All Chapters of Love and Letters: Dina & David's Story : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
36 Chapters
21. How did you find me?
"Why is David at the hospital? Is it his grandmother? Did she try to escape the hospital again?" I ask Britanny in panic, then my stomach sinks even further, "Wait. It's not him, right? He's not hurt?" Britanny rolls her eyes at me, "He's okay, and Grandma is okay too." Oh, Thank God! "You should've told me that sooner! Do you have any idea how scared I was?" My fingers are still shaking, but I manage to text David using the number Britanny gave me.  Britanny looks heavenwards again as she shifts gears, speeding up the car. I fiddle with the seatbelt across my chest. " looked so scared, though. I thought for sure something horrible happened.." I tell her. "Something horrible did happ
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22. I already have a reason to stay
I am scaring myself. I am fully aware of that. Ever since I saw Jon at the 7/11 last night, waving and smiling with that demented face, I’ve been hypervigilant of my surroundings. I don’t tell David because I don’t want him to worry. But now I think that I probably should. If we can play our cards right, Jon can be our way to finally apprehending Uncle Fern.  Suddenly, an arm loops around my shoulders, and I reflexively hit the person in the jaw, “Ow!” David yelps in pain, and my hand comes up to my mouth in shock.  “Oh my God. I am so sorry!” I stammer, taking his face in my hands as I check the damage. “You just scared me. I thought you were someone else.”  David grimaces, moving his tense jaw from side to side. I hear whispering from the students around us. Nice, Dina. Way to punch y
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23. He has you now
“What took you so long to visit me?” Ari pouts as I near her, and I laugh, returning her quite awkwardly. I try not to cringe at myself. “I’m sorry, I just got a little busy with things,” I tell her truthfully.  “You mean busy with Dave,” Ari says, waggling her eyebrows. “I’m so happy for the both of you.”  Ari gives me an enormous smile, but for some reason, her eyes suddenly fill with tears. “Oh. Oh, no. What’s wrong?” I ask her worriedly. “Sorry. It’s these damned meds. They told me they had nothing to do with my hormones, but somehow, I feel like I’m PMSing.” Ari giggles, wiping at the corner of her eyes. I give her a sympathetic smile, “How are you feeling?” “I’m great,” she tells me, but I notice that she swiftly hides her right arm under her comforter and out of my view. I wonder what that is about. I have a feeling that it's something to do with the reason why she passed out. But I decide not to ask. I’m not o
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24. Distance
David did not answer my calls yesterday, and a gnawing fear grew in me, stronger than the frustration of him keeping secrets from me. What if he went out and looked for Uncle Fern himself again? If he couldn't trust me to go with him, I hope he had the sense to leave it to the police. Not like last time. I shudder at the thought of him getting hurt. "Dina Matthews!" a voice calls out to me as I bend down to get a few books that I left in my chemistry lab drawer. I frown. It's a Saturday so I wasn't expecting anyone to be at school. I wasn't expecting myself to go to school, either. But my previous excursions left me with a lot of catching up to do when it comes to schoolwork. "Yes?" I politely answer at the voice, straightening up from my crouching position. I freeze. Three girls block the exit from the lab with a menacing look my way. One of them was the girl who called me a bitch in class days ago. They're dressed like they're headed to the mall or just came from t
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25. Girls' Night
I just had my first break-up yesterday and now I completely get how it can ruin someone's mood for days. Maybe for years, if you truly loved the person. I saw it happen with my Mom, and I honestly see it happening to me now. I still stand by my decision, though. David and I are no good for each other. Even if we make each other happy, there will always be so many things in our way because of our shared past. Hopefully, we can both put it behind us. I'm not sure how we can achieve that, though, when we go to the same school and have the same set of friends. Like now, Ari has summoned me to the Student Council Room for some unknown reason, and he surely is going to be there. Talk about an awkward situation. True. I could've easily said no. But Ari used the 'I just got out of the hospital' card so fast I didn't have time to blink. Apparently, they really needed help with preparations for the Winter formal. "Dina! Hi. So glad you can make it." Ari calls out to me as I pe
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26. On the Balcony
"Are you sure you don't want me to confront those girls?" Britanny told me as we walked towards campus. I try not to laugh. From our chaotic sleepover last night, I've learned some pretty interesting things about Britanny. She's the leader of the bullies here in school and unleashes them towards her enemies on a regular basis. Which makes total sense considering her personality. Which also means I'm no longer her enemy. That's good to know, I guess."Yes, it's fine. I mean, I beat them up pretty well last time. They'd be stupid to try again." I tell her. "So this is really happening. We're now friends. You're not mad at me for breaking up with David?""Yes." she replies, "I mean, you guys are just gonna get back together anyways."I scoff at her. "We are not getting back together." She sounds so sure, I am taken aback."Oh, you totally are. Brit has a knack for these things." Olive whispers beside me."That's how I know you're the one, babe," Brita
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27. It was dark.
