All Chapters of FORBIDDEN KISS: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
65 Chapters
Chapter 21: Lillian
“Thank you for coming back to me.”  I turn to Jordan and smile while expressing my appreciation. “Yeah.  Yesterday was a bit much.  I just can’t believe I managed to get out of this one alive.  Those guys seemed so intent on killing me.  I mean who would have thought that George would have been at it again already?”  He takes me in his arms and smiles before kissing me on the lips. “Mom, mom.”  Kelly runs in the door after her boyfriend Christian drops her off. She glances at the both of us and then continues what she was saying, “Christian just asked me to marry him.” Shocked beyond belief, I stand there in awe before blinking my eyes and waiting for her to say something else.  I had figured something was going on when they have been going out for 2 years, and every time I turned around she was on a date with him before we went on the run.  I remember the first time he came over to pick her up, I insisted
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Chapter 22: Jordan
Shocked, I called the police and they showed up in the nick of time.  If they hadn’t, I would have finished this miserable ass hole off before he hurts anyone else.  At least it would have been the last time he ever laid his hands on any of them. “Mr.?” The officer places a hand on my shoulder while asking.I turn to him and try to keep everything together.  They have already carted off Kelly, and Lillian is in the bedroom falling apart while holding Jon. “Jordan Hill” I state without any emotion to my voice.Sounding like a robot, I even shock myself a little.  I guess this is all just too much for me right now.  Seeing the look on Kelly’s face as she had lie dying on the cold tile floor, I felt horrible, because I knew that nothing, I did would make a difference at that moment.  She would die and Lillian would never be the same again.“Can you tell me exactly what
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Chapter 23: Lillian
“Crack”I wake up to hear a loud noise coming from the other room.  Seeing Jon laying next to me, I carefully try to move without waking him.  However, I need to go out and find what has just made that noise.When I finally climb off the bed and glance over to make sure he is still asleep, I hear another noise coming closer this time.  Someone is walking towards the bedroom, and it sounds too heavy to be Jordan.  Hearing a loud scraping along the wall, it instantly reminds me of when George used to do that with his nails whenever he got drunk and was about to beat me.Hurrying to the door, I brace myself in case I am right.  Then when it does open quickly, I slam it right back at him.  I hear, “Shit!” Then a grunt before I feel the door slam all the way open right into my shoulder.He appears around the door to stare me in the eyes with a wicked grin spreading across his ugly face.  I cry out and
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Chapter 24: Jordan
“Hey, how are you doing this morning beautiful?” I ask because I feel like shit for having to leave her alone last night. Realizing that it is hospital policy, I went home with Jon but not before stopping off at the pizza joint and grabbing a bite to eat.  We were both starving apparently, because we finished off a supersize pizza and a large order of extra buttery breadsticks with garlic marinara sauce.  It was to die for. When we arrived at the house, Jon was so tired that he went straight to bed.  But I sat up for a while worrying if George might come back.  The last thing we need is for him to show up while Lillian is in the hospital.  Then I might actually kill him this time. After several hours of looking at my laptop, I place it on the end table and grab a cup of nice hot coffee.  As I take a deep breath in, I close my eyes to revel in the aroma before I reopen them and take a sip.  It&rsquo
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Chapter 25: Lillian
“You are free to go.  That is unless you want to stay?” Doctor Laramie says as he flirts with me. Jordan and Jon are not here yet, because it is only 8:15 and visiting hours don’t start till 9 a.m.   I will just have to get dressed after they take out the I.V. and sign my paperwork before waiting for them to arrive.  Once I step out those doors though, I don’t intend on coming back any time soon.  Lately, it seems like I have been here one too many times.Sure, I feel bad about it all, but I feel even worse because I have totally disrupted Jordan’s business and his life.  It makes me wonder if all this was really worth it for him.  After all, if he hadn’t met me that day when this all started, he wouldn’t have had his life threatened or worse watched as everything he holds dear to him burned up in a fire.I can’t believe it has been over a year since this has all started.&nb
