All Chapters of The Chosen : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
81 Chapters
Just like old times
Geri and the doctor arrive at Mary,s place and the sun is almost setting. Mary is out of her house trying to feed his pigs when she spots a car standing some few meters away from her compound, she stops feeding the pigs and moves closer to the wooden poles surrounding her compound. She looks keenly and sees two men heading towards her direction. She drops the bucket and enters the house, quickly runs to her bedroom and takes out a shotgun that is all dusty, blows the dust off and walks with it outside. She stands next to the barbed wire and aims perfectly at the two of them. They walk carefully across the field heading to the big house standing in the middle of the huge field. The doctor knows her sister very well and does not one to take any chances.“Put your hands up, she gets really messy sometimes” he whispers to Geri who in a long time does not like to be viewed as a weak person but he has no choice and he raises his hands too.Mary still aimin
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The safe side
Mary joins them at the living room, and finds them quiet both of them done with heir soop. She sits next to her brother.“What’s with the silence guys, Lincon, you never shut up” he looks at him and stands again walks to her old television.“Its even good you are here, come over here, this has not been working for a while now” he calls Lincon who hurriedly runs and takes a look at the TV. He fixes a couple of wires and it starts showing miraculously. Mary is so excited when she sees the TV is working.“Now I can watch the news and sees what’s going on with this crazy world out there, been hearing a lot of gunshots lately, what is going around with all these wars” she sits down and concentrates on the TV.“It’s an ongoing war throughout the world and has lasted almost a month, we hope it ends soon” Lincon answers him and he had barely finished speaking when his picture showed up in the news as usual
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A night in the moon
Mary comes back in the living room with the dog’s food and feeds it. The dog is now calm than before and both Geri and Lincon are also quiet and calm than before.“I really need some rest Mary” Lincon is so tired and wants to go and get some sleep since he had not slept for so long.“You know your room, and you can share it with Geri, right? Yeah share it with Geri?” she is still seated on the couch and Lincon stands and heads to his bedroom which had been deserted for a very long time. He opens the door and sees things are almost the same way as he had left them sometime back when he had come to see Mary. Mary and Geri are still in the living room.“You have a good place here” Geri starts the conversation after some long silence.“Yeah, its an old house though, I have been thinking of renovating it lately, would you care for a cup of coffee?” she asks him and he remains confused and does not know what to say,
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The big catch
Mary quickly heads to her bedroom and pulls out her shotgun again. Lincon goes to the room to alert Geri and what he found is even more shocking. A big opening was left in the side wall and Geri was nowhere to be seen. He sees the glass bottled that had the serum on the ground scattered into pieces and he knew this was his worst nightmare. Geri had used the serum on himself and whatever he had turned into was something beyond imagination. He runs back to Mary’s room and found Mary picking anything she valued.“Let’s go!!” he shouted and they both come out of the room running towards the back door. Mary suddenly stops.“Where is Geri?” she turns and asks Lincon and she was shaking and so tensed.“He is missing, he is probably not here” Lincon answers with a shaky voice.“What do you mean he is missing, he could of help, and I know you know that” Mary shouts at Lincon and on hearing this Lincon freezes.
