All Chapters of Meeting Again: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
80 Chapters
I bellowed. My voice echoed in the parking area sounding a little stupid and comical. But that was completely opposite to my mood right now. I have had enough. From the time my puberty hit and my second gender test result came out. I have been continuously hearing things like, "Omegas are whore", "Omegas are so slutty", "Why do they go around spreading their scent, trying to seduce everyone, how shameless". "Omegas are born to breed", "Omegas are scum".I am sick of hearing it. My life hasn't been all sunshine and daisies. I don't even get the treatment of a normal human being and these people think that they are achieving nirvana by demeaning us. "What's so great about you that you can speak such bull about me? A rich dad's spoiled and pampered princess who had never seen a day of sorrow, deprivation, or struggle, who do you think you are to curse me and my son? Just one rejection and you are already dying?? All my life, I have known nothing
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42-Clearing & Firing
"Mr. Joshua Taylor, senior chef in butchery department. Duration of work- 6 years. Raised by mother and older sister. relationship with Miss Emily James, hostess of Resort Elegance's pool side bar..." Robbie read out the details of Chef Joshua from a document sent by his assistant.   Right now, I was standing in Robbie's office with his strict looking assistant Jane. Sarah and Chef Joshua, Chef Joshua was the very same chef who was proudly showing my and Twen's picture to the entire staff. He at the moment had a very ugly expression on his face while Sarah was totally void of any expression, Robbie was the only one sitting with his back to us. After pointing out all the details, Robbie tumed along with his chair towards   "May I know, how you came into contact with Miss Sarah here?" he asked Joshua leaning back on his high backed office chair.   Joshua remained silent. Robbie interwined his fingers on the table and place
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43-Half Hearted
Robbie's POV It had been a long day. But the most important thing has been resolved. The rumours are finally done away with. I asked Jane to check if by any chance dad or Rogers entered the website. Even if they haven't, I feel Sarah might have told dad already about Tony and Twen. I guess I have to prepare for a big confrontation. Though, I didn't wanted things to come to the fore in this manner but whatever, I had to face it one time or another. It was a tiresome day for Tony, so, I gave him a day off. He went back. I wanted to drop him home but he refused. I can understand. After all the rumours, if anyone see me dropping him, it will give room for another rumour. I already made sure that Jane keep the facts about Tony secret. All the posts made about him were deleted and people were left to speculate. Today, when I got Tony's missed call today and went down to the parking lot to go to the securit
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Robbie's POV I was half way drinking my beer when I stopped, hearing Fred's question. I slammed down the glass, which didn't even make him blink and looked at him fiercely. "That is between me and Tony! You have no business asking me about it" I growled "I don't know how to beat around bushes so I ll be clear. I love Tony and have loved him all these years even after being rejected by him, after my father's disapproval and after him pushing me away. I can't stop caring. about him. I don't care if he is bonded to you or had a kid with you, if you hurt him this time, I promise you, I'll make sure that you never get to see Tony and Twen again" he said with a clear gaze and firm voice Bang! I got to my feet shivering from head to toe in fury. What is with this guy? How can he be so clear about his motives? How can he speak it all so sincerely? His love for Tony w
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45-Wolf in sheep clothing
Twen's POV1 I was in kindergarten when I first realized that my mommy was not like other mommies. He was a man, not a woman, I never thought much of it until some of my friends told me that they don't want to play with me because their mommies have asked them to. I was very upset. I didn't know what I did wrong but when I told my mommy about it, he looked so sad. He held me in his arms and said sorry to me so many times. I don't know why. Why was mommy sorry? I know mommy never speaks bad words about other mommies but they speak so many bad words about him all the time still it was my mommy who was always saying sorry. When I was in first grade, I asked mommy why was he not the same as other mommies. He kissed my forehead and told me that he wished to be like other mommies just so that I don't have to go through any problems. I the v don't know what he means. What problems? Did I do something wrong? Am I a bad kid?
