All Chapters of LIGHTNING THE ASSASSIN: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
67 Chapters
Shelby's weak eyes looked up when the sword she expected to swoop down like some avenging angel and claim her life took a slight delay. The look in her eyes matches the exact ones popping out from the balls of her fellow assassin. Their shocked gazes held each other and she watched as the sword hanging in the air slowly slipped off the man's hand and then his body followed and crashed to the ground in a heavy thud. His fall revealed Marcus who stood behind him trembling from head to toe, his eyes wide as an ocean frozen in shock while his shaking limbs clutched tightly the now red-stained sword that was once inside the dead assassin body.  Marcus couldn't believe what he had done. He just killed somebody, he thought his whole body drenched in fear. He wasn't a killer. He might enjoy watching the hunt but that doesn't mean he likes to take the life himself. Thank you, the soft words wafted up to him penetrating his frozen mind. The sword dropped with a loud clang from hi
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Lucas was busy in his office pouring over the presentation he will be making to his investors in the next few hours when his phone rang. His company just won a bid to be the sole producer of a pharmaceutical product that will be able to cure the illness of Cystic Fibrosis. A respiratory illness that has gone ages without a cure and just a few months ago scientists had a breakthrough. He turned his dark brown eyes in the direction of the ringing phone. He didn't need the distraction right now. This presentation will determine if his company gets the funding he needs to fully go into more research and mass production of the drug. He needs the right words to convince the rich folks he is going to meet that this endeavor is worth aligning their ship to because in few months he will be lining their pockets with a lot of money more than they will invest into his company. The phone stopped and started up again. To avoid the sound interrupting him again Lucas picke
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The deadweight of her target hit the ground in a loud thud. Lightning calmly lifted the remaining wine in her glass to her lips and drowned it all before getting to her feet to finish the rest of the ritual when the target has been eliminated. She took out the company-issued smartphone and pressed some buttons to gain assess to the secured camera and took pictures of her no longer breathing target and hit send. She waited for few minutes for her file to be received and acknowledged at the HQ and when she got a response in the form of six figures a huge smile broke her face. As quietly as she came in she left the same way making sure not to leave any clues that can be traced back to her by the cops. Outside the target apartment Lightning lifted her black hoody over her shinny beach blonde hair and kept her face downcast and away from the cameras hanging at strategic points along the hallways and other hidden places and made her way confidently towards the lobby making su
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" What the hell are you doing? " Marcus cried in alarm as he jumped up on the bed, his eyes bulging out in stark fear, his heart racing in his chest. He tried to leave but the ominous sound of the cork of the gun advice him otherwise. " I wouldn't ask you again, " Shelby warned coldly.Marcus swallowed and stared down the barrel of the gun to his face wondering what the blonde want from him. " What are you asking? " he asked in a low cautious voice his eyes not moving away from the gun. " For starters why are you here? and why do you keep appearing everywhere I go and why do you not flinch at the sight of me killing someone? Are you some FBI agent sent to spy on me? " Shelby asked lifting her brow at the guy. She really didn't think him a spy, if he was he wouldn't have wasted his time saving her but still, she was curious as to who he really was. The guy wouldn't think her that stupid if she just accepted his sudden appearance in her life. Marcus ad
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" Alright, guys we have a new target on our hands. Hills Thomas. Thirty-two years old, and a construction worker. We need to pick our assassins, " Percy said to the room. " Do we add Lightning to the group? " Grey, a mousy blonde hair guy with a lot of freckles asked out loud. " No, let her rest. Pick from the old bunch, " Percy instructed. " What about sweet girl, " Blake suggested. " Okay, more guys, " Percy said going to take his seat at the head of the table. " Poison, " Simon, the African American in the group blurted out. " Who is she? " Percy asked looking at the big screen. " Wait let me put up her details, " Simon said clicking at his laptop. A few seconds later the image of a beautiful brunette with Gothic features filled the big screen. " She is a gamma sir. ""That is good, who else?"  " Sly fox, " Simon said again, reading off his screen. " That is three people. We need two more. Add someone of high
