All Chapters of HATE ME: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
40 Chapters
Chapter 11
     Ray's P. O. V  After a long day at work, I finally got home tired snd exhausted. I went up straight to my room and take a warm long shower before changing into fresh clothes and going down for dinner. My parents were already there eating and having little discussions. I got in and, after serving my food, ate quietly.  They soon turned to me. Mom was the first to speak up.  "Ray... How was work today?" She asked.  " Fine... Although it was a bit stressful" I answered. She gently squeezed my hand, smiling softly.  " Don't worry, you'll get used to it." She said. I shrugged, picking my food.  " I hope so...." I muttered. "Dad..." I called out after a while.  " Yes?"  " Is it true you weren't the original owner of the company?" I asked. He froze, looking at me quizzically.  " And where did you get that from?" He muttered, his voice gruff. Mom was staring
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Chapter 12
      Ray's P. O. V  The next day went on in a blur with me still thinking about last night's incident. My dad had apologized early this morning for the incident that happened last night and I told him I had forgiven him. He's been trying to talk to me since then, but I was too occupied to listen." Ray... Ray!" I heard a voice call me, jolting me out of my reverie. I looked up at where the voice was coming from and it was my dad. He was staring at me quizzically. I pursed my lips, looking away.  We were soon done with the staffs meeting and they all left, leaving me and Dad alone in the room.  " And if I may ask... What is this thing that is making you too preoccupied?...." He said, placing his face on his chin. " I hope it's not about that picture. I already explained who they were to you." My dad continued.  " No, it's not, it's not about that," I replied. "It
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Chapter 13
           (Evening time)               Vera's P. O. V     Ever since Ray had shown me that picture of that family, my nightmares and flashbacks seem to have come back in full force. It's been really terrible and I have been unable to go out at all to even work, locking myself up in the room the entire time. Things have gone up a notch now because the nightmare gets accompanied by someone trying to kill me as well. If that isn't scary enough, I don't know what is.    Madam Deborah gently knocked on the door of my room before walking in. I was staring out the window as usual, my face laden with teary marks. 
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Chapter 14
      Ray's P. O. V   I stormed into the house furious than ever and burst into my dad's study, where he was busy with some files, and slammed my fists on his table. He looked stunned to see me in that mood.  " Ray... What are you doing here? And why are you like this?" He asked, but I ignored all of that." Do you have anything to do with the death of the Morgans?" I asked instead.  " And why would you ask such? What has gotten into you?"" Don't try to distract me, dad. You know perfectly well what I'm talking about! The Morgans... Are you behind their disappearance?"My dad shot up in annoyance, staring down at me. " I will not have you walk up to me and accuse me of such! You know where they are buried. Why don't you ask them?"" I can't believe I have a liar as a dad. Why won't you just say the truth so we can end it all at once!?"  " Somebody is already giving you win
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Chapter 15
      Chapter 15  On our way home, the rain began falling. It was quite heavy and the roads soon turned to waterways, making it very slippery and stuff, so we had to drive very slowly. But it wasn't long before we met with a traffic jam, which used to be very common once the rains started pouring. But this one was different because it wasn't moving at all.  I glanced at Vera and she just kept staring out the window. I sighed and focused ahead. Soon an ambulance passed by us and I got confused. What was happening?  " There's been an accident," Vera announced.   " What?" "Over there... Some crowds forming. Must be fatal." She added, looking out.  I did as well and sure enough, she was right. There was an accident and it was pretty gruesome. It's going to be almost impossible for anyone to survive this crash. And my guess was right. I don't think the man did because his body was already being placed i
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Chapter 16
    (A few moments before:)      Ray's P. O. V   I woke up with a start. My eyes scanned the room and bed, and I noticed Vera wasn't in it. Still half asleep, I plopped out from the bed to check if she was in the bathroom. Not there. I yawned, stretching and rubbing my neck as well. I needed to find her... Need to know if she is safe.  I walked out of the room into the hallway, glancing around for her. Eventually, I found her and she was at the hotel's balcony, staring out into the gloomy sky. With her hands wrapped around herself and the night's hair gently blowing her hair, she looked completely beautiful. I froze a bit and just stayed there, staring at her.  Until I saw a red light flashing around. I revved back to life. That's strange, I wondered. What would a tiny red light be coming from? I didn't see any source. Vera was still completely oblivious to the things that were going on around her. Acting out o
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Chapter 17
        Vera's P. O. V      (Two weeks later)   I worked mindlessly for a while, my thoughts going in no particular direction. Ever since my verbal beat down two weeks ago, Ray never came back. I wouldn't say I missed him, but he was the only one who persisted while others left, and that left its mark. I hardly ever went out and madam Deborah had to do all the shopping for fear that someone would creep up behind me and finally put that bullet in my head. I just wished I'd stop living my life in this constant fear.   Ava Morgan. That was the name the old man in the company we visited had called me. Was that my real name? I would I know, I can't remember anything. But I couldn't stop thinking about it. What happened to her? Why did I look like her? I dried the last of my plates and rinsed my hands, cleaning it with a towel before leaving for the living room upstairs where an old computer was kept. A little rese
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Chapter 18
             Ray's P. O. V     My heart skipped a beat when I felt Vera's lip's on mine. Honestly, I wasn't expecting it but I couldn't deny the rush of excitement that coursed through me after that kiss, I almost touched my lips.   " You smiled." I said, smiling as well. " You look Pretty.... No beautiful when you smile. Very beautiful." I said and her cheeks turned into a bright shade of pink.    "Thanks." She said quietly, brushing her hair off her face, then wore a worried look.    " What's wrong?" I asked, moving closer to her.    " I don't k
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Chapter 19
       Ray's P. O. V   I woke up moments ago but was reluctant to leave Vera's side, who was still sleeping quietly. My thoughts went to last night, and I smiled to myself. Who could have thought that would happen? Not even me. A part of Vera's hair had covered her face and I carefully put them in place, my hands brushing her skin in the process. She stirred and her lashes fluttered. I stopped. I should wake her up, but I didn't want to.  Half an hour later, Vera opened her eyes. Her gaze was unfocused for a while but soon it settled on me and, a light smile on her lips.   " Good morning," I whispered. She nodded and lifted herself, not self-conscious and I liked it.  " Good morning... how was your night?" She asked and I grinned.   " Beautiful... Just like you." I muttered while twirling my hands in her hair. She pursed her lips together and looked in the direction of the bathroom. 
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Chapter 20
      Vera's P. O. V  I slowly regain consciousness and I discover I'm in a moving car, sandwiched between two hefty men. My heart's pounding, but there's nothing I can do... I can't even scream, the roads are deserted, and am pretty sure this car is soundproofed. Very carefully, I roam my hands between my body and discover that the recorder is still with me. That's a good thing, at least for now. All I have to do now is to wait and see where I'll be taken to... And what lies in store for me there too. Whatever it is, I'm sure it's not good....     Ray's P. O. V   Banging the door repeatedly, I yelled for help but no one came to open it. it's like they didn't even hear the racket have been making for such a long time. Frustrated, I kicked on the study table so hard it turns over and then sit on the floor, groaning out in pain. I'm sweating profusely. Right now, I need a miracle.  
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