All Chapters of Finding love in Paris: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
37 Chapters
He was calling me cupcake seconds after he spilled a milkshake on me. I was getting irritated and who knows what I could do in this state. "I said I'm sorry cupcake," he said with a grin. Have you ever been in a situation where all you wanted to do was strangle a certain person because he or she was just irritating and somehow frustrating the life? Well if you haven't that's how the situation I was in now. I gritted my teeth to keep myself from lashing out. "I'm sorry.... cupcake" he seemed to emphasize the word cupcake "I heard you loud and clear," I said, frowning. I decided to leave so I wouldn't end up saying or doing something that would eventually land me in jail but because the universe hated me the man grabbed my hand before I was one centimeter apart from him. "What?"I shouted this time, making heads turn but right now I didn't mind. &nb
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"Boo"I heard a voice say and my heart jumped out of my mouth"Sacred much?"I heard a familiar laugh and I instantly knew it was St Clair"Are you planning on killing me" I asked still shaken from the fright"How?" he asked with the usual glint in his eyes"By giving me a heart attack" I replied him with a roll of my eyesHe lowered his face to meet my ears and I stilled"There are other ways to kill you. More pleasurable ways" he whispered seductively, making my breath hitch and my heart beat faster. So fast, I thought it would jump out of my body.He nibbled on my ear and somehow that brought me out of his trance."Stop trying to seduce me"I told him and kept him at arm's lengthHe laughed"I'm not trying to seduce you Hazel"he said and laughed some more.I started walking and he followed"Stop following me" I told him without glancing at him"Have you forgotten my apartment is located just a
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Ace had come over to my apartment and we searched for movies online but we didn't find a movie that really intrigued us. After hours of boredom–just two minutes–we finally decided to diverge. I really loved the movie. Beatrice also known as Tris in the movie showed us the effects of courage and determination. With those two elements you could be anything and anyone you want.   "I'm really sorry happy that they both got out alive" Ace commented   "Yeah I know"I said   "Their story almost made me cry. Almost"he said sniffing   His statement caught me off guard   "That made you cry?"I asked with an incredulous look plastered on my face   "Yes"he replied   "You are not kidding?"I asked   "No. Why do you look so surprised"he asked   "I don't know"I shrugged "Maybe this movie isn't worth crying for"
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St Clair and I spent the entire night talking. I got to know more about him without him getting to know more about me. I know it's selfish but it's for both of us. It's for our own good. I heard a knock on the door and I decided not to open it considering I didn't like being disturbed while I was working. What if it's St Clair. My subconscious prompted me to open the door and she was right. It was St Clair. "Hazel"he beamed "Etienné, nice to see you too"I said "Likewise" he eyes grew wider "Rewind"he told me "Um... Nice to see you too"I said "No what did you call me?"he asked "Etienné?" "Yeah that" he smiled "I'm so happy I could hug you right now"he said "Don't"I told him with a hand between the both of us. I led him inside 
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Do you?" "Of course not,"I answered without hesitation "That devil had the guts to give me a lecture on 'staying away from her boyfriend'. She's just insecure and she doesn't know it. I don't like St Clair that way and I never will so it would be better if she shoved her pretty little feet into her pretty little mouth" I said and scoffed. Lila was surprisingly quiet. "Aren't you going to say something?"I asked her but she said nothing. I realized there was a shadow looming over me and that's when I realized why Lila was silent. "She's behind me isn't she?" Lila nodded and I turned to face the plastic face of Meredith. "Hi Meredith"I greeted with a high pitched voice "Save it"she told me with a glare that made me want to laugh "How long have you been standing there?"I asked her "Long enough to know
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"You weren't kidding when you said the place of the dead"I said looking at the cemetery in front of me. "Nope" "So we're going in there?"I asked "Why not" He seemed to notice my hesitation. I mean who wouldn't. "Come on. It's not like they can jump out and eat you"he teased "That helped a lot"I said with a roll of my eyes and let's not forget the evident sarcasm. He dragged me inside the cemetery ignoring my protests. "I present to you Pére Lachaise cemetery"he said "It's really wide"I commented "Yh, there's also an equally wide garden that's separated from the cemetery"he told me "What's the garden used for?"I asked "Picnics mostly"he answered and I nodded "Some history perhaps?"he asked and I giggled
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Sorry," I said, helping Etienné to stand up. "Please maintain distance, I need to breathe," he said walking away from me. Confused, I stood where I was. "Umm....are you okay?"I asked and he nodded "You sure?"I asked concerned "Sure," he replied "How do I look?"I asked, twirling. "Good," he answered. "Just good?"I asked feeling disappointed. Why? I didn't know. "Breathtaking," he said and I blushed. "You're acting weird," I stated "Is it okay if I go outside for fresh air?" he asked. "Yeah sure, "I replied. Maybe it was the dress I wore. I shrugged. I liked the dress so I was going to buy it. I paid for the dress and left the shop. I looked around but couldn't find Etienné. "Hey," Etienné said,
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To say I was in heaven would be an understatement for what I felt at the moment. I hadn't responded immediately but once I got wind of what was happening,I kissed him back like my life depended on it. His soft lips nibbling on mine, his tongue seeking entrance. His tongue moved in and out my mouth making me moan. He erupted a feeling inside of me.  The same feeling that killed my mother.I pushed him with all the strength I gathered–although I didn't want to."I'm sorry"he apologized immediately"You shouldn't have done that"I said and walked into my apartment without glancing back.You shouldn't have kissed him Krystabel.♠♠♠I would be lying if I said I didn't think of the kiss Etienné and I shared. Kissing him again had crossed my mind maybe once,okay maybe like the whole night before I fell asleep and maybe right now because I just burnt my tongue by drinking hot coffee just because I was thinking o
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She walked away with a fake smile  gracing her face. Yup, Meredith is definitely a witch Theysat on the table Rose and I had prepared. I served everyone,well everyone except the witch seated beside Etienné–Meredith. "You didn't serve me"she complained "Oh.....sorry I didn't see you there"I said flatly and sat on my seat. Okay, maybe that was a wrong but o didn't like her. Besides all is fair in love and hate. "I still haven't been served"She said glaring at me. "The food's closer to you and I really don't want to stand up so------"I trailed off, expecting her to get the message–I wasn't going to serve her. She frowned and Rose and I tried to suppress our laughter. "So what brought you to Paris?"Rose asked me  "Well-----"I started "St Clair can you feed me"Mer asked Etienné while secretly looking at me. Did she expect me to be jealous? If yes,then she failed. Terribly "I'
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 I stood still, trying to push everything back in but I couldn't."You're a relationship wrecker and you know it"I walked towards her and slapped her."I get that you're insecure but you don't have to blame it on me. The relationship I have with Etienné is simply platonic,I don't like him the way you think I do. He's just a friend, you're obsessed and insecure yet you don't want to admit it and you stand here saying I'm a relationship wrecker. For your information I'm not, your the one trying to spoil your relationship with your own hands"I took a deep breath."You know what,I'm done, done with your stupid accusations,done with your insecurities and I'm done with Etienné. You can have him all to yourself,it's not like I care"I turned to Rose"It was a nice lunch, thanks for inviting me"I sighed trying to keep the tears at bay "And Etienné it was nice knowing you"I said and left the resturant. The c
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