All Chapters of Miss. Perfect: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
20 Chapters
10 - I'm Fed Up!
Eliza's POV; Athena and I are in my room, working on our Spanish assignment together. “Eliza, I need a drink. This Spanish is draining the life out of me. “Athena exclaims dramatically, and I laugh at her exaggeration. Between the both of us, Athena speaks Spanish best. She speaks it like it's her mother tongue, while I speak it like a stammering child. “Oh, come on. I need a drink. How about that astonishing red grape drink you always get us? “She begs, and I roll my eyes. I have served her the same drink a hundred times, yet she has never bothered to take note of its name. Even though she loves it like it's the only drink in the world. “Fine. I'd go get it. But soon enough, you're going to have to pay a fine for not knowing the name of your best drink. “I reply, and she giggles. “Whatever. “She replies, as I exit the room, and I shake my head at her. I head to the kitchen, get a massive jug of red grape juice from the fridge, two cups, and set them on a tray alongside a box
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11- It's Happening
Eliza's POV; Athena tried relentlessly to make me feel better, but it was of no use. I'm done with all the lies, all the hypocrisy, and fake love. I'm fed up with everyone and with everything. I had to lie to her and fake a smile that I was okay, but deep down I knew that a massive bomb of desperation had exploded inside me. She left a few hours ago, and now I'm on my way to Allen Avenue, number six. I'm going to see that old man, and he must help me. I gulp down my fear as I ring the silver doorbell before me. The last time I was here, it was in the afternoon. Now that I'm here in the cold evening, it makes the hair on my skin rise. I prefer not to spend another day of my life as the person I am right now. At least not without assurance that soon enough something I'm doing would yield me a tangible result. The door slowly creaks open, and I swallow before walking in. Once again, the door shuts after me, and I close my eyes. I look around the empty room before me and find that t
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12 -What!?
Eliza's POV; I walk into the room and an ominous feeling consumes me as a sudden rush of wind hits me. The hairs on my skin rise, and I feel goosebumps cloth my body as I look around the dark room. One can hardly see the things in the room, except the candles on the walls, and the strange, gigantic symbol on the floor outlined by candles. “Go and sit in the middle of the circle. “The old man's rough voice says to me, and I look up at him. “There? “I question. As I am honestly creeped out by this place. The man simply looks at me, and I look away. “S… Sorry. “I apologize before making my way towards the massive symbol on the floor. “Take off your shoes. “He orders. Stopping me in my tracks, and I roll my eyes before obeying him. Magic! Yeah, right! Believing in magic is just like believing in dinosaurs and unicorns. But, I'd do this. Just to prove that I tried, and I didn't let any opportunity slip past me. I make my way to the symbol and sit in its middle. “Take a meditatio
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13- Blonde
Eliza's POV; I laugh awkwardly after hearing my driver's words and take a few seconds to process what I've just heard. Then I turn around and make my way into the house. I run up to my room and begin to call the old man, *The number you're trying to call is not available. Please try again later.* The female, robotic voice says, and I shut my eyes. I keep calling, but I keep getting the same response. I begin to panic. What happened? My driver doesn't even remember taking me there. Maybe I was dreaming?. No! It couldn't have been a dream. It felt so real, too real! I sit on my bed and stare at the old man's number in confusion. What's… Going on? *********** I feel my body get covered with beads of sweat, and I move in discomfort as my clothes begin to soak. For some reason, I'm finding it hard to sleep, and harder to feel at peace. I finally tear my eyes open in surrender to the annoying discomfort, robbing me of my sleep. I swallow painfully as my throat is dry, and I just ke
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14 - It Begins
Eliza's POV; I get to the school's arena, all dressed up, with my makeup on. Athena has done such good work over the week, that I'm sure I'd win this thing. Besides, with the new… Developments going on with me, I'm sure I would win. If I don't, I'd know democracy is a joke to this school. People start gasping at me as they sight me, and I smile with pride as I catwalk into the school. I look towards the elevator and find that Damien is about to step into it. I maintain my composure and keep walking. I watch his jaw drop, and I smile as I step in with him. “Good morning, Damien” I greet, and he blinks rapidly to wipe the shock off his face. “Good morning, Elizabeth. “He greets, and my heart flutters at how sweet my name sounds coming out of his mouth. I look outside the elevator and find Athena who had been walking with me, smirking, and I give her a small blush. Just as Damien presses the button to the first floor, we sight Amber running frantically in her heels in an effort to
