All Chapters of Mighty Long Fall: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
50 Chapters
MatthewThat girl, she clearly passed the entire burden on me, I thought as I scanned the album for some possible designs for her first tattoo."Where's she planning to put it?" the tattoo artist asked me. He was Kasey's friend so we could take our time choosing but I didn't think it would be this hard."Collarbone," I answered. I looked over to where Cassie and Kasey were waiting; they looked like they didn't have any problem at all. Well, it was me who's carrying the world on my shoulders. I should watch what I'm saying next time."She's cute," the artist said. "Who's she dating between the two of you?"I gave him a 'mind your own business' look. He seemed to have understood and he looked away from her. It just felt wrong having guys thinking things about her."What about a flower? Or a butterfly? Girls like those stuff," he suggested.I shook my head. Those are too mundane. I was looking for something symbolic."How about a cat? Does she have any pets?" he
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MatthewWhat am I doing? As far as I know, I’m not a babysitter. Then why am I in a salon picking out a hairstyle for a twenty-two year old girl with long wavy hair that’s most of the time frizzy. First a tattoo, now a hair color? What’s next? Eyeliners and black clothing? This girl is sure late on rebellion. I wouldn’t wonder if she starts listening to emo music anytime soon. In fact, I would be more surprised if she doesn’t.“How about it? Find anything?” the hairdresser asked. She’s been asking me the exact same thing for about a dozen times. Seriously, what do I know about girl’s hair.I shrugged. “What do you think? You’re more knowledgeable at this matter than me.” I sighed.“Are your curls natural, dear?” she asked Cassie, gently holding her huge curls on her palm. She seems to admire them. Well, if only she would dye her hair blonde, she would definitely look like Goldiloc
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Cassie"Hey, girls! What are we watching?" Landon said one day when all my mood swings were gone and everything is back to same old normal.Stuck in the same routine.Which means all day hanging out in the studio with nothing to do so Mel decided to have a movie marathon right then and there with the projector on in the multimedia room. We were having a rerun of the The Wandering Samurai movies when Landon came in albeit looking for the two interns that suddenly disappeared."We're on the second movie of The Wandering Samurai," Mel answered, not taking her eyes off the screen. I think she would deeply appreciate it if I actually make her some popcorn. That way she would have the whole theater feels experience. Although the multimedia room isn’t so bad in itself."I guess that's the part where we sang Mighty Long Fall," Landon said, taking a seat."Really? I didn't notice," I said. I've watched all three movies but I guess I was too fixated compari
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Crush pt 2
"Oh my god! It's Cameron Reid in the flesh and blood!" Mel said excitedly as she was turning her closet upside down looking for an outfit to wear later. Landon called Cameron earlier and he said he could go for drinks this evening. Unfortunately, Wallace had a prior commitment. Shame."I really wished Wallace could come," Mel said. "Don't worry, I'll share Cameron with you so you won't be lonely.""You're crazy," I said throwing a pillow at her. Typical fangirl alert."What do you think about this?" she said holding up a top and a high-waist shorts. I wonder why she's asking me about this stuff when she's the fashion guru between the two of us."It's good," I said. She's been showing me about a dozen combinations for the past hour. I've been nodding my head off every time, not sure if my opinion even affects her decision. She's Mel. Whatever she puts on looks good on her.Me, on the other hand, I plan on wearing a dress but I guess they're a bit too formal f
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I like you
We came at the bar a little late than I expected. Well, that’s a first for me - being late. I don’t mean to brag but the guys looked awed as soon as they saw us. I’m not big on modesty and I clearly knew that I was pretty. Not beautiful, just pretty.“Over here,” Landon called and we walked towards their seat. I feel like a runway model wearing these heels. Feeling taller does give me some leverage.“Is that Cassie?” Kasey asked, clearly shocked. I know, I know. I dress so plainly all of the time that I looked like a kid. I wouldn’t wonder if he barely recognizes me even with so little make-up on.“Woah! I’m Clark. Nice to meet you,” Clark said jokingly, handing out his hand for a handshake.“Silly,” I said, slapping his hand instead of shaking it. “Just so you know, I can kick just as well with these heels,” I told him, since he knew how brutal I can get.“By the
