All Chapters of Hidden : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
70 Chapters
Chapter 31
It was a beautiful evening, Erica had walked a long distance with the princess, she had eaten lots of fruits and was so filled when she noticed a car parked covered with leaves.She ran to it at once, her eyes were wide open in shock.The only things that crawled into her mind at that moment was an escape from the zombies, if only the car was sound enough.She took the leaves off the car and forced the door open.Erica discovered that the key was still stuck in the ignition.She looked up at the princess who walked closer."Who owns it?" Erica asked."A man..." the princess answered."Where... where is he?" She asked."Food, ate him..." the princess answered.Erica tried her best not to look too suprised, her heart ached for the man who has lost his life.She tried starting the engine of the car but to her amazement, the engine was still very much alive, she grinned with so much happiness.Erica came down from the car takin
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Chapter 32
Jerry tried to touch her."Don't you dare touch me you monster!" Erica yelled."Fine! Call me whatever you want, I don't care but just know one thing, I am the only reason why you and that thing in your womb haven't been killed yet, you should be grateful to me and not call me horrible names" he said frowning.Erica shook her head in disbelief of Jerry's words "I can't believe you think you are right by doing this evil Jerry, let me go please."Erica rubbed her hands staring at Jerry's face.Jerry rolled his eyes "there we go again, you don't get it all, do you? You are never going to leave the place until you get to love me as much as I do."Erica gasped feeling terribly disgusted by Jerry's words.Jerry noticed the look on her face and smiled "I love you Erica, I do and I want you to be mine."Erica scoffed."You're quite a good actor Jerry, so all along it was you, you were the one who told them about the phone, the flat tire the day I
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Chapter 33
Erica watched for days as Jerry gathered up things to build the communication device for the zombie princess though he couldn't understand why she suddenly wanted it but he had no choice than to do what what wanted.He was getting frustrated with the way the zombie princess was all over him forcing him to do what she wants and it was almost looking life threatening.Jerry took his phone to a corner and dailed Joan's number.Joan whom was sitting with Oliver on the couch having a drink when the call came in felt a little uncomfortable.She ended the call at once, she looked very nervous.Oliver noticed the look on her face while he sipped slowly from his glass cup."You don't look okay" he said peering at her face.She smiled "really? But I am fine."Her phone started ringing again."You have a call..." Oliver said when he saw she wasn't making any attempts to pick the call."Can I go outside and take this call?' S
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Chapter 34
Days swept by and Jerry was fast in his work on the communication device.It was finally ready and the princess looked extremely happy.She had taken to liking Jerry as she was always around which Jerry found disgusting but in other to remain alive, he had no choice than to remain calm and play along until Joan comes.The fear of being killed along side with Erica of he dares ask them to kill her took the greater part of him.The zombies sat in front of the camp drinking from a drum filled with alcohol.The zombie princess made Jerry drink so much aswell while he watched the dance around a small burning fire.Erica was in her room, good enough the door wasn't locked.She tood up and took a peep through the door, her heart was pounding really hard in her chest."Ouch!" She cried out placing her hand under her abdomen.She could feel this sharp pain, she placed the other hand behind her waist rubbing it nonstop, their was
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Chapter 35
Erica froze when she saw the look on the zombies face from under the bed.Her abdomen was hurting badly, she couldn't stop sweating as she wondered how long she would have to remain there, now she even worried more about getting caught by the zombie or Jerry.Jerry stared at the zombie and scoffed at her attitude."What's up with you?" He asked in a funny tone.The zombie turned to him and sniffled rubbing her finger her beneath her nostrils."Someone here" she said pointing at nothing in particular.Jerry arched his brow looking even more confused."What do you mean?" He asked taking a glance around.He rubbed his eyes hoping he wouldn't feel so tipsy after wards but it didn't help, he really had alot to drink."Someone here" the zombie repeated again.Jerry chortled "don't be so naive, well I know you are though but don't make it so obvious, their is no one here, can't you see?"Jerry raised his hands over his head taking a gl
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Chapter 36
Erica groaned in pain while in the helicopter."I am so sorry Erica" Andrew said repeatedly holding his daughter closely.He forced the arrow out.Erica let out a loud cry, her body was shaking.Two soldiers helped hold Erica.They tied a piece of clothe above the bleeding arm.The helicopter arrived at the hospital and Erica was taken into the emergency ward.She was cleaned up and looked better at the early hours of the morning.Andrew spent all night beside her bed and woke up to his touch on her head.He rose up at once running his hands through his eyes."You're awake, thank goodness" he said in excitement.Erica smiled as tears climbed down her ears.Andrew sat down and held her hands."I am so sorry about everything that happened to you Erica but how come you ended up there? You sent a video telling us that you preferred Jerry to Oliver" he said.Erica shook her head sadly.