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Robbie and I jumped out of the car and rushed through the stairs to Sam's apartment. I anxiously rang the bell while Robbie stood beside me, looking very pale. The door was opened almost immediately, making us come face to face with Sam. I held his shoulder and almost yelled in a trembling voice, "Sam, my Tw-" "He is fine." Sam replied with a soothing hand on my arms. He looked at Robbie and greeted him rather stiffly. I was not in the right mind to see their exchange and interrupted them with an urgent tone, "B-But you said you couldn-" "I found him but-" My heart which was about to calm down, began to race again. "But what?" "I think you should come in and speak to him yourself. Uhmm Mr. Walker, I think you should as well," Sam spoke in a curt tone and gave a strange took towards Robbie. Though
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Twen's question was met with a heavy silence. Robbie and I both stared at our son in absolute silence. I was not sure how to start explaining this situation and Robble looked extremely conflicted. It was clear he was experiencing a range of complicated emotions. It was their first meeting, but it was also under the most strange and awkward circumstances, and I had no time to mentally prepare Twen for this sudden shock. I was tor between telling him the entire situation or simply passing it over for another time. The silence dragged on as we both tried to figure out where to start explaining. Jenny was standing behind Twen, looking both uncomfortable and irritated. Sam looked between all four of us with a 'what-is-this-situation expression on his face. Twen was the first one to break the silence. He ran up to Robbie and pulled his suit as if asking for attention, then he asked loudly. "Why are you not talking? Tell me, are you, my dad?" Robbi
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48-Gripping Slowly
Robbie's dad's POVft thought you would be taking the boy with you, sir." Roger said from beside the driver's seat, caressing his beard.I smiled at him and sighed. "How many years has it been since you started working for me, Rogers?""Six years sir.""And yet you don't know how to play the game? I can't say it's inexperience should I call it lack of commonsense or ignoranca?""Apologises, sir. Please enlighten metI like men with a healthy dose of curiosity Rogers has it. He is eager to leam and improve himself. That's why heis a perfect assistant"How do you think my son would react had I taken the boy away?"Rogers looked perturbed. He turned to look at me in the backseat with these gloomy eyes of his. I gave him a mocking smile,"My son had inherited that hot tamper from me with a massive dose of recklessness. The moment he learns that Twen is with me, he wouldn't think twice before reporting me to the cops. Right now, he is rebelling against me.If I make one false move then I
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Warning: Strong wordsRobbie's POVTory and I got out of the hospital after treating Twen's feet. He jumped on the pieces of glass, injuring his feet The boy had too much excitement for one day and cried himself to sleep. Before he fell asleep, I heard him mumble something about not being able to run. It was only today that I discovered that Twen loved racing, and because of me, he is getting deprived of doing what he loves I felt my heart twist Why did our first meeting have to go in this manner?I turned to look at Tony, who was in no better shape. He has been very quiet ever since leaving Sam's place. can't blame him. He has done everything in his power to protect Twen, only to have my dad manipulate Twen against him. I would have been disheartened as well. Twen's words were ringing in my ears like drums. How did dad know about Tony and Twen? Did Sarah tell him? No, that doesn't seem night Sarah was herself informed by someone else. Could it be that dad was the one who discovered i
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50-Don't leave me
It was almost midnight when heard the doorbell ring. Who could it be so late at night?i peeped through the eye hole to see Fred with someone on his am. As I was watching him, the bell burst into a few more rings."Calm down, I am opening." said a little loudly for Frod to hear.As I opened the door, saw Fred half-carrying Robbie over his shoulder"Yo grandpa, we have reached," Fred said jerking Robbin, who looked dead drunk.I quickly put my arms around Robbie's other free arm to support him: My nose was assaulted by a strong amelllegs were numb. He looked half asleepof alcohol it was strong enough to get you intoxicated, I held him around the waist and found that his hands and"Tony..." I heard him murmur."That's all he's been saying ever since collapsing after getting drunk." Fred grumbled, "That's why I carried him bera"Do you know why was he drinking in the first place?" I inquired, wondering if he had a row with his father."Nope. He appeared out of nowhere and kept ordering
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