All Chapters of The Vampire King's Werewolf Bride: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
108 Chapters
Zaros whipped him to their side in a swoosh! What does she mean? Was she saying she would treat the same way the way he treated Adira? How could that be possible?His sister was different and his wife was different! She was after all a werewolf. But he couldn't say that. Holding his displeasure, he clenched his fist as he forced back his anger down his throat."What do you mean, Lady Serene?" Zaros asked. Even though he tried to sound calm one could still sense the displeasure in his tone."Son, what are you saying? You are saying as if I am going to torture her. You are taking the best care of my daughter. I will do the same! Or are you saying you are the reason for my daughter's condition? Hmm?" Serene as if she was shocked. The words she uttered came out of her throat icily. Even though a smile was playing on her lips, one could sense the anger and venom behind the words she uttered. Zaros wanted to argue but he doesn't know what to say."I am not saying that, Mother. I am worried
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Affecting her brother's relationship
Tears threatened to fall from her eyes. She wanted to say something but felt like something got stuck in her throat. She watched his expressionless face looking back at her.Those were the same eyes that looked back at her with love and respect this very morning.Those were the very eyes that assured her of trust and loyalty.But now all she could see was an empty gaze.Looks like she won't even have a happy marriage from now on. And the whole reason for it was… her brother. He ruined her life once in the past and again now he was ruining her life. She looked at him with hurt and hate-filled eyes. She said nothing.But Zaros could see the complaints, anger, betrayal, and other things in her eyes. Closing his eyes, he pinched the space between his brows. He didn't know how to make this situation better. But the expression on his sister's face tells him, he broke her trust to an irreparable point."Lady Valorine! You will no longer live in my chambers. You will be allotted your personal
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Fake Mate?
Zaros walked out of the chambers leaving the brother and sister alone.Maximus's heart wrenched at the sight of his sister. She repeatedly said she doesn't want to marry this guy. Yet he made her marry the one.Didn't she say he was her mate?Then why does he treat her like this?Was the bond even real?Many thoughts swirled in his mind as he looked at his sister.Taking her hand into his hands, he held it tightly. His sister, his angel, and his cute bundle were now lying unconsciously.A word from her now, he would wreak havoc. He wouldn't care a single thing about pact or anything. All he cared about was her well-being now."Angel, just wake up and tell a single word that you are not happy, I will turn everything upside down for you. It won't affect the pact or the deal between the two races. Just wake up," he said with tears in his eyes.This was the first time, he saw her sister like this.Partly he was to blame too. If not for him, she would not even agree to this. As he looked a
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Failed Faking
"Brother, why do you think she wants to meet us?" Adira asked as she stood infront of the gate of the Witch's tower."I don't know. But I guess it's not anything bad. Her suggestions for me from last time are doing good for me," Maximus added.Adira nodded her head at him. As long as her brother was with her, she can say that she was safe. She has to be worried if it was her husband. Hmm… husband… just the word itself was making her feel bitter.Like last time, a crow appeared in front of them."Princess and King, follow me," the woman called Sansa from last time said.They both followed her. Unlike last time, this time they went to the third floor. The third floor was filled with a huge bed as it faced the roof of the beautiful night sky. The glittering stars that are decorated in the thick bluish-black blanket-like sky made them feel relaxed. Adira liked the way it was instantly. A smile formed on her face the very next second."Come here," Elphaba said as she gestured for them to g
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Terms and conditions
"You are here?" Maximus asked with a glee in his eyes."Brother, shall we leave?" Adira asked."Yes," he said and nodded at her."What did she say?" Maximus asked as they walked."Nothing. She gave me something that can protect me," Adira replied."What is it?" he asked."Nah… it would be a waste if I show it to you," Adira said."Okay, keep it safe with you," Maximus said with a smile."Brother, I want to know about something," Adira started as she stepped out of the witch's tower."Is it important?" he asked."Kind off," she said."We will talk in your study," Maximus said stepping inside the carriage.She nodded. He helped her climb after he stepped in. Adira settled down after she was done settling and smoothing her dress.The ride to the palace was silent.—-On the other hand…Lenora was getting restless as seconds passed. Maximus still haven't come to speak with her. It was past lunch and even dinner time was going to pass now.Was he really not going to care about her?She doe