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Chapter 37
"I can't believe I am getting married today" Joan mumbled while sitting comfortably on a seat while her makeup artist stood in front of her applying some powder on her face. She was in a hotel room, just like she has planned with Oliver. The hotel was one of the most expensive in town and most wealthy couples spent their time there. Joan wanted her wedding to be the best and she needed lots of comfort. She had tried calling her father several times but he wasn't taking the call, though she was worries, it did not quench her happiness. Oliver was at home dressing up with his best man, he looked excited as his best man helped him put on the neck tie. A couple of hours later... Both groom and bride were ready for their big day. People were sitted in the church auditorium waiting for the bride to arrive which includes Oliver and his best man. Joan looked helpless, she needed her father to walk her down the aisle but
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Chapter 38
"Stay away! Leave me alone Joan! Let me be Jerry!" Eroca kept screaming while still asleep.She was having a nightmare again.It has always been like this ever since she returned from the hospital and Andrew was beginning to get scared that she might have been affected mentally from the kidnap and everything else that happened there.Andrew ran into her room.He had been sitting in the living room having a cup of coffee when she heard her screaming from her room.He stood up and ran into her room at once."Erica, Erica.." he called out tapping her.She opened her eyes, her body was soaked in sweat."They want to kill me dad..." she cried out.Andrew cuddled her rubbing her back slowly."Nobody wants to kill you Erica, nobody would hurt while I am here" he kept saying to her.The rest of the night was sleepless for her.She left her room and went to check on her son but he was fast asleep.She
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Chapter 39
Erica was about to leave work one evening when she saw someone standing beside her car.She had mixed feelings and rolled her eyes in disgust.He was the last person she wanted to see.Yes she has forgiven him but she didn't want to have anything to do with him and so she made sure to deny him rights to having access to her child."Oliver what are you doing here?" She yelled walking closer to him.He smiled on seeing her and tried to touch her hand."What? Why do you want to ruin my life completely?" Erica screamed.Oliver was surprised, he didn't expect such reaction from her.He swallowed hair scratching his hair."Erica I thought you have forgiven me" he said."Of course I have, is that what gave you the right to keep following me around town?" She asked.He shook his head and waved his hands at the same time."Erica, don't say that, I haven't been following you around town" he said in a kind tone
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Chapter 40
Erica got home and for hours she haven't been herself.She kept thinking and it was draining her.Andrew received a call from Oliver and hour ago who complained about what happened between himself and Erica earlier that evening.He walked into the livingroom and met her sitting on the couch with her hand placed under her chin.He cleared his throat.Erica was startled, she looked up and adjusted. He took a deep sigh sitting opposite her.The sky was dark and the weather was cold since it had rained earlier."Erica you look troubled? What is it?" He asked.She shurgged "Dad I am fine.""I thought you forgave Oliver already" he began.He gaped "Dad don't tell me he called you to report me.""Erica can't you let the past remain in the past? He isn't asking to hair custody of the baby but to have access to him, you really can't blame him for what happened before."Erica looked furious "Dad,
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