All Chapters of The Eternal Forest: Her Alpha: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
40 Chapters
Creeping Mist
Hazel I thought about what Tiberius was saying to me, and wondered if I could trust him. I trusted too easily in the past and look where it got me. Even now, I trusted that the Seelie fae were good, that they could help me. The stories I'd heard that they were wise and trustworthy and the words of a werewolf I hardly knew, were the reasons I came here to begin with. An odd thought occurred to me, I knew the Seelie Fae used light magic, and had all sorts of light-based abilities. Maybe that didn't mean what I thought it did, maybe light and dark didn't relate to good and evil. Maybe the source of your magic had nothing to do with what kind of a person you were. The archway opened again and my stomach dropped as Alette walked in. I stared at her for a long moment, wondering how she seemed so beautiful and warm to me when I first got here. Was it an illusion or was she just that good of an actress?  I
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Locked Doors
Hazel Tiberius did a good job of keeping Alette distracted as I quietly shimmied out of the chains. The fact that I was able to use magic again filled me with intense joy. I slowly released the cool loops as they pooled to the ground silently at my feet. Garreth followed suit and I nearly gasped as I saw the deep wounds in his wrists, the darkness responded immediately, reaching out to protect him. Before it could reach him his magic kicked in. I watched in awe as the wounds sewed themselves back together, and thanked his goddess for werewolf healing. I looked around the space calculating my next move. Part of me feared the trees and grass were able to think and maybe even warn Alette. The grass still purred and rumbled beneath my feet but Alette was none the wiser. My head still felt thick and odd, this would be easier if I wasn't trudging through my mind to think. I wasn't sure if it was this place th
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Keep Your Friends Close
Hazel The earth reappeared around us and the happiness surging through me was so intense tears sprang to my eyes. We were here, we were back when I thought it would never happen again. I breathed in the air relishing how easily it moved in and out of my lungs. I jumped into Garreth's arms taking his lips in mine. He responded to me immediately, kissing me with such passion the flames in my belly nearly stole all my rational thoughts. Tingles from our bond exploded over my skin, but I pushed out of his arms and took off running. I had to see if what Tiberius said was true. "Hazel, where are you going?" He called after me, clearly disappointed our embrace didn't go any further. He quickly caught up and was running beside me. "I'm going to my tree, Tiberius says I can reconnect with it. I have to try to get my light magic back, to get inside." The joy of that thought filled me with unbelievable light. I expected t
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Two weeks or Seventy Years
Garreth "Tell me how I can help you." Hazel's soft words interrupted me from my mindless staring. We were laid on our bed together, and I wasn't sure how much time passed. The sky was darkening, there were no stars tonight. “I should be worrying about how I can help you.” My voice didn't even sound like me, too thick like I’d been crying. I hadn’t, I barely felt anything since my beta challenged me and ruined the one friendship I had left. My delta and gamma were good wolves, but if I was being honest I didn’t even look at them any time in recent history. They stood among the wolves Jackson was gathering against me. I would have to deal with them, command them to see where their loyalty truly lay. I thought of my pack, I wasn’t sure of our exact numbers at the moment, but we hovered around three hundred wolves typically. I kicked myself internally for all the thing
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Blessed Friction
Garreth Her tongue danced with mine, her innocence was a potent drug, and I couldn’t help but consume it. Every time I had her she surprised me, her naughty desires were my personal playground. She writhed beneath me, trying to gain friction between her soft pussy and my throbbing cock. They were the perfect match for one another, just like she was the perfect match for me. Soft and inviting, with a taste for the darkness. I had more than enough darkness, and with her beside me, I was desperate for the light. "You like the idea of me fighting?" I growled in her ear. “No, of course not, I don’t want you to be in danger.” She panted as I licked and bit from her jaw to my mark. “Then what made you so excited, little nymph?” She moaned as my teeth bit into her more firmly than I ever had. “Do you like that?” “You’re just so strong.” She gasped. “Harder please.” My cock throbbed painfully as I oblige
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Forest Edge Pack
