All Chapters of When the night falls: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
31 Chapters
Chapter twenty- one
This is the first time in his entire life that Lucas feels scared, he is scared for Emily.               " You can step out if you are not man enough to face the demon I am going to cast out now", the man says with a glint of mockery in his eyes.               Lucas scoffs, if the man knew where they have been, he won't open his mouth and spew trash but now is not the time for narrative essay.                                 " do your job", Lucas replies rudely. He pushes his fears away, for the demon might want to feed on it. He watch the man's move like an hawk not missing a
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Chapter twenty- two
When Lucas sees Salim incoming attacks, he clenches his fist tightly but rethink his option so he quickly move away which results to Salim hitting his shoulder against the wall. This weaken him which gives Lucas the chance to pick up the knife and stab Salim in his chest, piercing through his heart. Lucas buries the knife deep in Salim's chest and step back when Salim lifeless body falls with a loud thud.                        ' it is over ' Lucas sighs. He moves closer to Emily's body and bends over. Lucas use his boot to scatter the circle arrangements of the pepper. He notice Emily gasping little by little as if she is coming back to her body but instead, weird ancient patterns appears in her skin. It seems blurry at first but later, it clears out.           &nb
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Chapter twenty- three
They walk silently through the dark, Lucas is on look out as he cautiously move with weapon in his hand. His fingers tightened around his weapon as he thinks about him losing his life in the dream realm.                   He turns around to make sure Emily is following him, their eyes meet but Lucas averts his gaze, he did not want to be the to speak to Emily because he knows he will apologize.                                 Emily clears her throat, she increase her pace almost running to march up with Lucas. Guilt evident in her eyes so she decides to speak first.               " Hey", sh
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Chapter twenty- four
Already feeling tired with the monsters he killed, Lucas is further troubled when the man told him that they are more of them.       How many people will the monster take before she gets satisfied? How many more……..?          If only he can fight the monsters and save the people, if only he…….         " Lucas, Lucas."           Lucas, with clench fist, closes his eyes briefly before looking at the woman who called him. Her thoughts drain away as she slowly turn and her breath hitches when she sees the intensity of Lucas' gaze.         Emily's slim shoulder lifts as she struggles to maintain her composure. She stares intensively, waiting for Lucas to answer her.  
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Chapter twenty- five
Emily smiles and adjusts herself on the bench place at the covered container of the truck, moving closer to Lucas. She leans against his shoulder and exhales shakily.  All she can feel now is the love she fail to acknowledge.       " I told you to put the bullet in my gun not yours", Judas yells, he push a younger guy who is almost the same age as Emily. The boy stumbles and falls beside Lucas' feet, Lucas assist the boy up and glare at Judas.             " You will hurt him", he utters.          " He is of no use", Judas sneers, he spits on the floor and smirk. " Weak pe
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Chapter twenty- six
"Oh shit!"          Judas' eyes almost bulge out when he comes face to face with the hideous monster. He immediately sink into his chair and his breathings becomes heavy as he panics.    " The monster….  it saw me… It……", Judas closes his eyes tightly, he trembles on his seat.             " Stop panicking", Lucas harshly speaks, he is already getting irritated. " They can smell your fear."             
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Chapter twenty- seven
Five more to go,    Each movements of his axe weakens Lucas as the force in which he swings his weapon makes his hand aches.       Lucas is knocked to his knees but still he never gives up. As he raises his axe to block any onslaught, Lucas slashes the arm of the monster off, causing blood to splash on his face.       His brain explodes with emotions of stress and weakness but strangely, his body keeps attacking the monsters and pushing it past his breaking limit.       His heart is thumping loudly in his chest, his hands are shaking, Lucas drags himself and run. He shivers when the cool breeze blows on his open wounds, his exhauste
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Chapter twenty- eight
Lucas suddenly laugh, he guffaws so hard that his ribs hurt. " So much guilt that it irritates me", Lucas says loud enough between his laughter for people to hear and it makes Judas shudders. How can a young boy like Lucas be a threat to him? He should have known when he saw Lucas protecting the young lady in the tunnel alone by himself. He should have known how much of authority and survival he carried. He shouldn't have help Lucas, he should have left him to die but will he even die? Judas looks up and sees Tobias staring at him, the people are having a series of doubt about him. He quickly take hold of his fears and swallow hard. " Lucas", Judas calls, he jogs over to meet Lucas where he was with Emily. " I am so happy to see you, thank goodness you are alive", he tries his possible best to sound as formal as he can be. When Lucas didn't respond, Judas mov
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Chapter twenty- nine
" I thought you would never say that." Lucas laughs, he embraces Emily tighter and smile. The wave of joy he emits warms Emily as she rubs her head on his chest. " When we get out alive, be sure to make your move", Emily whispers shyly, she plays with a tendril of her hair.   ' Be sure to make a move '  Lucas smirks when he gets what she is saying, he will surely do that and never let the opportunity slide. " Deal", he chuckles and frowns when his weak body is aching. " I need to rest Emily, I am afraid I am too weak at this moment", Lucas exhales, he slumps on the bench and Emily assists him in getting the right position.   She sadly smile, staring at Lucas who looks so pale. She can hear his breathings from where she is standing. Being this weak won't help Lucas, instead, it will be a burden. So, it i
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Chapter thirty
Emily makes an 'o' expression, covering her mouth with her hand. " Why so smart?", She teases Lucas and gently hit him on his shoulder.  " We can't get to the heart if we continue like this", Emily sigh, she stretches her arm, folding them together. " If we escape now, we will either survive or get injured but I am sure we will make it."  She stares at Lucas hoping he will agree to her plans.  " We cannot just leave, the people needs us", Lucas replies, he rubs the bridge of his nose and exhales.    " But we were alone before we met this people. We fought our way here alone", Emily mumbles, she huffs and walk ahead of Lucas.  Lucas didn't respond immediately, he jogs over to her side and drapes his good arm on her shoulder. " I know you are saying this because of Judas but we have to consider the rest. We
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