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Matthew"Coffee?" Kasey offered as I entered the pantry of our studio the next day. We had a rough night last night and to be honest, I was expecting our manager to cut us some slack but hearing how we got so wasted last night made him even more stern on us following our schedule especially just right before a tour. He even personally went into our place this morning to make sure we whip our asses out of bed."Make me one of those, will you?" I asked Landon as I took a seat and rubbed my temple with my hand. He was making a concoction for hangover. I don't care whatever he puts in it as long as it makes the pounding in my head go away. Good thing he was already up; Clark passed out on the couch as soon as he stepped inside.Cassie came in the same time Landon started running the blender. Crap! The sound felt like it was grinding my brains instead. I watched Cassie as she went to the refrigerator and filled a glass with orange juice, then went and took a seat beside Ka
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After pt 2
"Hey, thanks for taking care of me last night," I told Cassie as she was busy sorting files. I don't know how there seems to be an endless stream to them. I heard from Cameron that she half-carried my drunken ass to the car and drove me home. I wonder how she did that when she's practically half my size.I eyed her from head to toe. She looked more like a child to me before but now I noticed that her body's actually pretty toned. Impressive. She's not sexy like other girls who practically starve themselves just to maintain their weight; she's got muscles more than fat which makes me wonder if she works out often. Great! Now I've got more questions piled in my head."Oh please, don't mention it," she said, sounding annoyed and went away. She didn't even look at me when she said that. Just had that grimace in her face. She glared at me when she noticed me watching her."What did I do?" I asked, more to myself, when I saw Kasey eyeing me ruefully."Don't you remembe
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After pt 3
Think, Matthew. Think.What did I do last night? Did I do something inappropriate? Did I say something to offend her?No matter how much I think about it, I can't remember anything about last night. This is so frustrating. Cassie's been giving off weird vibes since this morning and I wish I could attribute it to PMS but the strange hostility has been directed at me and me alone.Do I smell? Am I carrying a strange virus or something? She literally stays within two meters from me and whenever I try to approach her, she leaves the room instantly. She obviously went out during lunch, which she never does, just to avoid me. She only talks to Kasey and worst, she doesn't even look at me.Does she like Kasey?Did something happen between those two last night?Stupid, Matthew! What am I even thinking? I swear I just started to get more irrational thoughts with each passing second.Should I just ask her? She didn't even want to talk about it this morning.
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CassieThank god he doesn't remember a thing, I thought. To be honest, I didn't know how to face him after what he told me. I wasn't even sure if it was the alcohol talking or what. Especially when I'm particularly doubtful when it comes to those kinds of things.Well, I've dated tons of guys before but – Whatever!Don't get me wrong, I like Matthew. As a person. As a friend. That's why I'm being cautious. I can't afford to get hurt and I don't want to hurt him, either. Take it from experience.But I don't think I have to worry about that now. I sighed in relief."Good morning!" I greeted cheerfully as I went to work the next day. The boys were already catching up with yesterday's lost work and just managed to give a small wave and a 'hi' before going back to their business."Hey," I greeted as I bumped into Matthew. He didn't notice me since he was busy tuning his PRS."Uh, hi." He said in reply, he didn't have the time to mask his surprise.
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Rival pt 2
"Landon, do you mind if we take off for a bit?" Mel asked. We just finished the video and it would probably take a while before we get some considerable amount of feedback. Landon and the rest were done practicing and were just goofing around. More like him bullying the others."Sure, where are you guys going?" Landon said. He momentarily let go of the struggling Kasey who took the opportunity to escape. He stared after him like a predator that lost his prey."Meeting Mel's potential love interest," I said and Mel suddenly hit me. She starts hitting people within arm's reach when she can't contain her excitement. Her arms weren’t even that long, I had to just move my chair an inch further and she looks more like a flailing fish out of the water. That or she looks like she would probably burst from lack of air. I think she forgot to breathe when she met Niche Syndrome for the first time."Go ahead," Landon said encouragingly. "At least someone here's actually get
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