All Chapters of Because You're Mine: Chapter 41 - Chapter 45
45 Chapters
Feeling of Dread
Chapter 30GioFrankie stands across from me glaring bullets at me as I wait patiently for Steel to respond. “Sorry about that boss the waiter just came back, she sent the food bac,” Steel says before pausing I could tell he had something else to say but was considering if he should tell me or not.“What is it?”“He said they wanted him to tell you to go fuck yourself.” He says quickly.“Noted, is she still there?”“No, they’re getting ready to leave now, Should I keep tailing her?”“No put one of the guys on here if she spots you then she’ll get suspicious and there’s no telling where she might go if that happens. Head back to the office Frankie is already here and Shadows on his way now.”“Ok be there in twenty.” he says before hanging up.“Good that’s what your ass gets.” Frankie says as the phone cuts out he was the first person I called after she left the other day. I knew that he was still pissed at me, but he knew why I had to do it. I had my suspicions that someone in my comp
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A wolf in sheep's clothing
Chapter 31Tara“Hey, Tara, you, ok?” Damon asks me from the driver seat as I stare out the window watching the cars go by. The chilly October rain landing against the window as I try to take in the beautiful fiery colors of the autumn kissed leaves. “Yeah, I’m ok still a little nauseous, though.”“You sure? I know that had to be tough with your ex trying to come back into your life after all this time. Why is that any way? I mean the guy ditched you soon as he finds out your pregnant accuses you of cheating on him, but now he’s suddenly trying to win you back.”“That’s Gio alright a manipulative bastard to the end. I cannot believe I hoped that he would eventually realize how wrong he was and apologize not try to buy my forgiveness. Of course, he only showed up himself when he thought I was moving on. God forbid he actually showed he cared about me or the baby.” “The man’s fucked up in the head, serves him right that he’s losing his fucking mind after losing you.”“Yeah, I guess it’
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Set the world on fire
Chapter 32GioThe sound of wood crashing as the chair I tossed falls in splinters on the floor in front of my closed office door echoes through my home office. It had been over forty-eight hours over twenty went missing and there still wasn’t any update as to where she had been.“What the fuck do you mean you can’t find anything, where the fuck are the men, we had on her?”“Gregorio is dead, and I caught his partner trying to sneak out of town with a couple of sacks full of cash. The mook had over about a mill on him when we caught him at my friend’s car lot downtown. He’s got some interesting things to say about where he got the money from, I thought you might want to hear about its boss.”“Bring him in.” I command the door opens and the sound of a man desperately pleading for my men to let him go. Before being shoved into the office landing on his knees as they through him to the ground in front of me. I inspected the face of the pathetic weasel of a man as he looked up to me. H
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Chapter 33TaraIt had been hours since Damon took off to find Gio leaving me trapped alone in the strange windowless room. I had checked everywhere for a way out but there wasn’t any, outside of the large steel bolted door he used to leave. I could not shake the continuous fear that I was going to die here it paralyzed me with fear to think that this was how I died. After everything had been through everything, I fought for this was the end for me. But why upset me was the fact that I would never see my friends or family ever again. Never get to joke and laugh with Evet and AJ again never get to see Lourdes again.Worst of all I would never get to hold my baby girl, and neither would Gio. I was so pissed at him for being suspicious of Damon, for doubting me How could I have been so stupid. Gio had warned me about him he had tried to keep me away from him and he was right. To think I wasted all this time fighting him on this when all he was trying to do was protect me, I even blamed
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EpilogueFour Months LaterTara shifts in her sleep kicking and screaming fighting off, what I can only imagine is the nightmare of my cousin and Uncle. It makes my heart sink watching her struggle with the invisible attackers desperately. Frankie told me what she said about her being drugged and too afraid to eat or sleep for two days because she was scared. The look on my brother’s face when he told me about her requesting a rape kit because she was terrified, he had taken advantage of her. While he recounted her story of the first day alone with him to me. It was enough to make me want to dig their asses back up and torture the bastards all over again. It had been four months since we found her in the tunnels half-naked and covered in dirt, her feet bloody and bruised from her running barefoot in those tunnels alone. She was a survivor, my girl, she hadn’t given up once. Not even when she was staring down the barrel of my uncle’s thirty-eight.When I heard the shot ring out in th
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