All Chapters of Good boy, Badass boy: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
63 Chapters
Chapter 11 Please Stay
He stood, paralyzed to his spot. His heartbeat pounded wildly in his chest as the cold chill of terror washed over him and all he could hear was the frenzied beating of his heart. He saw her lips move but didn’t hear what she spoke out until she opened her mouth wide and a sharp piercing scream shattered his immobilization. He was on his knees in an instant, his eyes frantically searching her body, his hands unable to even touch her. “Come on, help me up!” she shouted, looking at him with wide eyes. He hastily placed his hands under her legs and at her back and then carried her to the living room, setting her comfortably on one of the sofas. “Are you hurt?” he asked worriedly while she looked at him with… was it amusement? “Ugggggh, I hate you” she grimaced, “My butt hurts.” She had landed on her buttocks. “I'm sorry, I’m really sorry.” He apologized profusely, running a hand through his hair as he peered down at her, his body hunched
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Chapter 12Brilliant Tears
"A very good starter, I must admit. You are ahead of the class in just a week of your arrival, splendido!" He nodded curtly at the academic head of the civil engineering department. He was standing in the office of the short pudgy man despite the fact that he had offered him a seat. He stood just so he didn't seem too far from the academic's desk and hence seem rude but also quite close to the door so he could make his escape quickly. He had been standing for over 20 minutes now while the academic wowed over the result of the test that was conducted three days before, on Friday.  "This is squisito! I can't believe it! A 25!" The academic announced, peering over the rim of his glasses at the sheet of papers that was his. "Thank you sir but can I leave now? I have other classes to..." "Yes, Mr. Cerintti. Of course." "Goodbye Signore."  He turned quickly, his eyes catching something on the academic's desk. He shook his head and
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Chapter 13 Oh Mother
"Domenico de Cerintti." He recognized that voice, the voice that was once his nightmare. Leonardo. He was just out of his last lecture for the day, it was past 5pm and he was really hungry. He had not eaten anything throughout that day, Mr. Academic and Rosetta's fault and now in his cranky mood, Leonardo thought it best to confront him. Typical Leonardo to confront him in the presence of a crowd. The crowd in this case were his fellow mates who were heading out also. He turned around, hands in pocket to behold the almighty smirking Leonardo. "So nice to see you." Leonardo spoke, stretching his hand out for a handshake. "Nice to see you too, Leonardo." He responded but kept his hands in his pockets. He never liked shows especially one where he was the main actor but that was in the past. They wanted shows? He'd give them shows. Leonardo seeing he would not take his hand dropped it back to his side, nodding like an agama lizard,
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Chapter 14 Clemente
Domenico lounged outside the solid mechanics lecture room. Clemente was still packing his books inside, that boy was too slow, he had been standing for over 10 minutes now. He let out an exasperated sigh and turned back to match into the class just as Clemente walked out of it, or rather... He raised a bewildered brow, tiptoed out of it. "What are you doing?" He asked, staring at Clemente who had a stricken look on his face, his back still hunched in the posture of a stalking thief. Clemente straightened up, clearing his throat, "I... I'm sorry. I didn't... uhm..." Clemente itched his head. His mouth formed into an O as he realized what happened. Clemente had wanted to avoid him. Hence, the delayed stay in class and tip-toeing. He really scared him that much? He cleared his throat, adjusting his hold on his bag as he remembered why he had been waiting. "Are you still interested in getting tutored?" He asked. His voice didn't exactly co
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Chapter 15 Inferiority Complex
He hadn't seen Luna in four days. He suspected she was purposely avoiding him. She had insisted he attend Mass at the St. Lucy's cathedral on Sunday after he told her he didn't go to church but on Sunday, he had not bothered to go and he had not called her either. He wasn't sure if he had expected her to call him but she hadn't. He shrugged, so much for friendship. He should have just let her go. "Domenico." He huffed, stopping in his tracks. He had taken his car to school so he was just heading out of the car park to the library where he would study before he had to go for his first class of the day. Had he not been clear the day before that she should stay away? His frown turned into a smirk, she was playing right into his trap. "Signorina." He greeted upon turning around. He was caught off guard for a second. Her smile was brighter than usual, confident and... Suspicious. "I thought about your words yesterday." She started, folding
