All Chapters of Arla: White Wolf, White Witch: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
87 Chapters
Chapter 20
“I’m sorry,” she said, trembling as tears streamed down her face. “Was that? Did she?” Julian rambled, leaving his students and rushing over from the lake. “Yes!” replied Carmen, slowly regaining her composure. “Pure magic. White.” “Wow!” was all Julian could say as he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. “We need to inform the Elders.” “No! Please don’t!” begged Arla, the feeling of déjà vu was overwhelming. “I’ve already had to leave two packs because of my magic. I won’t have anywhere to go if the Elders kick me out too.” Julian and Carmen exchanged confused glances. “You don’t seriously t
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Chapter 21
“I hope I’m not interrupting, I just wanted to come and introduce myself to Arla. I’m Victor. You made quite a debut this morning,” he said with a lopsided grin, extending his hand for Arla to shake. Arla felt her cheeks heat embarrassingly, taking in his compliment as she returned his handshake. “Uh, um, thank you, I think,” she replied, nervous under his intense gaze. “I hope we have a class together soon. I’ll see you around, Arla,” he said as he returned to his own table. Meredith’s laughter broke the three other girls out of their trance-like state. “You should see the look on your faces right now,” she teased. “A good-looking boy comes along and you all turn beet red.” “He’s divine though,” sighed Lydia hopelessly,
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Chapter 22
Arla enjoyed the early morning sunshine as she walked to Harriet’s farm. The village seemed so peaceful, and as she crossed the bridge, the lake was flat and calm. Birds chirped happily, and she stopped for a moment to take in the view. It was all so new to her, yet warm and somehow familiar, and despite missing her pack and her friends, she had started to view it as home.  She had written letters to Felix and Chloe which Elder Laurel had promised to send for her, and now she was impatiently waiting for replies. Elder Laurel had also offered to have mirrors delivered to them so they could communicate more regularly.  As she watched the small fish in the water, she wondered what her friends were doing now. She wanted to know if Felix’s ribs were healing and smirked, imagining how Violet and Rocco’s first week of cleaning duty had gone. It was a great
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Chapter 23
Alpha Lorenzo lay in bed early on Sunday morning, not entirely sure if he’d even slept. The past week since he’d had to send Arla away had been impossibly hard for him. Marcel was still ignoring him most of the time, and when he wasn’t, he had a terrible attitude, which in turn made Lorenzo short-tempered and grumpy with everyone around him.  He tried to hide it as much as he could, but it was exhausting. He distracted himself during the day by throwing himself into his work with the pack and businesses, but at night when he lay in bed, all he could do was worry about Arla. Was she ok? Was she being treated well? Was she happy? Did she hate him for doing this? As he lay there staring at the ceiling, he felt it. A tug on the mate-bond with Arla that was so faint he would have missed it had he been busy. He flew out of bed, throwing on some sweatpants and
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Chapter 24
Arla was a dirty, sweaty mess by lunch time. The girls, along with Victor, stopped and ate the food that Astrid had packed, and Arla asked Harriet about what it was like growing up as a witch. In return, Harriet asked a million questions about life as a werewolf, and Arla described her pack and her friends as both Harriet and Victor listened with interest.  Harriet was easy to talk to and easy to like, and Arla was surprised to find herself warming up to Victor as well. The conversation flowed freely between the three of them for the remainder of the afternoon as they worked. Harriet’s initial flustered demeanour regulated itself once she realised he only had eyes for Arla.  She had now mastered the blooming process, and Harriet had moved on to teaching soil enrichment, seedling growth and harvesting. Arla was a natural at all of it. 
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Chapter 25
The weeks turned into months, and before long Arla had turned fourteen and was positively thriving at the coven. She commanded an aura of respect and power that came from the confidence in the strength of her abilities.  They widely respected her for her talent as well as her caring nature, and as she took on more responsibility helping the teachers train the younger witches, she was looked up to as a mentor. She struggled to believe that she had only known she was a witch for less than a year. As the rumours of a new white witch had circulated, more and more witches had requested the Elders allow them to visit, to meet Arla in person. She had become somewhat of a celebrity within magical circles and the Elders tried to limit her exposure, concerned about the intentions of some in the community. Meredith had
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Chapter 26
She felt the magical barrier let her through and passed a few more trees before they finally came into view. She was smiling like a fool as she kept running, and as they noticed her, they broke into tremendous grins of their own. Lorenzo knew he would never forget her smile in that moment, and how thrilled she looked to see them. Without thinking, she ran and launched herself into Drew’s arms, wrapping her arms around his neck in a tight hug and her legs around his waist. He laughed and spun her around before a low and possessive growl sounded next to them. He placed her quickly back on her feet and took a step back, bowing his head to his Alpha.  Arla was mortified when she realised she had broken protocol by addressing the Beta first, and bowed her head to Alpha Lorenzo as well. “I’m sorry for not acknowle
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Chapter 27
Cadet training was all about the basics of building physical fitness, strength, and stamina in human form. The stronger the human body is, the stronger the wolf. Once a pup’s wolf has awoken, they can then begin combat and self-defence training with a solid foundation already formed. Arla’s lungs were burning by the end of the session and she was hunched over with her hands on her knees, trying desperately to suck in air and slow down her breathing. She was strong, thanks to her weekends working in the garden, but she’d underestimated just how unfit she actually was. “It’s a shame you can’t use your magic to run for you,” joked Drew, noticing how much she was struggling. Arla smirked to herself before vanishing, then reappearing behind Drew in the blink of an eye, and tapping him on the shoulder. He spun around w
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Chapter 28
Arla walked back through the boundary and into the coven with a spring in her step. She knew she had missed them, but didn’t realise just how much until they were standing there in front of her. She was still slightly embarrassed at the way she’d thrown herself into their arms, but they were both there in the alley on the worst day of her life, and had been looking out for her ever since in their own ways.  It was comforting to get confirmation, finally, that it was them watching her at the farm, too. It made her feel cared for to know that even after a year here at the coven, her Alpha and Beta still thought of her as part of their pack and wanted to know she was safe. Later that evening, Arla sat with her friends in the main house and filled them in on her training session. Sadie and Sebastian listened in
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Chapter 29
Arla and Victor hastily jumped to their feet, peering into the darkness trying to gauge who, or what, these people were and how many of them were here. They were already breathing heavily from their previous activities and now their hearts were racing, too. “Who are you?” shouted Victor, pulling Arla closer to him. “Don’t be scared, we are friendly,” replied the female figure closest to them, her dark cloak billowing in the breeze. Victor couldn’t smell them, but with Arla’s werewolf nose, she certainly could. She realised she must have been completely lost in the moment with Victor to not smell this stench before now. She’d heard that rogues smelled like rotten garbage, but she didn’t get the feeling that these were wolves. The only way she could think of to describe the fragrance was damp, mouldy carpet.
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