I gape at David, shivering and frozen at the corner of our small balcony. He looks back at me sheepishly, "I wanted to see you. I thought you'd be here." he says, his teeth chattering so bad I wouldn't be surprised if they fall off. I give Boi an exasperated look and my uncle holds up his hands in surrender, "To be fair, when he came looking for you here, I didn't know you guys are broken up." "And he just conveniently forgot to mention it," I say, transferring my glare back to David. He does not look sorry at all, he just continues to tremble from the cold in front of me. "I'm going to give you guys space," Boi announces. "No, you're not leaving. This is your--" I say, trying to drag Boi back, but he leaves so quickly, shrugging away from my hold. I flip my hair back in annoyance. Great. "I hope you freeze to death," I tell David. I start to slam close the balcony door, but the guilt washes over me, so I stalk towards Boi's room. Grabbing his comforter, I go back out and toss it
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28. Trouble will always find you
"What? Dave, what the hell is going on?" Brad asks as the police escort David and me out of the classroom."You guys stay here," David says."But--" Ari starts to protest, but David gently pushes her back inside."Ari. We'll deal with this, okay? Stay inside.""You guys are not in trouble, are you?" Calvin asks from across the room."No. It's going to be okay, Calvin." I tell him, even though I don't believe my own words for a second. I meet David's eyes, knowing that he knows what I'm thinking. We follow the police to the principal's office silently, leaving our friends behind.***David's grandfather and my parents are in the office. My anxiety goes up a notch. What the hell is going on?"Haraboji?" David greets Gramps with an expression that mirrors mine. He grips my hand tighter."Arnold, Mom. What are you doing here?" I ask my parents."Dina, why didn't you tell us about Fernando being here?" Mom tells me. Fr
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29. Dirty Work
It's been two weeks since I've been with Black Dawn. The snow had fallen two days ago and now everyday is as cold as shit, I can feel the ice forming around my heart too. I miss everyone and I wish I can just talk to them even just for a minute. Surreptitiously, I look at my phone. I managed to swipe it last night from where Uncle Fern had hidden it and with my luck, it had run out of juice."He's not here yet, is he?" I ask the kid, the only person with me in this shithole of an apartment, enduring a stakeout that we're tasked to do."Not yet, Ma'am." the kid replies, spreading the takeout that he had just brought in on the table between us. He's a tall, lanky teen, who couldn't have been more than twelve or thirteen. I want to ask his name, but he was probably forbidden to tell me."How the fuck did you end up here?" I ask him instead, hoping at least to fill the silence between us."Sorry, I don't know what you mean." the kid replies, uneasy. I can tel
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30. Escape
"You don't have anything to add, Ms. Matthews?"I sigh tiredly, "Nothing more. That's really all I know." I tell them.For the past hour, I have been wracking my brain about what Black Dawn has been up to for the past few weeks. I thought it was going to be okay at first, but it turned out to be harder than I thought. The things I've seen...the crimes I was forced to do...they weren't exactly things that I wanted to remember."Thank you for your cooperation." one of the officers says, "As for your being complicit to crimes committed by the gang during your time with them...we'll talk to our superiors about it. We understand the situation you were in. Hopefully, your confession is enough for them to reconsider.""Thank you, officer." The police start to leave, but I stop them."Wait. Um...there was a kid with us that day. He--" I swallow weakly, "He lost his life trying to stop Jon from shooting me. David said you found his body. Do we
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