All Chapters of The Devil's Gift (BL): Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
46 Chapters
When you are the Boss
Sitting in the dark, Noel continued to type away at the laptop in front of him. The screen is split into three sections, one is in a direct conversation with an unknown person and the other two are tabs of a long list of people and records. A lollipop stuck out of Noel’s mouth as he tried to focus on the screen in front of him, instead, the flashes of the girls’ bodies just kept appearing in his mind. Sighing, he pushed the laptop onto the bed and ran his hands through his hair, frowning. Why do they always have to involve innocent children into things like this? He thought, messing his own hair up in frustration. This also seems more like a personal vendetta than someone actually wanting to send a message. They would have done this to someone else otherwise. First, I need to get a hold of that video. We may not be able to get the face of the perpetrator on the scree
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When You are Fast
“Anyone knows what that is?” Eden asked as everyone stared at the device on the table, looking at it with confusion written all over their faces. “No one? Then. Captain Quinn. Care to elaborate?” “Sir. This is known as an inference transmitter.” He said, picking up the device in his hands. “You can already tell what it does. So I will not waste my time explaining it to you. “I have seen hundreds of these over the course of my life, even building some of them from scratch. But I have never seen something of this magnitude. “Early this morning, as soon as I heard about this, I made my way to the crime scene. A large crowd was gathered there and the police had not arrived just yet. “Looking around the area, I found this left behind as well as all the CCTV cameras missing. I remembered there being quite a few so I was surprised when they were no
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When You Like Drinking
Ages stared at the message and then at Eden, “Cute.” “I know right?” Eden said, unable to stop grinning. “He really is the best.” “Your boyfriend is surprisingly really hard working.” The man said, smirking at the man. “And also very efficient.” “Well, what did you expect from him?” Eden asked, picking up his helmet from the tabletop. “He is one of the best in his field, if not the best.” “I am just wondering how someone like him is with someone like you.” Ages teased watching Eden’s face turn into a pout. “Hey, I do not plan on letting him take care of everything on his own,” Eden said, rolling his eyes at his mentor. “You know I am capable as well.” “I know.” Ages laughed, ruffling the man’s hair. “You do good
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When you are Stubborn
“Honey, I’m home,” Eden said, walking to Noel with a bouquet of flowers. “I have reservations for tonight. I am taking you out. Because I couldn’t last night. Excite-?” Before the man could finish his sentence, Noel smashed their lips together, making him stumble and fall to the ground, flowers flying everywhere. “Whoa,” Eden said, looking at Noel on top of him with a drunken smile on his face. “That was quite the greeting.” “Don’t like it?” Noel typed out, leaning in closer to Eden. “Why wouldn’t I?” Eden asked, pulling in for another kiss. “Hey, we have some time before it becomes night. Want to go to the bedroom?” “Speaking of night.” Noel wrote, getting off Eden. “I have somewhere I have to be tonight.” “Huh?? Where?&rd
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“Eden, welcome back!” Doris greeted the man as he stepped into the club with Noel beside him. “Noel! Hello! Welcome back to you too.” “Hey, Doris,” Eden said, as Noel waved at the woman. “You look well.” “Not entirely.” She said, chuckling. “You are certainly are here early. We haven’t opened yet.” “I wanted to come with Noel,” Eden said, pointing to the man behind him, already in a conversation with another man. “And he’s already gone.” “You can stay with me then. While they set everything up.” Doris said, pulling him to the corner of the room. “Ah, wait, I’ll inform Noel first.” Letting go of her hand, Eden ran to the man, pointing to Doris.  After the two nodded at each other, Eden ran to Doris, grinning brightly, &
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When You Question Your Mortality
 “-oris. Doris!” The woman was suddenly pulled out of her thoughts, making eye contact with a pretty, blond man. The table she sat in was full of women on the laps of men. She was the only one sitting at the side. “Damn, here I am talking my heart out and Doris is not even paying me any attention.” The man complained pouting. “Ah. I’m sorry. I zoned out for a bit.” She said, apologizing profusely. “Hey, no worries.” The man said, smiling pleasantly at her. “I was just teasing. But you did seem like you have a lot on your mind.” “It is something like that.” She said, laughing. “Oh, would you like another round of drinks?” “If you are pouring, how can I say no?” He asked, chuckling as he held up his cup. “But if you really are not feeling wel
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Trigger Warning: Extreme, graphic violence, blood and many phobias. “This is your son?” A woman asked, pointing to a boy standing in the corner of the room, talking with the other kids. “Yes.” Another woman said proudly. “He is a darling boy isn’t he?” “Certainly.” The first woman said, looking at the boy coldly. “But I heard that something was wrong with him? My aunt told me.” “Oh yes, something was wrong with him. But he is all cured now.” The woman said brightly. “He is NORMAL now.” As soon as he heard those words the boy felt chills run up his body. He did not need to look up to know that two women were looking at him, trying to see if he will make any mistake. Not just those two. It was everyone in the room, even the children. Even if he was talking with them all in
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When you have to clean up
William laughed when he heard the scream of pain that escaped Doris’s lips and was even beaming with glee when he saw the woman twitching in pain on the ground. She was not even able to move anymore, only gasping while tears rolled down her face. “That’s it. That’s the face I wanted to see.” The man laughed brushing the hair out of her face again. “Look how you pretty you are even in pain. No one will think of you as highly as I do.” Shut up. Shut up! Shutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutup! You piece of shit! I hate you! Ihateyouihateyouihateyouihateyouihateyouihateyou. I hope you fall to the depths of hell and supper for the rest of your miserable life! She tried to speak to insult the man again but her mouth would not move the way she wanted it to. No matter how much she struggled, it would not move. If I am going to di
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 When you reveal a bit about yourself
 “Eden!” Ages ran up to the man pacing back and forth in front of the operating room. “What happened?” “She was attacked by that man again,” Eden said, frowning. “I thought he was taken care of.” “I thought so too.” Ages said, fuming with anger. “I will have to check on him again. How is she?” “I don’t know. She was so badly beaten that her face swelled up.” Eden described, running his hands through his hair. “I don’t know what to think would have happened if Noel wasn’t there.” “Noel?” “Yeah. He was the one that told me where she was and the reason why I could bring Doris to the hospital.” Eden said, pursing his lips into a thin line. “Ages-“ “You are worried about him, aren’t you?&rdqu
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When you meet someone you know
That was messier than I hoped it would be. Noel thought, wiping his blood-stained hands on his face, spreading the blood on his face, mostly cheek and lips. I should get cleaned up. He thought, staring at his hands. I wonder if they made it on time. Doris looked really beaten up. Noel remembered the way her face swelled, she looked like a hundred bees came and stung her without mercy. I knew it, I really should have beaten the shit out of them for a little longer. Walking out of a small room, Noel looked around to make sure no one was there before he stepped out and casually walked back like nothing happened. Except that he is covered in blood. I dirtied Eden’s clothes. Noel thought, passing by a reflective mirror as he took a look at his blood-stained clothes. I thought I was careful. Seems not. Moving his arm, Noel hissed, feel
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