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Poison walked into her house with the blonde hot on her heels. She turned to face her. " What kind I offer you? "" A bottle of beer if you don't mind, " Cat said giving the woman a smoldering look. Poison locked eyes with the blonde for seconds, heightening the tension between them before he turned to go to his kitchen. She bent into her fridge to bring out two bottles of beer one for herself and the other for her guest and when she turned around, the blonde was standing directly behind her putting within hair breath of each other. " Guess you don't want that beer, huh? " Poison said in a husky tone staring into the grey eyes now deeper by the burning desire in them. Cat took the bottles from her and laid them gently on the table behind her before turning to face the woman, taking a step forward to place closer to her, their skin almost touching. The woman was a foot taller than her, so Cat rose on the tip of her toes to put them on eye level. " You
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The brunette words didn't do a shit clearing up the confusion in Cat's eyes. She was supposed to be dead. She felt the needle and the drug enter through her neck into her blood so how the fuck was she still alive, and why?. " How and Why? " she asked softly voicing the questions in her mind while casting a shadow of suspicion in the woman's direction. Poison eyed the blonde, the explanation as to why she spared the blonde mind an elusive point in her mind for the moment but how she saved the blonde was one she could heartily explain. " Well, sweet doodles when your heart stopped I quickly removed your tracker before giving you the antidote that will bring back your heart and went ahead to hide you while faking your death. " Poison finished her explanation with a proud smile on her lips as if expecting a medal for her actions.Cat glowered at the dark brunette. " First, don't ever call me that, ew!, " she says making a disgusting face that started a light smile on
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The two men continued their face-off in silence with a hot intense stare at each other. Scarface didn't act as if he hard the other guy and without making obvious his intent moved his fingers on the trigger catching Fool off guard when the bullet from his gun caught him on the right shoulder. " Fuck! you son of a bitch!!! " Fool cried out letting out successive shots at Scarface which he was quick to dive out of the way, taking cover behind one of the cars parked in the underground parking lot.  Fool fumed as his shoulder stung to high heaven. His eyes glowing red with his rage he looked around furiously for his prey. " Come out, you bastard!! " he yelled again shooting off more rounds in the direction he felt Scarface to be hiding.  Scarface remained calm at his hiding place until one of Fool's random shots caught the glasses of the car he was hiding behind which caused a rain of broken glasses on his head. He quickly got out of the way to avoid being caug
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Poison acted as if the alert never rang and continued what she was doing. She gently raised the blonde white tee from yesterday and revealed a very tan flat stomach and mild abs with a plaster on the right side. Her fingers went to the plaster but instead of taking it off, she used her fingers to stroke the smooth skin beside it.  Cat gasped softly at the tickling Poison action caused. She swallowed past the desire that filled her throat, before speaking. " Aren't you going to leave? " she asked looking directly at her wrist band.  " Shortly, but first this, " Poison replied in a cocky tone.  " What if the killer tracks you to this place? " Cat asked arching her brow at the woman, not that she is scared. " Then I will make sure that nothing happens to you, " Poison replied her with a wink before going back to her task.  She peeled off the white clear plaster as slowly as she could not cause the blonde further pain but wasn't really
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The paralysis eating up his system was spreading quickly, his right side was completely immovable and his left leg just grew numb just like the way it did with his right leg. " What have you done to me? " Sly fox slurred at Poison as he slumped to his knees his tongue feeling heavy right now. Poison advanced slowly on the man, her hazel eyes with gold flecks glowing in the night. She squats down on her heels putting her at eye level with her target but with a few distances between them to keep her from harm's way. She stared into the man's pupil which is dilated and unfocused. " You want to know what I did to you? " she asked in a low voice bringing up the pointy mouth of her sai to trail along the man's cheeks. Sly fox flinched away from the weapon even though his reaction didn't translate into the actual movement because his whole body feels numb and breathing was becoming more difficult. " You see this, I coated it with the venom extracted f
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