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The chase
The search takes so long and the commander becomes so impatient, he decides to leave the farm with the doctor and his sister as the soldiers were still in the forest in search for Geri. He takes the three vehicles with him and starts heading to the army base. Back in the forest Geri now sees the perfect time to make his attack and with just one roar, the entire crew starts running for their lives. Geri jumps from the hill and lands with a very huge thud on the ground. He roars again and the commander now in the vehicle hears the roar.“Hahaaa.. he is coming, drive faster you bastard” the commander does not seem to be shaken at all. They start driving at a fast speed and driving in a very dangerous road surrounding the mountain. One of the soldiers body falls in the middle of the road, they quickly avoid it and drive passed it.“Something is not okay” Mary immediately feels the speed at which they are driving and knows something is up. Two soldiers w
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The Wolf Slayer
Geri can clearly see what’s going on in the van and tries to keep it down, there is now total silence, not even a single movement can be heard from outside. The soldiers wait for a while and they do not hear anything.“Think we should open it?” one of them asks the other.“Yeah, go open it” he pushes him and holds the gun still. The other soldier opens the door slowly and looks outside, he sees nothing, he jumps from the truck holding his gun tightly ready to shoot and walks around the vehicle. The other soldier inside the van hesitates to get of the van. He waits and to see if he can hear anything but no sound is coming from outside, not even the footsteps of the other soldier. He moves towards the door and still shaking.Mary signals Lincon to push him outside, he tries to stand but the soldier turns and points the gun at him.“Gotcha! You trying anything funny, huh!” he asks Lincon.“No, you tell me, you try
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Dr. Lincon and his sister Mary are now on a run and in search of a place to settle. Nowhere seems to be safe at all and they feel like they are being watched. They come to a motel and take two rooms, they no longer have a home and they leave a very terrible life and Mary’s privacy and peace of mind that she usually enjoyed has just disappeared without her expecting it.Geri finally gains his conscious and he realizes he is in a deep valley, he opens his eyes and looks to the sky without any good memories but the commanders face keeps flashing in his head and it looked like he was haunting him. He gets up on his feet and looks around, the place is filled with huge rocks. He looks up and it’s a long way up, he is lucky to have survived the fall and he is so bruised. He starts walking trying to figure out how he will find a way up the road and suddenly he remembers about Mary and the doctor and wonders where on earth could they be. He really hopes that the commander wa
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Hunting the warrior
The commander finally gets to meet him, he has never before seen him on person and this is his first time, he had always wanted to see him and no one ever got to see him easily unless he really had some serious business. He is the oldest and strongest surviving vampire and the commander now begins trembling after he introduces himself.“I guess you might have heard about me so much, and I think you have something for me, is that right?” he struggles speaking these words and you would think he was almost dying from the way that he uttered the words, the commander is now confused, he did not know he would look for him this soon and he had just begun his mission.“It is not yet done, I can’t feel his presence yet, I have never even seen what he looks like” the commander tries defending himself and really hopes Dracula will get to understand him.“How hard is it for you to find a wolf when you are out there, I would barely take an hour
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Here comes the wolf
The hunt was now on, the commander on the move. Edward has no idea what to do and guilt and pain keeps on feeding on him. He has no idea what to do and he is almost giving up one himself and everybody. Sitting down under a huge tree in the woods, he hasn’t eaten anything for a while and he is so weak and clueless at the same time, he has nowhere to run to and he chooses to walk and heads to the mother of peace where he believes he will find some peace of mind or anything to help him. He walks slowly heading up to the mountains again and on the pathway he spots some bloodspot that he believes belong to the kids that were taken away by the panthers, he cannot imagine what they are going through and he knows they all are waiting for him to save them. He goes around and looks for the spot and he does not have a good memory of where it was exactly but he finally finds it. He comes to the place surrounded by the big trees and takes a moment before he can get in. he slowly walks in a
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The let out
“Are you afraid of a simple knife beautiful lady” they try to scare her around while laughing out loud, the three panthers who were left to watch over her were now having a good time scaring Lupita around.“You will all soon pay for this, you think you are going to get away scot free, you are all miserable already” she tries to scare them away. He hands are both tied up and she is hanging helplessly. She could do nothing at all since they were hurting her.One of the panthers stands before her and starts touching her, she spits at him and in return he slaps her back and holds her chin tightly that she cannot even speak.“You are so stubborn huh!!! You think you can fight me back you bitch huuuh!!!” he leaves her and goes and takes the knife his colleague was holding comes back and slowly touches the knife all over her body.“Mhhh, so beautiful” he tries to touch her breasts but Lupita kicks him straight at his balls
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