All Chapters of Get me married: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
209 Chapters
   GENESISMy heart skipped at the words that came out from Jordan but what was more shocking was the way he glared at his father and his father, back at him. I never realized that they both never had a good father and son relationship.  "Get your hands off me, you dimwit" Liam, his father pulled his hands away from Jordan's grip and turned his attention to me. My heart skipped at the intensity of his gaze, and I had to turn away again and lower my gaze. "Don't say anything to her and just leave" I heard Jordan speak up and immediately lifted my gaze. He was staring at his father with so much anger, it was evident that the slap his father gave to me was not the only reason. Not like he had ever cared that much for me anyway. Mr. Liam turned to his son and just like before, they glared at each other once more. "The both of you should stop this now" Mom Leona yelled from where she stood b
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Making new decisions
   GENESISMy eyes snapped back to Jordan, utterly shocked that he would say something like that. His knees were still on the floor, and this time, he had the boldness and guts to finally look at me in my face. And a serious look on his face that almost made me believe that he could do it. But my heart knew better than to not trust a word that comes out of his mouth. My shock was instantly replaced by amusement, dark amusement and a burst of laughter erupted from my throat. I laughed at his face and did that so loud, tears quickly formed in my eyes. I wished he could do what he said, but I knew it was simply a wish, a dream, a tiny spark of hope in the deepest part of my heart and that was exactly what hurt more.   When I was done laughing, I wiped my tears and stared at him. "You can do that and more," I repeated his words. "Tell me, can you do that and more?" I asked and
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A shot at making things right
   JORDANI frowned and stared at the woman who seemed shocked at what I said. "I can make you happy, and I would do that because you deserve it. I can make a good husband, I will give you all you want and treat you better" "And  Samantha?" She asked me and I smiled. "I might not be able to send her to prison but I would send her away. She would no longer live in our house and you would not have to put up with her. And I promise, she would not be able to hurt you as well" I said with relief in my heart. But for some reason, Genesis still had a frown on her face. It seemed like she wasn't satisfied with all I was willing to do and that bothered me.  "You don't look happy" I simply said to her."Of course I am not happy, what makes you think I want to return to you?" She said and I frowned. "But you said.....""I said what I said but th
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Final decision
   JORDANThe mansion suddenly had this empty, void feeling to it. And the maids who were always running to and fro from Genesis room to the kitchen and back to her room were no longer in sight like I didn't have one staff inside the house. It was quiet like no one else was in the house and I never realized that the sudden silence had left a terrible feeling in my troubled heart.  "Margaret...." I yelled uncomfortable at the way things were. I never realized how I had gotten used to seeing the staff with her in the kitchen or the dining. I was used to knowing she was in that house whenever I see staff going to her room because they liked her and for a strange reason, like to be around the woman I wedded. Unlike Samantha, who they always ran away from. I never realized that the atmosphere would change so much in her absence.  "Margaret..." I yelled again but this time, I turned to the st
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Returning home
   GENESISLooking out the window, I watched as the sun rose and our car passed the buildings and houses that made the city. We were back in the familiar serene, quiet trail that led to the beautiful mansion of Jordan Chase. Yes, you heard me. I was officially going back to Jordan and it didn't leave a good feeling inside of me.   After Jordan's words the previous day, my father had asked him to leave, he wanted to speak to me. It was hard, but he left reluctantly and I had breathed a sigh of relief after. I turned to my father and he once again pulled me into a hug. I settled in them, for it was the protection I needed, it was exactly what I needed at that point and I was really happy that they were there. The warmth of his embrace reminded me that I had someone who loved me, someone who would shield me, someone who would do anything for me. I was still his daughter, his baby girl and
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A good husband
    ********GENESISI heard noises in my room and quickly opened my eyes. I wasn't so deep in sleep and I spent the whole night rolling over and stressing over the decision I made. I wasn't so sure I did the right thing and I didn't want to end up regretting it. Coming back to Jordan was never a good idea from the start and the dreadful feeling in my stomach made my uneasiness worse.  I thought about it for so long till I decided to relax. I had made my decision, I had done what I had to do, thinking or worrying about what the future held for me wasn't going to change anything at all. So I decided to let it all go and fortunately, that was the exact moment I felt like sleeping.   I looked around my room to be sure of the noises I heard when I saw Margaret and Anna and realized it was morning already. I relaxed at the sight of them and took a deep breath
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Make you happy
   GENESISI gaped at Jordan and watched as he walked away and shut the door behind him. His words were shocking and the tone he used was even more shocking to me. But I was reminded of that Jordan that he was instantly. Caring, loving, funny, and free. The Jordan I had so many long calls with, that was a different Jordan that I had wished was the man I married, but he wasn't. He was a different person and once again he was different. The thought of having that same man changing again was almost a sweet sound to my heart. Just almost.   I shrugged the feeling away and turned back to the mirror, then my phone beeped and I checked it. A message from Tiffany, asking me to join them on a shopping spree. I quickly told her I would be coming over and went ahead to apply lotion. My skin was all dried up already and it was all because of him. I quickly applied lotion, then I took out what Margaret had broug
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Protecting Genesis
   JORDANTime passed by quickly and just as I had been doing the previous days, I got lost in my thoughts and missed all I had to do concerning work.  My mind and thought had not wrapped around the thought of being with Genesis instead of Samantha. The woman with whom my heart belonged to. Yet I still couldn't believe she would do that to me. I had sacrificed so much for her. I had ignored my pending dilema and I had even accepted my fate but I waited for her. She said no to me once before and I waited for her, I refused every other woman and spent my precious time and days waiting for the day she would be mine. My love for her made me leave my wedding and go in search of her. My love for her made me bring her to the home which was supposed to be hers. I gave her all she ever demanded for. Money, care, attention and understanding. Most importantly I gave her my heart. I was ready to hurt someone else just to ke
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Angry reporters
  GENSISTiana stared at me with wide eyes as I walked into the house while Jordan made his way to where ever he was going to. She looked like she had seen a ghost or probably seen something she shouldn’t have seen. Her mouth fell wide open and she was almost drooling all over the floor. I walked past her into the department and sat down on the closest couch I found. Then Tiffany came out of the room all dressed and excited for the day. “You took too long to get here,” she chided when she saw me. I sighed remembering all Jordan had done and how annoying it was and I found myself getting angry all over again especially when I remembered the way he had held me earlier. His words replayed in my held like a pest, a bee that has refused to buzz away from my ears. They were annoying words of course and they only got me angrier. But calling me his wife was one thing, saying he wanted to be a good husband and making me
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     GENESISTheir words cut deep like a knife and it made me feel completely overwhelmed with the memories and circumstances that led to my marriage. The questions thrown at me were no longer questions reporters usually asked. They were aggressive and loud and with the way they surrounded me, I quickly realize that a little birdy might have told them about Samantha. She was the only one who believed I stole something from her from the beginning. But their questions as well was not my biggest problem at all. Tiana and Tiffany blocked me away from them but from where I stood, I was still exposed to reporters that were behind me. And when that stone had hit, I grew suspicious of the people that surrounded me. Normal reporters were never supposed to do something so horrible to someone like me, but as I thought about this, I felt someone yank my hair forcefully in an attempt to pull my hair away from my skull. I yelped and turned around bu
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