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Completely Broken
She needs to know what happened between them. Maybe knowing this thing would help her more. Adira needs every card that was available. If not, she would have to suffer for longer. She wasn't willing to suffer more.Zaros was literally a monster that she wants to stay away from. When he was sweet, she felt like she was the best and luckiest woman in the world. But now… she couldn't feel that anyway. Adira felt she was the biggest idiot in the world.As she immersed herself in her thoughts the door for her brother's study was opened with a bang revealing Lenora. She was panting hard as if she ran a marathon. She was unkempt, her eyes were red like she cried unlike a normal look of hers. Her clothes weren't neat. It's as if she was devastated about something.And Lenora didn't even care about etiquette. If Eudora was here, she would have dragged Lenora by holding her by her ear to the etiquette classes again. The horror of learning etiquette would have to be experienced all over again. W
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Invitation (1)
When he thought she would leave, she furrowed her brows with worry and turned around. Even he gazed at the way she looked curiously. He saw his sister crying like a mess as she left the hallways. She didn't care about the way she looked or felt ashamed. Was she rejected by her husband? This wasn't good. And the genuine worry on his wife's face made him further guilty. This wasn't good anymore. Unconsciously he came out of his hiding and stood behind his wife. He was about to go after her but she changed her direction and turned back facing his face to face. Her saddened eyes turned fearful. Her full lips trembled at his sight. The confidence she held and the worry-free she has before was gone now. Her face was a pure reflection of fear. For some reason, he didn't like her face turning this way. He wasn't a monster. He was her husband. What was there to be feared? He thought. And what made him further sad was the way she ran away without glancing at him and without caring about her
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Invitation (2)
"I no longer belong to Vampira. And… My Lord, lower your voice. You will wake up my lady. She is tired today. The day is tough," Celine said with the same flowery smile.Indirectly saying she remembers that fact and it's just that she doesn't care about that fact.Zaros want to clutch her neck and choke her to death. But he stopped himself from doing that from that second. He would have to wait to do that after some time."My Lord, trying to kill me is equal to acquiring more hate from the Lady. You did that already by hurting Lady Adira. My Lady might not be expressive but she loathes you for her current situation. If she knew you are here and fighting with me to carry her. What would the lady think?"She would think I am not doing my job well. I don't want to be blamed for the things I didn't do intentionally," Celine said.Celine saw how Lenora cried during the nights remembering her brother and mother for days. Yet nobody showed up for her. They left her when she needed them the m
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She started doubting if he was really her mate or not. This situation reminded her of her brother's words.When she was completely sure that her husband left, she removed her covers and took her clothes. Wearing them, she left her hair open before slipping under the covers again.Adira started thinking about the things that were happening around her. She didn't like this awkward situation in her home.She can't talk with her brother freely like she used to do before. Even if she talks, there would be eyes that will watch her. She doesn't want to be under surveillance. This wasn't settling well with her.As she thought about it her husband was being bipolar.He was the one who was making her suffer. And even again expecting her to be involved with her sexually with him.What kind of a man was he?Didn't he call her useless, brainless, and a dumb woman?Didn't he say she was good for nothing?Didn't he tell her she was of no use?Or was this his way of saying that she can only be used f
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Siblings 'Chat' (1)
All he did was try to keep giving and ensure that his sister would get a comfortable life. And he would get to rule the Werewolf empire.There was nothing bad in it, right?Weren't these many wars that happened through these millennia for the sake of the upper hand? Now, he was doing it without wars. What's wrong with it?Why could no one understand him?And his sister calling him. He hoped he could mend their relationship. Also with that, he could take his sister's help to get hold of Werewolfia.---------------------Lenora was sitting in her chambers dressed normally not the way the wife of a king dresses. She dressed quite plainly like a normal girl. She wasn't even dressed like a princess. She dressed like a noblewoman.Celine wanted her to put on the dress from the morning but Lenora refused that. She took pains to get dressed the way she wanted now. Aara and Kylie were confused too. But they said nothing. All they knew was following her commands. And if she did something out o
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