All Chapters of TO HAVE AND TO HOLD : Chapter 31 - Chapter 35
35 Chapters
           Damien ran his fingers through the hair and sighed, then twisted her way. His expression was extremely preoccupied.“Hey, gorgeous,” he said slowly, those whispered words reaching through her confusion. “Sorry to wake you.”“No problem, Damien. I was already awake…”          ‘He is about to leave… to leave the mansion… to leave all of them again… leave her…’ she thought.          Feeling a cold shiver going up and down her spine, Regina pulled the comforter tight around her, wishing she wasn’t naked.  The protection of her clothes would be a big comfort right now.“What’s going on? It’s something wrong in New York?”“There’s been a water leak at the warehouse. The alarms ale
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          Regina’s bare feet ghosted over the back lawn, damp from the evening’s dew. She couldn’t stand being cooped up in the house anymore. Damien had been gone five days. The amount of time Stanton had informed Joshua he was prearranged to be away.          After tonight, they would be in violation of the will. Damien hadn’t contacted her personally, so she had no idea if he planned to be home by morning... or not. Or if he’d ever come back…          She wished she had the option of escape, even if only for a few hours. Instead, she’d waited until June headed out for Wednesday night church. The sympathetic looks were more than she could handle.“I must have been out of my mind… To let things go so far…” she said while walking slowly.  &nb
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          The men looked at each other, then around the back lawn. Damien’s whole body tightened.“I guess she didn’t come out,” Joshua said. “Maybe she must still be in the house… with mom.”          Briar was already shaking his head as Damien spoke.“Have you ever known her to not be involved in something with this household?”          He turned to sprint toward the cabin, adrenaline surging through his veins.“I thought the cabin was locked,” Joshua yelled from beside him as they ran.          It seemed like forever before they reached the clearing now dusky with smoke. A quick glance back showed the other men were headed their way, loaded down with hoses and buckets.   
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          Drawn to the woman he loved like a puppet on a string, Damien approached her hospital bed with caution. Sitting in the chair beside her wouldn’t do it. He needed to be near, to touch Regina and assure himself that she was okay.          The doctor said they only wanted to monitor her oxygen, but the need remained. Her body was so still. Was she sunk deep in the healing sleep she so desperately needed? Or was she pretending to sleep so she didn’t have to deal with him at all?          Taking a chance, Damien settled on the space beside her in the bed. There was just enough room for him to sit, his thigh resting along the curve of her back as she faced the opposite wall.          Testing his welcome, he lay his hand on top of her hip. Sure enough, her body jerked
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          She was on her knees on the floor, in front of her open closet… Crying over her clothes…  She missed Damien. He was always busy, but until today, always within reach. She missed arguing and the comfortableness of working together. But, above all, Regina missed the intensity of his passion and the feel of her soul mingling with his.          The days were torture. The nights were devastating. They went to sleep, each on their respective sides of the bed. Some nights, lying there feeling useless and empty, Regina thought she’d give anything to have him curled against her back like he had that night in the hospital.          Sure enough, by morning they would be tangled together, and her heart broke all over again. Something had to give soon because having him close but not having him for real was killi
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