All Chapters of The Unwanted Wife : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
31 Chapters
Chapter 21
"Fuck I can't deal with this shit anymore." he says running his hand through his head."What are you talking about?""Are you that fucking dump?" I just stared at him."I don't fucking love you goddammit, I can't fucking pretend like I do because God knows I don't." the moment he uttered those words I felt my world crumbling down."What are you... That's not true Ace." I say as I reach my hands to touch his cheek but he just brushed my hand off." Ace you love me." I say tears already threatening to fall down my face I could feel myself shaking it can't be true he loves me."I know you might be going through some stuff right now and I'm here for you but please don't say that you don't love me please." my voice cracking at the end."I don't fucking love you and I can't do this anymore I want my fucking freedom because this is torture." he says while pointing between the two of us."Th-""then why? Why would... Why would you do that to me why?" I couldn't stop the tears anymore, all tha
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chapter 22
God it felt like I had been hit by a ton of bricks, my body felt so sore. That's when I flattered my eyes open and it took me awhile for them to adjust to the light and when I was finally able to get a better view I looked around and I couldn't recognize where I was. That's when I started to panic.I then without thinking I took the warm sheet and removed it off me I I started getting down from the bed only it was like my legs had a mind of their own.One moment I was on the floor the next thing I felt my legs giving out. I just held my breath and brazed for impact only just before I hit the floor a pair of muscular hands held on to me and when I looked up God I saw the sexist man I had ever laid my eyes on his eyes those eyes are the same eyes I had dreamt of. His jawline I could trace it with my finger and never get tired. His short beard the way his hair fell to his forehead."Where the fuck do you think you are going?" his voice dark and full with demand but yet it was sexy God wh
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Chapter 23
To think I actually thought he was handsome, he is just a rude arrogant jerk, who does he think he is. I mean I did cost him his deal but it's not like it was on purpose."Okay just go thank him and leave" I tell myself.I then left the room and went looking for him but it was just endless amounts of rooms and I really had no clue where I was headed. That's when I heard a voice,so I followed the sound in hopes of finding the person.It led me to a room with endless amounts of books, I would assume it was a study of some sort but God I could get lost in those books any day."Can I help you?" I hear a voice behind me in a British accent, I then turned around and standing in front of me was another hot sexy men where do these people come from I think to myself.He looked like Mr arrogant but he was a little shorter, he was nothing compared to the other man but God he was still so hot.I realized I was staring so I cleared my throat."I-um I was looking for someone." I say nervously I men
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chapter 24
"Ace please stop." I say with tears rolling down my cheeks."Oh baby you know you want this." I tried to push him off me but that seemed to tick him off and slapped me across the face and he was mad.I just put one hand on to my face looking at him in disbelief he did it again he promised he wouldn't lay his hands on me ever again.He then grabbed on to my hair tight and made me look at him it was like anger filled his eyes. "You will fucking give me what I want and don't fucking act like you don't want this because you were fucking begging me to fuck you just the other day I'm giving you what you fucking wanted."He then ripped my shirt off."Fuck baby these tits look amazing." he then took off my bra and started sucking on my breasts."Please stop.""Fucking shut up or I'll make you regret it."I couldn't just let him do this to me I continued fighting but he ended up slapping me again. It was like he enjoyed seeing me suffer and it seemed to turn him on how messed up was he.He the
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chapter 25
"Miss you have to eat." one of the maids says while staring at me, I'm sure I looked very lifeless."Miss you can't continue doing this to yourself you haven't eaten in days I don't know what's going on between the boss and you but miss this is not healthy." but I just ignore her cries. I just kept on staring at the wall right at the side of my bed.She just sighed and left the meal on my nightstand like she always does.I haven't been able to cope with what happened to me, I've been avoiding him but that didn't stop the pain I was feeling all the love I thought I had for him was gone.I felt tears streaming down my face and I hugged my arms tight.I then stood up and went to the bathroom and I went to my drawer and searched for what I was looking for. When I finally got it I just stared at it with its sharp sides. I just inspected it and I lifted my arm up. I tried to so hard to push myself to cut myself with the razer but I just couldn't bring myself to do it.I looked at the mirror