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Chapter 26: Jordan
The moment she captures a glimpse of the place, I watch as her eyes light up and she smiles bigger than I have seen her in a long time.  It’s an absolutely beautiful smile and I love the fact that something we did had this desired effect on her.  It’s amazing.“Have I told you just how much I love you.” I say softly when I stop the car and stare at her for a moment before we get out and I help her inside. Watching her face when I unlock the door and she walks in, is priceless.  I love the way she expresses everything so purely.  At least I will always know when she actually appreciates things, she doesn’t seem to be able to hide her emotions at all.  That is a good thing in some respects, a detriment in others.  I wonder how all this time she lived with George or is this why he beat her?Could he not deal with the constant reminder that he was never good enough for her?  I so often have remin
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Chapter 27: Lillian
“I can’t believe this is happening again.” I say to Jordan with tears in my eyes. Barely getting out a word without bursting into tears, I wonder “Why won’t George just leave us alone?  Does he hate me so much that he won’t stop till we are all dead?” Sitting next to Jordan, I snuggle up with Jon’s head on my lap as the police officers ask us all sorts of questions.  It takes two hours for them to get the dead bodies out of the rooms and then ask us what happened.  Then and only then, did they leave after Detective Roberts warns us to not leave town. “Honey, will you take Jon to bed?  I think he is ready now.  Besides I don’t want to wake him, especially now after all of this.” I raise my hands to gesture at everything around me.  Jordan nods as he stands up and stretches before he scoops him up in his arms and takes him to bed.  As I sit there all alone, I wonder if this will ever be over with.  Looking up when
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Chapter 28: Jordan
“That was so fucking hot!” I think to myself while remembering last night as I run my fingers through my hair and stare into the mirror after taking a shower.  Lillian is still asleep, but I must make a trip into town and check on the guys at the shop, because it’s been a few days since I have checked in on their progress.A couple weeks back, I was forced to get a whole new crew and it is killing me.  Not only do they have no idea what they are really doing, but they don’t have the same feel as the ones I am used to working with.  I used to be able to leave the shop for days at a time or weeks and be somewhat confident that they would still get the work completed.  Now, I am not too sure about anything.As I shave my head, I remember the days when I spent all day every day at the shop and I lived for it, but now it seems that I am always constantly worried about Lillian and Jon.  Matter of fact, that is all I do. 
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Chapter 29: Lillian
“Jordan!” I cry out the minute I see him.  When Jon still hadn’t got out of bed, I went to check on him.  He was still asleep at 2 p.m., so I walked over to the side of the bed and shook him gently.  I panicked and yelled for him, because after shaking him, he still wouldn’t open his eyes.  Leaning down, I place my fingers on his neck to check if his heart is even beating.  Thankfully, it is and so I try to wake him again.  Nothing.  Realizing that I must do something, I grab my phone and call an ambulance.  While waiting, I sit next to him on the bed and hope that I am wrong, because if I am right, he may not ever wake up.  As I sit there silently, tears fall well up in my eyes and then cascade down my cheeks.  Why?  Why does this always have to happen to us?  Why can’t George just leave us alone? If this all wouldn’t have happened, my kids would be fine.  Kelly wouldn’t be dead
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Chapter 30: Jordan
“Baby, baby.  Tell me, what has happened?”  I say while trying to calm her down.As I hold her tight, she looks up at me with tear-stained eyes and answers me in a shaky voice, “They said he is going into surgery and the doctor hasn’t even come out to talk to me about what is happening yet.”“What? How can they?  He is underage.”  I ask while glaring at the nurse at the counter.She hesitates and then states, “They told me they don’t have too anymore.” Before she starts crying again and I hug her even tighter.“Let me take care of this!” I release her quickly, after kissing her lips softly.Proceeding straight to the counter, I raise my voice in an authoritative tone, “I demand to see the doctor at once.”The nurse looks up at me and glares for a second, before she informs me in a rude manner, “Sir, you need to sit down.  You ar
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