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15 -It Begins 2
Eliza's POV; The car suddenly comes to a stop in the middle of nowhere, and smoke covers the front of the car. “What's going on? “I question my driver in worry. “I don't know. Let me go and check. “He replies, and I nod. He steps out of the car and opens the smoking bonnet. I begin to look around and realize that the car came to a stop in some sort of forestry area. My stomach rumbles again, and I hold on to it in hurt. I'm hungry. Starving. I step out of the car and rest against a tree. I watch as my driver battles to figure out what's wrong with the car, with a squeezed face. Why on earth would my car choose to break down in the middle of the woods, at this time of night? I take a deep breath as everything slowly begins to sway, and my discomfort slowly begins to morph into pain. It feels like a thousand fire ants are making their way up my throat, and like uncountable needles are trying to burst out of my stomach. I let out a troubled scream as my eyes begins to sting l
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16 -New Best Friend
Eliza's POV; I have spent the last hour trying to clean my bathroom and wash the blood off my cloth, but it's not working. There are still patches of blood on the dress, and anybody with working eyes would know what they are. Stubborn, bloodstains refusing to come off! I shut my eyes and let my head roll back in exhaustion, but I quickly tear my eyes open as memories of me drawing out my driver's abdominal organs with my teeth, flashes across my mind. “Eliza? The cops are here. “Daniel's voice says from the other side of the door, and I realize that it was easy for him to come into my room as its door is currently condemned. Hold up, the cops are here? Have they found something against me? “Eliza? “Daniel calls, as I didn't give him a reply. “Yeah… I'd be out very soon. Just give me a minute. “I reply, and silence follows for a few seconds. “Eliza, I don't know what happened to you, but… I want you to know that I've got you. Nothing bad is going to happen to you. I'm here for
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17 - Ashnida
Several miles away. That was where my mind was as I stared out of the window of the cab. I told my parents I needed to be alone, but only I knew where I was going. Tears slid down my face as I remembered Athena's warnings, but my thick skull never let any of her words in. I wiped away my tears as I remembered the fear on my driver's face before I killed him, all the lies and the dark presence I now always feel around me. Even now… In this cab. I could feel it. Right next to me. All over me.The cab pulled over at Allen Avenue, number six, and in front of the house was a car with its boot open, and someone loading things into the trunk.As I got out of the cab, I walked with unsure steps towards the person loading the vehicle with carton boxes and as the young man looked up at me, my breath got stuck in my throat.I was certain that I had never seen him before, yet he looked awfully familiar…"Can I… Help you? "He spoke, and I cleared my throat."Is…er… Is he moving out? "I questioned
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18 - Who First?
Everywhere. I could see her everywhere. It's been two days since I went to the old man's house, and since then, Ashnida has been everywhere.When I wake up, she's there beside me. While I'm brushing, while I'm bathing… And even now that I'm having breakfast with my family. Her dark shadowy form is opposite me, behind my parents. Just grinning at me in the corner of the room. She has taken the form of the old me. My brown eyes, and black hair. She has a grin that shows fangs, long skinny hands and finger with talon nail, and crazed eyes that never leave me."Honey, are you okay? "My mother questions, and I look up at her. She pushed me to this. She and her witch of a sister-in-law aunt Gloria. If only they accepted me for who I was. If only they loved me. If only they cared for me like they did Daniel."I look perfect, don't I? My hair is healthier and there's not a single bump on my face. That all you care about, and you've gotten it. What more do you want? "I reply and her jaw drop
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19 - Aunt Gloria
It was an exhausting day. Yes, I had my shoot and Aunt Gloria did not take a seconds break from yapping on about something I did wrong or couldn't do. She found issues with every single thing. I had said close to nothing to her all day and the silence weighed heavily on me. Still, I would rather stay silent than engage her. We were are her dining table in her dainty house and all that filled the room were the sounds of my spoon coming in contact with my plate. I was having my soup in silence when she began to talk again, and I froze."Food. That's all you know. I thought you were giving me the cold shoulder. Why then are you eating my food? "She said and I looked up at her.Ashnida was standing behind her. Awfully close. But the unsuspecting woman had her full attention on me as she resumed talking, and I turned back to my food."Do you know we had to edit the pictures you took today? What they are helping you do with technology today, I did effortless when I was your age! I keep try
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