Hazel The sun rose and with its warm glow, I felt my old optimism warming me. Garreth and I could conquer anything as long as we stayed together. He was meeting with the pack this morning, and I was both excited and terrified. This needed to happen, and if it went well it would make our lives that much easier. If it didn't go well, what was one more issue on the pile? I rifled through the clothing in the closet looking for something that said "I am your Luna." I found a long dress, with light floaty fabric. The green brought out my eyes, and while it was nothing like what I normally wore I felt like a Luna would wear it. Luna's were leaders, loving and maternal to the pack. I thought I could fit that bill if they would have me. Garreth sent out a pack wide mind link that all of the wolves were to gather in the packhouse for a conversation. It made me a little jealous that I would never be a part of the mind links, but as long as Garreth stayed near me it woul
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Hazel After the meeting concluded we stayed in the hall greeting and speaking with anyone and everyone who wanted to have a word with us. There was an incredible number who wanted to meet me personally. Hours later I was acquainted with nearly everyone in the pack and most of them even seemed to like me. We made plans for my Luna ceremony, which would normally take place under the full moon, but instead was planned for the following night. It would be the half-moon, it seemed almost poetic as our leadership would be half-wolf. Garreth tried to encourage me to be involved in the planning, but truthfully I didn’t know how to be around nymphs let alone wolves. I had no idea what the customs were. I would need a crash course in how I should behave and someone else to plan the whole thing. We went back to our room where Evette the housekeeper took my measurements. She and some of the other older she-wolves busied themselves preparing for the festivities an
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“You’re not serious.” I felt the earth shifting around me, and the ground came up quickly. Before I could hit the hard dirt Gera caught me, and lowered me down gently. “I see you're taking this well.” She muttered sarcastically. “You’re my aunt, and you pretended to be an owl for years because you were protecting me from your psycho mother and sister. Not only that but I am apparently some super powerful fae hybrid?” I did my best to summarize the ridiculous tale she was telling me. “Even if everything you say is true, why wouldn’t you just come to me on your own, as a fairy and offer me companionship? Don’t you think it would have been helpful to know these things before she took my wings from me?” She sat on the ground beside me, still holding my head. “I didn’t know that was Marica, I swear that much to you. I knew she could not be trusted, but that is not her original appearance. That teenage witch is a much prettier picture.” “So hiding y
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Garreth I reached out for Hazel in my sleep wanting to feel her soft body against mine. Instead, I found the bed empty. I went from mostly asleep to wide awake in an instant. I didn't know exactly how long it had been but a lot of time passed since she told me she was going to get a snack. I jumped out of bed, pulling on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. I sniffed the air, the smell of her was all around but it wasn’t fresh. I walked down the hall looking and sniffing. Her scent led me to the front door, and my heart dropped as I realized she left. Why would she lie to me, there was only one reason I could think of. She went to see Gera. Anger pulsed inside me, Raze threatened to force his way forward but I pushed him back down. ‘Why is she so determined to endanger her life?’ He snarled. I had no answer for him, his anger matched my own. I was about to open the door and follow her when I heard hushed voices down the hall. “The fairy…” The words cau
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Worse Realities
Hazel "Gera, please, what happened to my parents?" She opened her mouth to answer my question when a howl filled the night air. My chest constricted and I knew without a doubt who it was. The fear and anger coming through our bond were like a wrecking ball, the only reason I didn't notice sooner was that I was too wrapped up in what Gera was telling me. "I should go," Gera spoke nervously, likely convinced if she stayed it would be a fight. “No, you cannot go, you cannot leave again. I need your help and so does he even if he doesn’t see it yet.” She nodded her head but looked around the clearing nervously like she was seeking cover. “Just stand behind me, he won’t go through me.” She stood close, and we both waited as the sound of paws striking the ground came closer. Raze broke through the trees, his caramel fur bleached white by the moon, and his golden eyes glowing brightly. I was shocked to see him covered in blood. I knew immediately it was not
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