All Chapters of The forbidden apple: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
30 Chapters
Chapter 11
Mihriban and I decided to go back to the villa, packed up, and left on our own. We decided not to call Adnan, we would surprise him.It was a non-working day, and there was no one in the villa. Where did they go, when we heard from Adnan before, he did not say that there was work. answer me where Adnan is.Lenor-Mihriban, something is happening here, I do not know I have a bad feeling, where Adnan and Lejla went. Today is Sunday, no work, where can they be?Mihriban-I does not know, maybe for no reason you are worried, take it and call Adnan, we will find out where he is?Lenor-Zvoni, but he does not answer my phone. Something happened, if he had not had an accident, I do not know what to think.Mihriban - Do not think negatively. Think only positively. Try to get it again on the phone.Lenor-Maybe this is an opportunity to search Leila's room, I'm sure there is something hiding from us.Mihriban-Do not, it is not nice to do so. I do
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Chapter 12
Aleh-Sorry I lingered, but no one opened it.Lenor-And?Alex - Nobody opened the door for me.Lenor-How come no one opened the door for you?Aleh-No, I was waiting at the door, I looked around, I looked out the windows, but there was no one on the first floor.Lenor: All right, you're free, you can go. Still, thank you.Again I could not find out anything. I do not know what is happening inside. Why did not anyone open when I saw them entering that house. I waited until late but no one came out, and no one entered the house. Adnan did not go out to go to a meeting or cocktail as he told me. There is something in this but I do not know what. He is lying to me, but I do not know why he is doing it. I have to go to the hotel, it was late. to be home when he comes. I arrived on time, I settled in and in half an hour Adnan and Leila arrived.Lenor-How were you?Adnan-Boring, hard, working. I am very tired, I will go to rest a little
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Chapter 13
Mrs. Dilek-Lenor, Daughter, where were you yesterday? How did your mood come about? How did something not happen?Lenor - There is nothing, just a friend of mine called me, I was with her. She is sick with a serious illness. That's why I am in such a mood. I was sad.Mrs. Dilek - Get well soon, what is the girl suffering from?Lenor-Leukemia.Mrs. Dilek-Really. Too bad for her, they hope that it was discovered in time and that it is not a bad phase so that she recovers. How old is your friend?Lenor - Just like me. And she will soon become a mother, just like me.Mrs. Dilek-Really, how sad I was. How sad, just let her heal, I will pray for her. How can God give us such destinies, such tests? depression. Only with a positive thought and everything will be fine, say that when you hear it.Lenor - Do you really think he will get well? Is there a cure for that?Mrs. Dilek-I hopes daughter, you can never know. There is someone who i
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Chapter 14
The operation started. I was not afraid, I was aware of what was happening, I was waiting for the moment when I would smell my little baby. There was crying, it was my little Isabel, I started crying.Lenor-Doctor, come closer to me to smell her, to kiss her.The most beautiful moment in a mother's life. This can not be described, this feeling is magical. We cried together. The most beautiful baby I have ever seen was Isabel. She had black hair, just like me. Those little hands, little knives, everything was so small It was sweet. But it was only a short time before me, they had to finish the operation. I was in the intensive care unit for three hours, I was immediately separated from the baby. I thought the whole day passed until they put me in a room. is next to me, my daughter.Lenor-Doctor, when will they bring my baby?Doctor - Rest, you will see him soon. You will be with him all the time, do not worry, rest a little.Lenor - I do not want to
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Chapter 15
Adnan-Lenor your phone rings, or a message arrives.Lenor: I'm putting Isabel to sleep, I'll be back soon.I was thinking about what the doctor wrote to me, whether the results are OK, whether this therapy works or I will have surgery. When I picked up the phone, I was surprised. The message is not from the doctor, the message is from Onur. I was in shock, my hands were shaking I could not open the message out of excitement. I felt like a teenager exchanging messages of sympathy for the first time. How long he was gone, why does he come back to me when I forgot. unopened. If I see her I know I will answer immediately, this way I will leave him waiting.I was looking for a doctor, but it did not answer. I only thought it was good, I did not think negatively, I wanted to be well. I was full of life since the birth of my little baby Isabel.I could not do more and saw the message from Onur.Onur- Lenor, congratulations on the baby. I hope he grows up
