All Chapters of How to Become a Mafia Leader : Chapter 11 - Chapter 17
17 Chapters
Still preparing
After spending the entire Saturday practising teamwork and getting used to the communicating tools, Sunday finally arrived. Hart woke up first, cooked breakfast for them before waking the other two. It took him half an hour to drag the two sloths from their beds, which made the food turn cold, Hart reheated it then they all sat down to eat.  " Come to think of it, we haven't tried anything to return to our bodies yesterday ", Irene said as she took a mouthful of bacon omelette.  " I have actually found something, yesterday I asked Nar to search for supernatural occurrences and sort them based on their credibility. Since Nar has access to many confidential files that we can't reach, the results were quite good "  Hart has expected him to have at least done so, he knows that Zachary is stubborn and a bit slow at reacting but he is still a smart person when it comes to finding something. Irene on the other hand was somehow surprised, she honestly
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End of preparation
After shopping and buying a pantsuit for Zachary, since he refused to wear Hart's mother's skirt, the trio rested at a coffee near the restaurant that Charles booked.  Hart stared as Zachary put on the smart contact lenses, he couldn't help but ask:" Doesn't it feel weird? "  " It feels like a hair stuck in your eyes, not painful but uncomfortable ", Zachary answered as he blinked repeatedly.  " hey, enough wasting time, you have to be there early "  Irene said as she stuffed a mouthful of cake in her mouth. Although she was nervous, Irene can't miss this chance to eat everything to her heart's content. In the past, she always had to mind what she eats as to not mess up her diet and fatten up, but now, she was in a boy's body which could drink oil and still not gain a single kilo.  Hart frowned upon Irene's concern, ' could it be that she did not understand the real situation? '  " Ms Irene, why d
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Battle trailer
Sitting on the round table in the private room, Zachary wore an emotionless face as he gazed outside the floor-to-ceiling window. The combination of Irene's young and beautiful appearance and Zachary's mature and piercing expression made him look like an aloof and distant goddess.  Of course, all of that was a bunch of bullshit. At the moment, Zachary was playing cards with Irene in his head, waiting for Charles to defeat the traffic jam that Nar deliberately made for him. Thanks to the smart lenses, Zachary had access to Nar's system without needing a computer.  When the door suddenly opened, Zachary wasn't surprised as Hart had already told him that the person has arrived through the headphones. Following Hart's instructions, Zachary slightly turned his head to the breathless Charles, who seems to have run all the way here, and looked at him haughtily.  " It never occurred to me that I will have to wait this long for someone who invited me fi
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Plans for hiking
Once they were full and comfortable, Zachary finally brought up the serious business. According to what Nar summarised for them, many non-humans lived within human society and they are monitored and protected by a worldwide system that is controlled by higher authorities. However, due to religious needs, there are a few temples and shrines built for their use. " So you are saying that if we go to these places we could find a wich or a magician to help us? Are we still living on earth? " Irene said sarcastically, she still doesn't want to believe these magical things. Hart, on the other hand, although not sure of it, he also doesn't want to cross that possibility without knowing more about the topic. especially if it turned out to be true, then there would be many things he needs to guard against. " Where is the closest temple to us? " Hearing Hart seriously considering it, Irene immediately chimed in:" You actually believe that shi
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Plans for hiking (Edited)
When Zachary returned to the coffee he got an earful from Hart and a beating from Irene. However, after forcing two pitiful crocodile tears, Hart's heart softened and he was forgiven.Although Irene was furious at the beginning, after Hart coaxed her with some homemade cookies, the matter was instantly dropped.Later, Hart made them a fancy dinner with dessert and all. Once they were full and comfortable, Zachary finally brought up the serious business. According to what Nar summarised for them, many non-humans lived within human society and they are monitored and protected by a worldwide system that is controlled by higher authorities. However, due to religious needs, there are a few temples and shrines built for their use. " So you are saying that if we go to these places we could find a wich or a magician to help us? Are we still living on earth? " Irene said sarcastically, she still doesn't want to believe these magical things. Hart, on th
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Back to school
The next morning, Hart, as usual, woke up first. Made breakfast, then rolled up his sleeves and went to wake up the three sleepyheads. Since Maira was suffering from a hangover, she was the last to get down. " Good morning, mom " " Morning, baby " Once She sat down, another two voices greeted her. " Good morning anty " " Good morning, Mrs Cassidy " Maira's movement halted, She looked up and saw two figures, one familiar and the other not. A young girl with outstanding beauty sat on her right, her silver hair neatly combed to a high ponytail allowing her immature features to appear soft and pure. One look and Maira could tell that this delicate girl is a spoiled young Ms from some rich family. ' whose baby girl is this??! ' Maira silently stared for a moment, feeling that this baby girl kinda reminded her of someone but she is not sure who. " You are..." Hearing that, Hart, who was in the kitchen making c
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Rumours part 1
<span;>When 'Irene' arrived with the school's two hotshots, everyone was stunned. We could ignore 'Zachary' who is always following Hart but why is the student council president dropping the mafia girl to her class???  <span;>With everyone's eyes glued to them, the trio reached class 9-3.  <span;>" Alright, here we go. Make sure to behave, I will come get you on lunch break "  <span;>" Hn, see you later ", although reluctant, Zachary did not protest and obediently entered the classroom.  <span;>' From the window, the fourth seat in the second row...... ugh, what is that ugly thing behind my seat? '  <span;>The ugly thing in question was Mikhail, his now classmate. Mikhail is a young handsome boy with a long blonde hair and two diamond studs, both his shoes and watch looked hella expensive. <span;> On glance and Zachary knew that he was spoiled yo
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