All Chapters of Divide the pack: Chapter 71 - Chapter 76
76 Chapters
Bonus 1.1
 Aphrodisiac series oneNobunaga The day was just beginning in the castle town, but he knew that his lord would have been awake for hours already. He thought of that as he stopped by the well to fetch him some cooler water before heading to his apartments high in the castle. In a darkened hallway he stopped and took the small vial out from his kimono and uncorked the stopper to release its content into the half pitcher of fresh water. He knew what he was doing, but if anyone saw Mitsuhide Akechi do what he had done, hell would break loose. He chuckled to himself as he continued on his way as he thought about the rumors that swirled around his person and the actions such as this that would give them actual credence. He was, of course, drugging Nobunaga for his own amusement but not with a poison as everyone would assume. He knew the castle was i
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Bonus 1.2
Hideyoshi A SeriesPreface: This series is about each warlord and Mitsuhide plots and plans to dose each one, though the stories intersect at places they are stand-alone stories. (primarily MC/Princess in not sleeping or other things with EVERY warlord.)Mitsuhide knew that Hideyoshi would never let his guard down around him. If he offered him the las
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Bonus 1.3
Aphrodisiac series Ieyasu   Mitsuhide didn't have to think too hard about how he would end up dosing Ieyasu with the potion. Since Ieyasu only brewed his own blends of tea, he knew he could slip it in a pot before Ieyasu even knew what had happened. Mitsuhide just had to wait for the correct moment to do so. He had learned that the tonic took effect about three to four hours after given and had to time it well with the Princess being in the same area at the time otherwise who knows what the younger man would do.One morning Mitsuhide knew he had a letter to drop off to Ieyasu that he had been holding off on just for a day like today. The castle life was sometimes so predictable that he knew a mid-day war council would be held soon that he could hold off on the letter until today. It would be perfect in the timing. As he reached Ieyasu's palace, he knew
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Aphrodisiac Series Masamune   Mitsuhide had to wait and watch Masamune to see when would be the man's weak point. Masamune would often cook meals for him and Mitsunari because neither cared much for eating both for different reason's. He couldn't taste so eating became just a thing to do to survive and keep his body going. Mitsunari because even though he was a tactician and a genius one at that, he would just forget to eat while he was lost in some book. Masamune felt the need to make sure every few days they had a real meal to keep their energy up a
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 Aphrodisiac series MitsunariMitsuhide had no qualms about dosing the man at, but for his plan to work he had to figure out when to send the princess to him and something that would peak the man's interest long enough to keep him from burying his head in a book and ignoring everything else around him. Though Mitsuhide had watched the pair interact for a week now, the brief interactions would probably not be enough to get the result Mitsuhide had desired for the second to last of his experiment. This one was perhaps the only he could think of to fail but not for lack of trying or planning. Mitsunari's indifference to everyone was well known, and even Hideyoshi's horde of women had finally picked up on it. The only female Mitsuhide had ever seen Mitsunari show any interest in was the princess, so Mitsuhide hoped that would be a factor in making the plan work.He
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  Aphrodisiac Series Princess/Mitsuhide Final oneMitsuhide spent most of the next two weeks watching the Princess and planning his move. She held the same duties around the castle, so it was natural to expect to run into her. She, for some reason he couldn't fathom still had any real fear of him, and he planned to use that lack of fear to his advantage. She didn't seem to mind his attention or his offering of one drink or another. She would readily accept them, and he was happy with the fact it would make it that much easier to dose her water and then hand it to her.The princess thought Mitsuhide must be up to something because he was being to nice to her now on a daily basis. He would offer her drinks, and she had wondered what his reasoning was since he rarely did anything without a reason behind it. She was waiting for the other shoe to fall as she w
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