All Chapters of Esmerelda Sleuth: The Journal (Book 4): Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
38 Chapters
Chapter 21
“You were surprisingly quiet this evening,” Lance said as he entered our bedroom after having a male servant that my father lent to him assist him out of his dinner attire and into a thick, cozy robe.  Removing the robe and tossing it onto a nearby chair, he added, “I have missed you, my love…  more than you will ever know or possibly understand.”Had I not been so mesmerized by his rock hard erection and the many pleasurable possibilities that it promised, I would have questioned his choice of words and voice inflection. Or, I would have asked why his man, Radcliff, who always traveled with him, hadn’t come along this time. Both were clear clues that something was amiss.  Instead, I hurriedly threw back the coverlet that was draped over my nakedness and beckoned him with eager, extended arms to join me.With a smile that could charm a wild beast, my husband dove onto the bed.  Landing at a convenient location at
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Chapter 22
My father took his time settling us down with tea and brandy before he steeled himself for the tale that he clearly didn’t want to tell.His voice was slow and steady as he said, “Your mother was completely smitten with a young man from the county next named Jeremiah Freeman.  His family is as magical as ours, if not more so, but they do not agree with our policies for the use of magic.  They are also less cautious about concealing their abilities.  It is because of this that we separated from them when we formed the society.”“It’s my understanding that you and a few of your peers formed the society,” I said.  “Was it in existence when grandfather killed my father?”He squeezed his eyes shut and made a guttural sigh. “That sounds horrific, but, alas, it is the fact of the matter… It is because of this horrible event that the society was formed.  It created a cover for those of
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Chapter 23
I was grateful that Lance slept through my return to the bed.  It was his habit to want sex upon awakening and I was not in the mood to do much more than brood over the information that  had just been sprung on me.What I wanted more than anything was to go into blissful oblivion, but I thought for sure that my brain was too busy mulling over the heavy load it carried to allow sleep to take over.  When I arose late the following morning to discover that my husband had long ago awakened and begun his day, I was surprised.My head felt rejuvenated, but I was still troubled by the information that I’d been burdened with. I needed to know more about this other magical group of people whose genetics I carried.  With just the little that I did know, much of my level of abilities was explained to me. My parents were of good magical stock.  So good, in fact, that Marduke coveted their abilities.  Add that to Jeremiah’s mag
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Chapter 24
“Have you thought of what to do to rescue Killian?”  I asked as I approached the trio.My father shook his head and looked at his feet while Lance slipped his arm around my waist and pulled me close.“We have a bit of a dilemma,” my father said with angst. “It seems that the threat of losing our lands is greater than I’d realized.  That scoundrel, Jason, secured the most unscrupulous legal team to create the transfer of our lands to this dark lord.  It can be undone, but it will take cunning and persistence.”Lance leaned his head down close to my ear.  “I dare not forfeit even a minute for any other task.  If we lose the plantation, we become part of the chattel.”“Do you mean that my parents will enter slavery?” I asked with concern.Anton nodded as he said, “As will your husband and mother-in-law.”Although I had no interest about what m
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Chapter 25
It was early evening before I opened my eyes to find that I was on my bed in my bedroom.  Lance was moving about in a worried fashion.  When he saw me lift my head and look around the room with wonder, he rushed to my side.“I came back to learn that you were overtaken by the heat while strolling with Anton,” he said as he sat on the edge of the bed and took my hand in his.  “The man should have remembered that you are not used to this type of weather.  I am so sorry, my love.”My mouth moved to speak, but nothing came out.  What could I say but a blatant lie?  Since I’d done enough to wrong him, I had no intention of adding to it by lying to his face.  Instead, I laid back down and rolled onto my side.“I feel very tired, Lance,” I moaned.  “Please forgive me if I go back to sleep.”“Should I fetch the doctor?” he asked with concern.I wanted
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Chapter 26
“You look normal again,” I said with delight as I knelt down next to Nora who was sitting on the floor gathering her wits about her and gave her a hefty hug.“That’s right,” she mused when I finally released her.  “I remember now. I was burning up and thought for sure I was a goner.”“I found you in the hall,” I said. “You’d passed out.  I sent for Anton and he brought us back.”She flashed my cousin an appreciative smile that said a bit more than ‘thank-you’. I looked up at him to catch his response.  It was more than just a ‘you’re welcome’ grin.  For the first time I realized that Nora and Anton had a thing going on between them.  It made the fact that I longed for more coupling with the man even more unacceptable.I groaned without realizing that I’d done it aloud.“What’s the matter?” Nora asked
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Chapter 27
I not only wanted to have my magic returned in a manner that wasn’t painful, but I also wanted it returned in the fastest way possible.  This meant sex.I had Anton follow me to my bedroom.  It made sense to use that room since it was also where my clothes were located.My nervousness surprised me when he closed the door behind us.  I’d only coupled with him the day before, yet it felt like the first time.  Perhaps it was because I was aware of the desire I had for him this time.“You need nay be nervous,” he said as he moved in front of me and slipped the shoulders of my robe down my arms.  Placing a light kiss on my collar bone, he whispered, “This is our last time together.  I know that you desire me as I do you.  There is no shame in it.  We are cut from the same magical mold.  It is natural and right for us to desire each other.  I say we abandon our inhibitions and make it such
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Chapter 28
With neither of us willing to be the one to end our bliss, we’d continued to make love until we were actually raw from the deed. It took Nora knocking on the door and asking if we were alright because we’d been gone for hours for us to part ways to resume life as normally as possible.The room was so filled with silence while we quickly dressed that I was certain a pin could be heard dropping on the thick carpet. When he stepped up behind me and wrapped me in an embrace that was filled with love and emotion, I finally broke it.“I don’t know if I can be near you without wanting you now,” I confessed.Resting his chin on my head, he said, “I did nay expect to bond with you.  It will be difficult to stay away now.”“We bonded?” I said with surprise.“Indeed,” he replied.  “It was unexpected.”“What does that mean?” I asked with concern. After al
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Chapter 29
“You feel different,” Nora said as she leaned against the counter opposite where I sat on a stool sipping on cool water in hopes that it would help me subdue the emotions that were torturing me. “I never realized how much I’d felt your shine until you gave it to Anton.  It’s crazy weird, but in a good way.”My sexy distant cousin sauntered into the room with the grace and confidence of a wild beast and stood next to Nora. His presence filled the room as he grabbed an apple from the decorative bowl that she was determined to keep loaded with fresh, organic fruit.“Did I miss anything exciting?” he asked as he placed his hand on her shoulder. She looked from him to me, opened her mouth, and then shut it again. I got the impression that she was about to make a joke about our coupling and then changed her mind.  If that was true, she was wise to keep quiet.  Neither of us needed to be reminded of o
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Chapter 30
I’d questioned whether it was a good idea to take Nora with us since she possessed no magic.  After conferring with both her and Anton, we decided that she might come in handy since she still possessed a connection to the vampires.  We weren’t sure the type or strength of the connection, but both Anton and I could feel that there were still mild vampire traits within her.  Even if all she did was alert us to their approach, it would be an enormous help.“This place is creepier than I remember,” Nora said in a low tone that reeked of fear.“You have time to go back,” I assured her.Vigorously shaking her head, she said, “I’m in for the long haul. I’m just saying that it’s really creepy here.”“That it is,” Anton agreed.  “It is a wonder how you managed to survive it for so long.”“It isn’t all like this,” I informed him.
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