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Chapter 16
We all stood in the living room, we waited for the doctor, we all waited, we did not talk to each other, we just waited for the doctor. He appeared in front of us, and we all looked at him. And we waited for positive results.Doctor - I see that you are all waiting for me, sit down, please.Lenore: After your facial expression, I think there is no good news for us. Whatever the result, say so.Adnan-Please, doctor talk, why are you silent?Doctor - Like this, I do not want to disappoint you immediately, the results of you do not match Lenor. You can not donate. But I do not want to lose hope, I am already looking for a donor, and I hope it will appear soon.Lenor: I think positively, I will not give up.Doctor - So Lenor, well done for your positive energy. Only then will we succeed. You must all be positive.Mrs. Dilek-Doctor, as it does not match me, I am also a mother.Doctor - It does not mean anything, there are those who
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Chapter 17
The morning was wonderful, I woke up sleepy, and rested. For the first time since I found out about the disease, I slept so peacefully and without worries. I slept with hope and happiness. there is only us in this world, no one will disturb our happiness, only the two of us and our little daughter. It was a nice dream but I had to wake up to reality. Adnan-Are you ready, we're going to the hospital. Lenor: I'll get ready soon. Shall we all go? Adnan-I do not know, I think Mihriban will stay with Isabel, he will keep her here, we will not take the baby to the hospital. Lenor: Yes, of course, I'm going to see my daughter and I'm coming so we can go faster and end this nightmare. Miss Dilek-And I come with you, Adnan you if you want, leave us and go to work, I'm there. Adnan-Ke I stay until the operation is over, to know that everything ended well so I will go, I have a job, but this is more important than the job. Lenor-Let's go!
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Chapter 18
False hope again. Onur did not return, he had to run the restaurant for a whole month until the new owner learned how to work. But why did not he write me a message as he knew how to do it. I was a little disappointed. I had some plans, dreams for the future with Onur. Somehow Adnan was no longer my husband, I felt like a friend, so I knew he would let me be happy. is short, and we have one life, so he did not force me to do anything. I was surprised when he came to my room and talked to me.Adnan-Lenore, I wanted to tell you something.Lenor: Yes, I'm listening to you.Adnan-I will not bother you in any of your decisions, I want you to know that I agree to divorce, if you still want it.Lenor - I do not know what to tell you, you surprised me like this. Where did this change come from?Adnan-That I realized this period we went through, with your illness, what you went through. You deserve to be happy, I want you to live as you want, and I will alw
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Chapter 19
Lenor-Mihriban, you want to go out today, you and I have a drink. What do you mean, we haven't been to a bar in a long time. Mihriban-Let's go out, of course, I love, we have many reasons to celebrate and relax a little, but Isabel? Lenor-Adnan wants to spend an evening with her at home, he will bring her early tomorrow. I can not drink alcohol, but you can have fun. It will be like the good old days. Mihriban-I'm ready, Adnan when he comes after the baby? Lenor-I told him, we will take her, then we will go, I want Onur to see that I have continued with my life, that I have defeated the disease, which is pretended not to know. Mihriban - Let's go out, we will have time and have a coffee with Adnan, so Onur will be with us. We arrived in front of the house where I lived, where I had secret meetings with Onur, I started to remember those days while we were waiting for the door to open. Layla-Welcome, let me help you, let me take
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Chapter 20
The year passed very quickly, and today is my little one's birthday, my Isabel is one year old. I finally recovered completely from the disease, and now we will celebrate the birthday nicely, all together. The birthday was being prepared in Adnan's house. Her fake father organized everything Everything was luxurious and expensive. I ordered a cake that was bigger than Isabel's. he tries to do everything for his daughter, and if he finds out that she is not his, then he will be very hurt and disappointed with me. Her real father did not have to appear in front of me for a while, but today will be his birthday, but he did not show it to Isabel even though he did not show it in the presence of others. in the presence of others that We arrived at Adnan's big house, Mihriban took Isabel to her room to sleep, and we took care of the final preparations. The birthday was in the family circle, there were only a few friends of Adnan and so on. , it was pink and white, and the cake is a Disney
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