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Chapter 16 Betrayed Friendship
He didn't think his present self was much different from his past self before the bullying, except for the effects the bullying cost him, but after the abuse started, he slowly became complacent, giving in to people's will to get in their good books, to get the slightest ounce of sympathy and kindness. He was done with that now, that life, that part of him was long buried. 6 months was what it took him and even if he was still damaged, so damaged that he derived joy from watching those who had suppressed him be suppressed themselves, he was determined to rise above all, he was determined to show them that he was far better than they imagined, far better than any of them would ever be. And he would have to teach Clemente that... In the hardest way possible. "My rules" he started, facing startled Clemente, "When I teach, you listen... Attentively. Two, no questions asked until I'm done. Three, no unnecessary words; apologies, requests, whatever. Four, no lateness. That
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Chapter 17 Rosetta
He jogged through the semi-dark streets, his legs pounding furiously on the granite covered ground. His chest burned but he did not stop, the muscles on his legs ached but he did not slow down, sweat ran down in fast beads from his face and arms down his body but he did not take a breather. He did not deserve happiness. Her words rang in his head, crystal clear and fresh like she just said them to him. So just because she smiled a lot and she was friendly, she thought she deserved happiness; because she had a loving boyfriend and she had things going well for her, she thought she deserved happiness! He would guess correctly that she almost always had things going well for her, that she had almost never encountered a bad period in her life and she had the guts to come to the conclusion that he didn't deserve happiness. What did she even know about happiness? He was sure that her so dear boyfriend was the center of her so called happiness; she was the kind that depende
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Chapter 18 Interesting Suitor
Rosetta walked out of the montagna biblioteca, a huge smile on her face. Win, Rosetta, she smiled happily, reveling in the shocked, disbelieving, angry look Domenico had displayed after her sudden announcement. She chuckled, he was going to tutor alright. It was first a handful of people that had responded to her call then within a few minutes, he had a small crowd gathered around him, all of them his potential students. She smirked, she had slipped away before the librarian could get to her. Ahhhhh, she breathed out, heading in the direction of her apartment after stealing a glance at his parked Ferrari. One for Rosetta. She practically skipped all the way to her house, having to suppress the smile on her face to avoid looking weird to passers-by. She skipped all the way up the stone stairs of the old Villa customised student apartment. The house sure had a lot of modernizing to do but she loved the ancient feeling mixed with the new. Part of the rea
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Chapter 19 Tutor!
"Wednesday would be fine?"  "Yes. Thank you so much, grazie, Dio vi benedica." "Its fine. See you soon. Addio!"   He waited till the person had disappeared from sight before he allowed his frustration to become visible. He rubbed the back of his neck tiredly.  Rosetta d'armani.  Now he had to tutor every freaking day of the week! He jumped down the last stair that led to the library where he had been entertaining his 'students' and headed to the right of the library where the car park was situated. It was past 11pm. He was hungry and tired, desperately in need of a good long sleep after taking a long soaking in the tub with a good dose of Barbera. He deserved it. He stopped short as he sighted a figure pacing beside his car. Why did everyone around him prefer to stir the furnace of his anger? He moved his legs and kept on walking, across the empty park save for him, the figure and his car, till he re
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Chapter 20 What do you take me for!?
"Domenico! What do you take me for?! Your baby sitter?! Why the hell will you come back this late and not tell me beforehand?!" He heard Marino rant before he even opened the door. "Mio Dio!" Marino exclaimed, seeing him, "Whatever happened to your face?!" He pushed past Marino and stumbled into the house, falling back-first when he got to the Chobi rug. He needed the comfort. "What happened, man?!" Marino queried after locking the door. "Stop shouting." He muttered, licking his bloody lips. "Why wouldn't I shout?! You come back by this time when I know you don't attend parties or do the stuffs that I do, all bloody and weak and you tell me not to shout?!" "It's not that bad." He retorted, his eyes fixed on the panelled ceiling gleaming with the bright lighting. The thugs had only gotten a few hits on his face and back before he escaped. Thank Dio they did not have a gun. "What?!" "It's not that bad! Stop shouti
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