All Chapters of Alpha of the Peak: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
109 Chapters
Chapter 30: End of Training
NarratorThe last weeks of training passed in an exhausted blur as the young wolves settled into school routines while keeping up with their practices. It was taxing for many who found balancing the stress and time of training with their homework was very difficult. Jessica impressed many of the leaders. She had the hardest course load of any of the freshmen having tested out of her science and math freshman level courses and gone straight to the sophmore classes. She attended brawler training, remaining a fierce warrior, while still keeping up with her volunteer hours at the pack clinic. There were some full warriors that could have learned from her work ethic and time management. Captain Marta had even contacted Dr. Slater to be sure Jessica was getting enough rest and wasn't feeling taxed but hiding it. Because the goal of their training was t
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Chapter 31: Into the Fray
P.o.V. Moira/TrajanMoira and Trajan noted the look of disbelief on Callie and Carmel’s faces as they explained the options and asked the team for advice. It was clear they assumed Trajan and Moira would just be dictating the plan, not asking the squad. Annie, however, thought for a moment before offering up an idea.“I think we use Carmel and my skills at least at the start. If we circle the edge of the woods, Carmel can find where another team has entered and then I can scout ahead once we get close. If you and Callie can at least follow relatively close and quiet, we should be able to get the drop on at least a group or two before we need to rethink our strategy. What do you think, Carmel?”“Oh…” he seemed startled to be addressed by Annie and gave a hesitant look to
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Chapter 32: Two Down
P.o.V. Moira/TrajanAlessa bucked and snapped but couldn’t force Moira off of her back. Finally she began to change forms, but Moira was ready and planted their feet while drawing up to full height. Jessica was more than a head shorter and couldn’t hold her footing. As she began to stop struggling, Moira quickly released the chokehold and locked her down to the ground. They didn’t want to hurt their friend. A submission would be enough, and Jessica had no more options if the rest of the group could take down the other three.As they came to this conclusion, Moira focused on holding Jessica while Trajan turned their gaze on the others. Without the mind link they couldn’t really tell how their squad was doing, but they needn't have worried. Ginger was atop Bo, snapping at him and pinning him facedown. Annie was wrestling with one
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Chapter 33: Ambush
P.o.V. Moira/TrajanTrajan stood resolutely in the path of Sarah and her team. Once their group had located the other squad, they all circled up and decided on the plan. Jewel and Ginger would approach quietly to try and get a good idea of how she had her team set up. They would then drop back to Trajan and Carmel and decide on the best method from there. Carmel volunteered to go with Annie since they were both specifically trained in stealth, but Moira rejected it outright. Seeing the confusion on his face, Moira explained that he was the most valuable member of the team. If something bad happened to any of them, he would still be able to find the other squads, and more importantly, avoid them. Then he and whoever else was left could wait for the perfect moment to strike. Carmel was embarrassed by the praise and kept emphasizing how critical the whole team was, but Annie and Callie stopped him by
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Chapter 34: Run A-Muck
P.o.V. Annie/JewelMoira took off into the foliage, and we followed as quickly as we could. Sarah’s call was so loud, there was no way the other groups didn’t know exactly where we were. Moira and Trajan shifted mid-run as they made their way into the woods. Trajan began changing our path more towards the river where Moira had said Rich’s or Chris’s group may be located. Jewel focuses on keeping us running while listening for pursuers so that I can try and figure out what Trajan could be thinking. Maybe he is expecting this group to come after us so is going to try and circle around them? Maybe he’s trying to make two groups collide, but that’d put us in the middle.“Someone’s coming,” Jewel gasped. I couldn’t tell if any of the others noticed, so I urged her to the front of the group to warn
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Chapter 35: Showdown
P.o.V. MoiraRich and Chris’s wolves were the first to emerge from the woods. Claud and Otto walked side-by-side with great menace and purpose. Clearly they had come to an agreement to deal with us before ending the brawl between themselves. Only four wolves followed so maybe it took a few minutes to realize what happened and some had gotten too excited in the collision.I pulled myself up to my full height and stood as haughtily as I could manage before letting Trajan have control enough to bellow in our cockiest voice, “Who wants to play King of the Mountain with me?” I smirked at his taunt and hoped it was effective. We needed all eyes on us while the others scattered and maybe we could goad someone to act rashly. I spread my arms wide and Trajan let out a humming sound that was incredibly grating.
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Chapter 36: A Quiet Day
P.o.V. PatrickI am so excited I can’t concentrate at all. The dreaded training days are finally over. I can feel the joy of freedom coursing through my veins as I think about no longer having to wrestle with smelly classmates or get hit or kicked or slammed on the ground. All I can think about, as I sit warm and cozy in the plushest armchair in the library, is how much I will be able to do with this extra time. No more leaving school early or struggling to get homework and projects done. I can finally join clubs, work on group projects with other students, and go to after school events.The first thing I plan on doing is spending more time with my peers. Some of my classmates have begun practicing for the debate team and I will finally be able to join them. Calpernia, a vampire from the High Top clan whose father is second to their sire, invites
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Chapter 37: Guests for Dinner
NarratorAs the final group of trainees emerged from the treeline, those waiting to greet them clapped and cheered in celebration. All of the competitors, warriors, and even some family members were excited to hear the final results. The leadership and refereeing members had kept the events within the forest quiet to allow the participants to tell their own tales. A great feast to celebrate the end of training would be held the next evening so everyone would have plenty of time to tell their tales and could enjoy a fine meal with family and friends.Alpha Darren stepped forward as the group neared the crowd. A respectful bow bobbed through the wolves in attendance as they acknowledged his presence. Smiling at the emerging wolves, he paused as he took in their appearance. This set of combatants looked far worse for wear than those who had exited before.
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Chapter 38: Girl Time?
P.o.V. Luna FallonThis feast was more work to plan than even the traditional presentation ceremony and run. They were going to combine the Harvest Moon celebration with the end of training dinner so almost all of the pack members would be in attendance. The only ones who would not be there were the unmated wolves and their escorts who went a few hours away to attend the closest Maben Ball. With any luck they would be returning in a few days with mates and the next celebration would be welcoming the new pack members.Because of the size of the event, it was going to have to be held outside and, with the weather rapidly turning from winter to fall, would require a periphery of bonfires to keep the worst of the chill out of the area. It was great luck werewolves ran hot to begin with or they would have had to find a way to hold this massive event indoors
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Chapter 39: Motivations
P.o.V. Moira/Trajan"Do you think she realized what we did?"                         "No. She was too busy doing our hair and trying to figure out why we wanted her to fix it so suddenly, I think. Did you manage to contact Zira?"“Yes. She confirmed what we thought. Our mother is teaching Patrick how to subdue and quash his wolf. Zira says it has been years since she has been let out. They can still mindlink pack members and the bond with father is unchanged, but Zira is a little worried that shifting may be an issue should they need to.”                      &
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