All Chapters of The Carrero Contract (series book 3): Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
190 Chapters
I would take delight in watching him suffer. ‘‘I may reconsider spanking as a hobby if you keep this shit up.’’ He sounds annoyed which doesn’t even nearly faze me. I have learned that his danger tone is a complete contradiction to this and sparring is just plain annoying him and nothing more. It’s when he sounds eerily unemotional that you have to run.‘’Kinky. I might be into it.’’ I jest huskily in a bid to make him more pissed. He hates it when I flirt even if it is in sarcasm and I can almost imagine those pale greys darkening to stormy steel right now. I figured out that his eye colour changes slightly per mood, so yet another of his tells in my little notebook of useful facts.  I have a mental list titled ‘signs that I am annoying Alexi’  which is outlined in hearts and stars.‘’I think it’s time I took you in hand and worked that attitude out, nothing much seems
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I like some darkness, even if it does come from Master Carrero. There is no one quite like him. For his flaws anyway, I have to say, he can be amusing. ‘‘Lucie is my biggest fan. He secretly adores me and is just jealous that you get to sleep up here with me every night. He totally imagines the worst.’’ I flutter innocent lashes and continue sipping my drink, exuding my sexual confidence with subtle little mannerisms that are as natural as breathing to me nowadays. Wasn’t so long ago I had to force each one to build this façade known as Camilla Walters.‘’Possibly because Alexi tells him the worst.’’ Gino laughs and the little flicker of smug crossing Alexi’s face makes me wonder how much truth is in that joke. I have no idea how he got lumbered with Luciano other than through family but I don’t get the feeling he likes him at all and can completely imagine him using subtle hints to get under his skin. L
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I have seen him snorting lines with his men when the refurbs were full swing and they were kicking back for the night. ‘’It’s like that? She’s not allowed to fuck me but you won’t touch her, and she’s not allowed to do a line with us but yet watch us do it right? Sure she’s just your hostess Al? Seem a little bit possessive of your plaything over there.’’ Gino is goading him and I can’t tell if he’s trying to wind his brother up or angling for a real fight.My inner nerves tighten and I sit a little stiffer, caught right up against Alexi as his whole body language ups an aggressive gear. ‘’It’s like that!’’ Alexi snaps back and I literally freeze with the change in him. I thought twins were meant to be close but right now they are two subtly hostile bulls going head to head with a lot of raw static in the atmosphere around us. He mentioned his brother was close to him so I don&rsqu
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I still feel shaken, even hours after coming down here and welcoming the first flow of Alexi’s clientele and I cannot shift the feeling of foreboding and anxiety gnawing at my bones. He has yet to appear, he never followed me out of the apartment when I fled, and he hasn’t summoned me back upstairs either. I would be happy if he stayed upstairs for the rest of the night and sobered up, but I know he needs to be down here for his club’s very first night.I don’t like the side to him I met, and I have no desire to see it again so soon. The confidence in the opinion I formed of him over these last weeks has been shattered, and I am back to feeling like I don’t know him at all. That sinister man from my hospital room and how in awe I was. I should have realised then that he had more layers than an onion and I have barely taken the top one off.Alexi aside, everything is going smoothly. We have drunk men molesting half dressed women as they all
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I relax immediately with the hint of softer. Starting to really let go of what happened upstairs when faced with normal Alexi.‘‘Was that a try at funny? Did you just make a joke?’’I can’t help the smile of relief that washes over me, that he’s back to being just his bastard self instead of psycho self. His pupils are larger and I wonder if his no-show was him just giving himself time to come down and level out. Getting that crap out of his system so he could act less insane. He knows he must be more controlled, even in his own domain.‘‘I do occasionally make them. So, tell me London, how’s first night show time coming along?’’ He drinks his booze in one shot and taps his glass on the bar to get another, the tender running obediently to comply and I just swirl mine around disinterested in getting a foggy head tonight when I must be on the ball. I was never a whisky fan at the best of times. All
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I stand in the apartment, completely disorientated as he makes us drinks; silent and calm like we’re just up here to have our usual chat and arguments, and yet I am completely on edge and cannot relax. He seems normal, unfazed, unaffected, and he hasn’t made any moves to touch me since we got in the lift. It’s weird, unnerving and I shouldn’t be like this. I’m not a virgin or an amateur. Sex is part of what I do or used to. I taught myself how to overcome all the shit that surrounded it emotionally and learned the art of making it feel good instead. Finding the pleasure in it and getting off instead of the trauma of my past. I separated the memories and the act and used sex as a tool to get ahead in life. It got me here to America for a fresh start and I have never looked back. I like sex, I crave it and I ha
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‘’A meaningless screw for our own pleasure.’’ I add hoping he gets that I mean nothing kinky. I won’t let him possess me that way and this is unemotional and a means to an end. An itch that needs to be scratched to eradicate tension. That is all it is.‘’Sounds fine to me, turn around.’’ He commands and without thought I do it, not really contemplating the request then jump when he catches both my wrists from behind me and pulls them back behind me roughly. Instant fear from both him being behind me and what he does.‘‘What are you doing?’’ I yank them free and turn back on him in panic, meeting a smirk of amusement as he drapes his tie over my shoulders casually. All my reverse cylinders are firing full throttle in an instant.‘‘What do you think? Tying you up, fucking you from behind, over that.’’ He nods at the low table and then makes a turning motion with h
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I don’t doubt he has the skill and lack of moral compass to do so. The man doesn’t have a conscience. He brings his forehead to mine and looks me dead in the eye, both of us immobile and silent as so much tension in the air crackles around us. My insides have turned to ash and I know I’m about to endure brutality like I never imagined. I stifle a sob, my body shaking visibly, and yet he just sucks all the air out of me with one swift move. Alexi kisses me. Completely blows my head out of the water as he forces his mouth on mine and I respond, somewhere between relief and primal urge from high adrenaline. Kissing him back, letting myself go with a surge of craziness. My fingers framing his jaw instantly, his arms are around my waist in a second and he’s pulling me against him with a hunger that hits us like a typhoon. It’s like being dropped in a hot pool of wate
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I spit at him and slap him in the chest, stupidly, not caring if he goes back to hard thrusting. I’m so not ready to back down, and maybe he might be the first guy who gets me to an orgasmic climax with a few more aggressive moves if I rile him up again. I can hate him and still get off on his manhood. Alexi just watches me for a moment before pulling out of me and gets up, yanking me with him harshly by my arm and hauling me like I am a weightless nothing. I am somewhere between rage, hatred and ‘get back inside of me and finish this, you arsehole’. My body is overheating from his attention and my skin blushed rosy, everywhere. Alexi takes a second to look me over and just grins in that self-assured ‘master of his universe’ way of his. He practically throws me on the couch. Somehow, I trip and end up face down, my face buried harshly on black leather that start
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‘’Go fuck yourself. You’re a cold bastard and I curse the day you stopped me from being thrown in the river.’’ I turn to storm off, but he catches my wrist and hauls me back, meeting my slapping hands and just deflects them, pulling me close as he silences me with another kiss. Only this time it’s not like the one from before, it’s softer, smoother and more like the kiss from the bar. Wrapping his arms around me as he lifts me up into him and runs a hand around my jaw to pull me closer. It’s almost tender, hitting my craving need for someone to make me feel better and despite myself and my fury, I weaken to him almost instantly. Like it’s a weird power he has and I can’t fight it.Losing myself and letting go of my hurt, I kiss him back. Faced with less aggression and some tiny need in me wanting this somehow. A pathetic craving for little hints of affection, someone to make me feel like I matter.I kiss him a
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