms to stand.   “I did as you asked now let her go” I told him forcing as much strength into my words as I could muster. Something that at this moment was difficult knowing the lives of my ma
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New Additions
Williams POV  It’s been two weeks since Angel and Jake ended the life of the infamous Lord Vladamir, and a busy couple of weeks it had certainly been. Not even twenty-four hours after having lost his life did Vladamir’s mate Jules arrive. Having felt the pain of losing a mate myself I knew all too well that she wanted revenge. The need for bloodshed amplified by her now vampire senses made her a formidable villain. Ariel attempted to reach her mother’s humanity but failed, it was clear Jules had gone blood crazed; a term that was used when a vampire had lost themselves in rage. Angel wanted to save Jules to save Ariel from the heartbreak of having lost both of her
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The One
Jake’s POV  “Urgh, I need to get out. STOP THE CAR” Angel shouted at Benson who was driving. “Alright hold on let me pull up. Just try and hold it in for a second the motors just been cleaned” he replied earning himself a growl. 
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Chamber of Torture
Jakes POV  “Ahhhhhahahaaaa” Wayne’s screams filled the room as I made tiny cuts over his naked body before dabbing each one with an acid solution. “Who did you get information for and why” I asked again growing tired of not being given the answer to my questions. Three hours that’s how long we had been down here and with everything I had done to Wayne he remained shut lipped, well except for the screams. I had tried a dozen different techniques, yet nothing was working, for someone that seemed to have given up on life he certainly held his own. Whenever I normally interrogated anyone, they gave up everything they knew within an hour or two due to the ways in which I extracted it, but not this time. Having been mind-linked by Angel letting me know she would be back shortly, I decided I needed to up my game I wanted to be able to tell her it was over when she returned.
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Funny Feelings
  Jakes POV  “Well, that was messy yet oddly satisfying, shame Benson missed it. I know Rocky would have enjoyed the show” Hunter was amused at how my idea for Wayne and the electrical current worked out as originally he had thought it would fail. “You ought to have more faith in me wolf. Told you he would talk… eventually. As for Benson goddess only know where he’s got to” “Shame he didn’t sing like a cannery sooner, a bit like Benson is probably doing with that witch. Still can’t believe his hand exploded, could have saved the omegas a mess to clean up” Hunter howled with laughter, we really were well matched. After disconnecting the machine from Wayne’s now fried body, I checked for his pulse. He was hanging on for dear life, could he not just give in already and save us the need for an ex
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Angels POV   “So, Luna, Alpha, the pups appear to be growing at an astonishing rate. The growth they have shown over the last two weeks is something I have never in all my years as a doctor seen before. If I hazard a guess, I would simply put it down to your goddess bloodline. Nevertheless, I’m pleased to say they are both completely healthy, so I assure you there is no need to worry. Are you wanting to know the genders of them or are you wanting it a surprise?” We we’re back for another check up with Dr Jones as Jake thought something was wrong when I almost doubled in size overnight.   “We would however you aren’t to tell anyone. We hope you can understand that we want it to be a surprise for the pack” Jake responded using the slightest tone of an Alpha command.   “Yes Alpha, well in that case congratulations your having twin girls”   I was shocked to say the least, deep down I had
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Our Girls
Angels POV  My heart was overwhelmed with the love I felt for my beautiful pups, never in my life did I imagine I could love anything this much. They were absolutely perfect they both had olive skin and blue eyes. The older pup had a few blonde ringlets on the top of her head while the younger pup had short jet-black hair matching her father. Jake was as besotted with them as me, when it became time for the nurse to do their post birth checks Jake didn’t want to put the pup down.Benson, Sid and Ariel had been in to see us and I’m pretty sure Ariel left broody as hell. They had asked us what names we had in mind but if I was being honest, I had only thought of one, Vanessa after my mum. The woman that gave birth to me and died protecting me. Jake chose the name for our younger pup, Athena the name of a Greek goddess. He said it was fitting for her due to the power of my own grandmother the moon goddess that resides in her
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Proud father
Angels POV  “Well, this dark haired beauty here is Athena she’s the youngest of the two and this little beauty is Vanessa” my face hurt like mad with the smile that sat on my face as Jake and I introduced our pups to my family over video link. “Oh my goddess, bless their little hearts they have got to be the prettiest little things I’ve ever seen” Rita whispered as she edged closer to the screen trying to get a better look at our gir
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Jakes POV  After the confrontation with my cousin, I wanted nothing more than to get back on the road having now lost my appetite. I was seething with rage yet for once Hunter was calm and collected. He had always been the one to spur me on almost forcing me to choose the violent option, but this time he didn’t. He pleaded with me to remain calm, that Brad was going to get his that it was only a matter of time. The others however, refused to leave until they had eaten so listening to my wolf, I swallowed my pride and sat down. Once everyone had finished and an hour had passed by, we were finally back in the cars and moving.
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The Night Before
Jakes POV    It wasn’t unknown knowledge that when a woman had a baby, they felt forgotten like their only role now was to be a mum like that’s all they were meant to be. I didn’t want that to be Angel. I wanted her to keep her identity to feel like she was still the same sexy woman I fell in love with because she was so much more than ‘just a mum’ and she deserved to know it. Every chance I had I would do something to show her just that. When Angel told me she was going to take the flowers to the chapel I planned the picnic. I knew Angel loved picnics so having researched the area I found the perfect spot; everything just fell into place after that. To say she was shocked was an understatement. She practically pounced on me. The weather was still chilly but regardless it was the perfect afternoon and I promised Angel that after the wedding we would make it a regular thing, we would have dates that were just the two of us and family dates.
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