All Chapters of THE ALPHA'S ADDICTION: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
550 Chapters
Claire cussed as she heard Melvina's voice. Throwing her hands behind her back, she bent her heads in a bid to look sorry, while thinking inwardly of a hundred ways to deal ruthlessly with the human.   "Claire, didn't you hear my question?. What happened??" Melvina asked, getting pissed off at the beta's daughter already.   "Lu.." Claire tried saying, but Melvina cut her off through the pack link.   "Ma, would be preferable" Melvina had said, through the link.   "Oh.." Claire's mouth opened, then closed, after she tried assessing the situation.   Emma noticed the motions made by the eyes of the two females, One in a commanding way, the other subdued; but sh
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CHAPTER 12   A sense of accomplishment enveloped Derek, as he stared around the big white-painted bedroom in content. The bedroom now looked heavenly with its interior all cleaned up, changed and furnished; a sharp contrast to its former muddled state.   ‘The little witch is lucky.’ He thought, running his hands over the dark blue silky bed sheets, which accentuated the beauty of the king sized bed, one of the many things that Mr Jason, had made available to them for the furnishing of the house.  Turning aside for a moment from the beautiful sight in front of him, and facing the window, Derrick pondered again on who the little witch was, and who Mr Jason is really. It was obvious to him that they were both humans, rich too, but he couldn’t understand how they still got a place in Moonway street, that’s apart from the weird fact that a father could send his daughter to this part of the continent alone. No matter how he tried to think of a reason
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    Derek just shrugged his shoulders at Shane’s question, while biting off his nails in deep thought. ‘Where could the little witch be?’ He thought interminably, not taking note of the abrasive looks on the faces of his two companions in the sitting room. ‘’Derek!!’’ Shane shouted, getting pissed off already at the shade of aloofness he was seeing on his alpha’s face. He had noticed earlier, the tension between Derek and Clem since the human girl came around, but then he couldn’t understand, couldn’t pinpoint exactly, why the arrival of ‘she’ had to cause a rift between his two closest friends.  Although he was definitely happy that Derek had been thoroughly affected by a girl for the first time, he didn’t want it to be a cause of dispute between Clem and him. The pack didn’t need an alpha that is at loggerheads with his beta. They had to sort out their issues, whatever it is, now. ‘’Yeah, what is it?’’ Derek asked, still biting his nails inte
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    Under the shocked gazes of the three boys, Emma squirmed a bit. ‘Did she say anything wrong?’, she thought. She had just mentioned Melvina only. A tiny thought at the back of her head nagged her a bit. It seems Melvina wasn’t just a common somebody; her instincts had been right.  Ever since she had discussed with her on the chair across the woods till when they got to the eatery, she knew there was something more to her. But till this moment, even for the life of her, Emma just couldn’t seem to place her finger on it, on who she actually felt Melvina was. She guessed she would have to wait on the boys to perhaps slip up the answer. “What did you just say?” She heard a voice which she could tell was Clem’s, ask. Tearing her gaze from Derek which her traitor eyes had settled on for a minute, she looked sideways to see Clem staring at her; his eyes widened in surprise. ‘’Did you just say Melvina?” He asked, in a lowered
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  Derek cursed inwardly at the mention of Claire’s name. This is what he had been scared of; the pack’s reaction to Emma being his mate, worse Claire. He knew how dangerous and possessive she could be, even though they weren’t mates. She doesn’t even know who Emma is and she already saw her as an enemy. What will she now do when she knows, or when he informs the pack about it. “Maru, I have no choice..I have to reject her.” Derek thought to his wolf, ignoring the sharp pain that ran across his heart. He really had to. He didn’t want his little witch to be bullied or to suffer prejudice. He had to protect her.  But Maru was silent. Derek shrugged his shoulders at that. Perhaps he was sleeping, and would awake after he turned 18. “Sometimes I wonder how a dim witted fellow like you wants to lead a pack. Won’t you ask her how she met your mother, or how your mother was comfortable enough to even show her where to get her food?” Maru sai