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Chapter 26
As I was heading downstairs I hear voices in Ace's study at first I thought it was one of the girls Ace was cheating on me with but then that thought quickly went away when the door of his study opened and revealed the arrogant jerk. It's a wonder I don't even know his name yet I've been running into him. He was wearing a navy blue suit and it just stuck on him like glue and I'm not going to lie he looked good in it.Before I could look away his eyes met mine and to my surprise he didn't look surprised when he saw me."And who might this be." he asks Ace, that's when Ace finally acknowledged my presence by looking at me."Oh that's my wi-""No let her introduce herself to me."That's when Ace looked at me giving me a dirty look, that's when that man made his way over to me."I'm Logan Blakk." he says extending his arm towards me I just looked at it then I looked at Ace then back to Logan and I extended my hand towards him hesitantly but I shaked it nonetheless.His hand was warm and it
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Chapter 27
"Izzy I thought I fucking told you that you are not to fucking go anywhere without my permission." I look at him in disbelief."You can't keep me locked up in here like a fucking dog Ace."That's when he made his way over to me and grabbed my elbow yanking me towards him."you are hurting me!" but he ignores me how classical.He just continues yanking me towards him but I keep on resisting."Ace stop it!""Ace!" tears were swelling in my eyes."The lady told you to fucking let her go." a voice booms and that's when Ace pauses and we both look back to see that it's Logan."Who the fuck let him in?!" Ace yells but everybody just looks down. I was also confused I didn't know where he came from. It's like he appeared from thin air."The lady asked you to let her go." he repeats his voice holding so much authority."Stay out of this, this is between my wife and I." he says narrowing his eyes at Logan."Let her go." he says this time moving closer to us."P-please Mr Blakk he is right it's j
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Chapter 28
"I asked you a fucking question what the fuck did you tell him?" I could see he was getting angrier by the second as he took deeper breaths and his nose was flaring."I didn't say anything Ace" i try to say in a calm voice but i failed as my voice cracked."Then how the fuck does he know about your fucking bruises.""You showed him didn't you? You bitch!""Ace the bruises are on my arms of course he will see them for goddness sakes they are clearly visible." I say while showing him my arm."And what the fuck were you doing with him locked up here?""I hope you haven't forgotten that you are my fucking wife." trust me Ace im constantly reminded of that i could not forget it even if i wanted to. "Im fucking talking to you Izzy" i could see him breathing heavily, his nose flaring i just stood there waiting for the blow to come but it never came to my suprise he just left. i just heard the door slam shut and i felt tears running down my face, i could feel myself shaking. The most fucked
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Chapter 29
" i think its better we talk in my study father." he says in a calm and composed manner. "d-" " just follow me" he cuts his father off before he could continue. His dad wanted to say something but the look Ace gave him made him swallow his words. "alright." thats when they started walkig towards Ace's study but then Ace stopped and looked at his mom. " not you mother." his mom just nodded it was like she was used to being dismissed so this is how the Anderson men treat their women because his father did not defend his wife after Ace dismissed her. Thats when the two disappeared into the study and now i was left with both his mom and sister, and oh lord if looks could kill i would be six feet under with the look the sister was giving me i mean i am not surprised she never liked me. "Hello dear." she gives me a warm smile. "Hi mrs Anderson." i say returning the smile. " so you are the woman that stole my son away from me." the smile no longer there i was so confused the warmth i
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Chapter 30
The next day it’s basically the same routine all over again. I wake up, eat my breakfast, hardly see Ace and if I did see him he just ignores me. At first it hurt but now I’m used to it at least if I try to ignore him I won’t get beaten or yelled at. I had just gotten out of the shower and i found myself looking at the mirror i could not recognise the person i was staring at. Oh God i had lost so much weight, i could literally count my ribs through my skin, my eyes looked so dull, the sparks that they once held gone. I felt like crying but no tears would come out. I heard voices downstairs and they just kept on getting louder and louder. I found myself moving towards the source of the noise. When i get there im surprised when i see Ace arguing with Mr Blakk. " Think about my offer, you have less than 12 hours to decide or all your dirty laudry gets out to the world." Mr Blakk says to Ace. Who looked very angry i wonder what dirty laundy he is talking about. It happened so suddenly
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