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   The pack meeting had already gone more than a half-way when Derek and his companions stepped into the  large hall, the biggest hall in their pack house, where important meetings were held; meetings which included the entire members of the pack. The confidential meetings between the Alpha and his subordinates were held in a smaller room at the western wing of the house. The pack house was a gigantic mansion actually with several outlets, which comprises of the Alpha’s residence, meeting grounds and a hospital. It had been built by Derek’s father after they had escaped from the wicked terror innated by the fallen vampires; which had plagued their pack, and the other packs-for centuries they say.  Nobody had heard a word about them(the fallen vampires) since they(Black moon pack) relocated to this part of the savannah; perhaps they were gone finally, nobody knew. But for now, the main issue of the black moon pack was defeating the white-st
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  Melvina stared keenly at the duo in front of her, as they cast furtive glances to each other and scoffed inwardly; they were hiding something.  She was very sure that something did happen  at the human’s place. I guess I have to ask my son then, she thought, determined to get the truth. Looking away from them to the insides of the hall,  she found out that the pack meeting was over. The pack members were trooping out of the hall to their respective homes. Then she heard her husband through their mind link; the mind link that was created when he had marked her during their mating ceremony. They could also feel each other’s pains and thoughts.   “Have you seen your son?” Melvina heard Peter ask through the link. The sentence got her sighing wearingly. She knew that tone, she knew the sentence. He uses it whenever he was annoyed with Derek. At that moment, Derek becomes only her son. “Yeah, I’m with him.”  She rep
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   Melvina was speechless. The far-out-ness of the question could not be over accentuated. A human mate for her son? No, this must be a joke; not when the pack is about go for a war in less than a month time’. She thought. Seeing  his mother’s  wordless state, Derek was perturbed. Although he had expected the reaction he was seeing now, he wasn’t prepared for it. She had been silent for almost five minutes, still staring at him like he had grown horns. He fidgeted under her gaze, and this caused him to wonder what will happen if his father heard about it. It gave him the chills thinking of his reaction. Putting his hands into the denim black jeans that wrapped over his legs like a second skin, he looked up from the ground where his eyes had fell to when he couldn’t withstand the unblinking gaze of his mother. His mother was still staring at him. He stared back, as if to will her to speak already. “Derek..” She called, runn
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 Melvina turned around sharply in response to the voice she had just heard, a little bit scared that it could be her husband; the voice had sounded like his. When she saw it was just  Aaron, she signed in relief; she didn’t think Peter would it find it funny seeing her here after he had told her earlier that he wanted her. But Aaron was smirking, and as she stared at him, she knew why. He had imitated Peter’s voice to make her nervous; he must have known that she had been summoned by her husband before he had retired to their house. She felt like bashing his head on the tree where she and Derek had rested on.“Good evening Luna.”   Aaron greeted, still smiling at the look on Melvina’s face. She was his godmother, and he enjoyed taunting her so much. She had taken him as her son when his parents died at the last pack war. His mother, Judith had been one of her closest friends.  She had also made sure t
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There was a tangible and deep pregnant silence in the air, which perfumed the whole room.  Arnold leaned heavily against the wine-washed wall, twirling the empty goblet around his fingers, as he thought and deliberated on his daughter’s statement. He had stood up abruptly when she had  reported her findings; findings that were quite difficult to believe.‘Peter’s son was mated to a human?’ He couldn’t believe it. It was very rare for a werewolf to be mated to a human in their part of the world, not to mention an Alpha. And for once he doubted his daughter’s findings. Maybe the human was his ride for now, that is, till he found his mate. He thought. He  remembered that he had also flirted around till he met his own mate.“Are you sure?” He finally asked, staring down at his daughter whom he had always been proud of, but couldn’t admit.“Yes Dad.. I had even…” She was
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