All Chapters of The Legend of Fireheart: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
62 Chapters
Chapter 21: Ambush
Luca stared at the three girls while he cleaned the burn wound on his arm. The Karainas had hurled fireballs at them from behind the flaming gates, and one dashed right past his elbow. The wound wasn't deep, but he wouldn't stop fussing about it.  Scarlett couldn’t tell what he thought of their escape.  A tense argument seemed to be going on in his head as he daubed the wound with a yellowish ointment, looked at the girls, shook his head, then sighed, and stared at the girls again. “Are you going to speak? I need to relieve myself,” Pakuri said all of a sudden.  Luca had summoned them and asked to talk to them, but then had them standing there seemingly for no reason.  “I’m trying to understand the logic behind your actions," he said. "I understand you three are all barely of age, but you are supposed to be Karainas. I get that you wanted to avoid fighting the other Karainas, but you could've come to me first."  “I tri
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Chapter 22: An Itch
Scarlett’s first impulse was to run towards the camp, but another arrow flew close past her shoulder. She took cover behind a wide hollow tree, trying to figure out where the attackers were coming from.  Not far, Voty was hurling fireballs towards the general direction that the arrows had come from, but it was hard for her to throw them and not hit the trees. Scarlett assumed she didn't want to set the whole forest on fire.  "I honestly never thought sleep was a luxury," Prince Marcellus said, finally opening his eyes.  Scarlett heard the sound of metal crashing against metal, and realized Luca's soldiers must already be engaged with whoever was attacking them. The arrows didn't belong to the Karainas, so she had no idea who they could've belonged to.  Whoever it was, it was strange that they hadn’t shot Prince Marcellus. He was the easiest target in the forest: tied up and completely immobile. “Ok, I’ve had it with this,”
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Chapter 23: Amaranthine
 Scarlett ran after the prince as fast as her itching body could carry her. It was one thing to run in an open field, on solid ground and a smooth path. In the forest, one wrong turn could send her crashing into a tree or a hole in the ground, especially when her skin was on fire. After several minutes, Scarlett was forced to admit to herself that even she could not outrun a Hova. She stopped and fell on her knees, panting as if her lungs were trying to leave her chest just to get a bit of air.The itch seemed to have gotten worse. Now she really felt like ripping the skin off her body. No matter how she scratched, she got no relief. It was like the poison in the plant had been waiting for her to stop, so she could concentrate only on the pain.Laying on the ground, she looked like a fish out of the water, thrashing and gulping for air as she tried to scratch her body with the overgrown roots of a tree.Her two hands were simply not eno
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Chapter 24: Sustenance
Mimbi felt that if her mother were here to see her, she'd be ashamed of her daughter and heiress.When Lord Galax had used her as food, all she did was wince. She took in the pain and anger and shoved it deep inside her. She wanted to live, and she was in no position to fight. So she would shut up and let herself become food, be bossed around, and comply with Lord Galax's wishes. Because that was the only way he wouldn't kill her.When Lord Galax realized that Mimbi's blood tasted different from the other girls', he had only smiled and said: "Let this be our secret. I hear anyone mention something about you being a witch, and you're dead. You set anything on fire, and I will kill every single one of the girls. Do you understand?"And Mimbi had nodded like an obedient child.She supposed it could be worse. She was set up in a tent next to Lord Galax's, with a soft bed and a little table to take her meals. But then again, that only made her fee
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Chapter 25: Strange
Marcellus really didn't want to have to do this, but he had no choice. If he wanted to save this stupid girl's life, he had to get the poison out of the wound. And it happened that he had a pair of fangs that could perfectly tear into flesh. The problem was that he'd have to bring himself to stop. He'd spent so long without drinking human blood that he wasn't sure he'd be able to resist it. If he couldn't, he'd be betraying all the ideals he'd worked so hard to uphold. Humans weren't meant to be food. They were as smart as Hova, and if he was honest, much better than the people of his race. Humans worked together to make their lives better; the Hova lived their lives scared of one another, constantly vying for a way to get ahead at the cost of other people. Marcellus couldn't really blame them, though. It had been his father who made the Hova that way. His reign of terror was almost one hundred years old, and a century of living in fear could do things to you
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Chapter 26: An Unlikely Ally
After Scarlett was done eating, the pair set out immediately. She desperately wanted to bathe, but she wasn’t going to undress near Prince Marcellus. She didn’t trust him to look away or refrain from making crude jokes about her. They both moved silently through the forest. The sun was high in the sky, and all they could hear were their footsteps and the chirping birds. Scarlett’s thoughts drifted towards Mimbi. Was she still alive? Was she still on this side of the wall, or had they taken her and the other captives to Hovania? “Do you know where they were taking the girls?” she asked all of a sudden. It was hard for her to keep up with Prince Marcellus. He walked briskly, sometimes starting to jog, and then slowing down once he realized he was going too fast for her. Normally, it wouldn’t have been a problem. But after two days of being out, she was still a little weak. “They are taking them to Lady Numia’s estate. It’s the closest castle to the wall
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Chapter 27: Arandana
  They got their first glimpse of civilization after walking for more than six hours. The main road diverged into narrower roads, and inns, small houses and villages came into view. It had begun to rain almost as soon as they had reached the road, and everyone in the mismatched group was drenched. Their spirits were just as damp as their clothes. When her fever died down, Scarlett had ridden up to Luca, trying to explain why she had sided with Prince Marcellus in the woods. But he only grunted and made his horse go faster, leaving her behind. A wagon carried the bodies of two soldiers who had died during the skirmish back in the forest. One had received an arrow in the neck, and the other one got hit by an axe in the head. They were covered by the tents they had managed to get out of Karai, but they were already stained copper by the blood. So, Scarlett understood Luca’s sour humor. After all, they had left their homes to reach Tupa. And
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Chapter 28: Guests
“At ease,” said Queen Edda, and everyone stopped being statues who were looking at the floor and went back to what they were doing. They seemed to purposely avoid glancing in her direction. Luca rose but bowed his head again once he looked at his Queen. She in turn, kept looking at Scarlett while she spoke. Scarlett was dumbstruck, having had no time to react with the Queen’s sudden appearance. She never imagined that the Queen would be in the muddy courtyard, especially with the soft rain. “I thought you were dead. Why didn’t you send a messenger? Who are these people?” said Queen Edda, finally looking away from Scarlett. “Your majesty, we… suffered a few incidents. I’d prefer to speak of them privately if you will let me. The women are Karainas,” he said, stepping aside as to let the Queen get a better view of the girls. Pakuri and Voty were still on their rheas behind Scarlett, so they moved to the side and nodded their heads in ack
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Chapter 29: What Do You Want?
Scarlett was having a hard time understanding the concept of maids.Several women showed up in her room, carrying buckets of warm water meant to fill the tub in the washroom. She thanked them and waited for them to leave. But the women just stood by the door, waiting for something to happen.“I will bathe now,” said Scarlett tentatively, hoping that would make them go away. But instead, the maids went to the washroom.Were they supposed to watch her bathe?She walked in cautiously, not knowing what to say. She didn’t want to offend them, but there was something in this ritual she was obviously not understanding.After a few minutes of silence, one of the maids diverted her eyes from the ground.“Miss, we are here to assist you. You don’t have to be shy,” she said, blushing.“Oh, no! Thank you, but I don’t need any help to bathe. I’m fine. Did they tell you I was sick?”
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Chapter 30: A First Time
  Luca leaned in, grabbing Scarlett’s jaw with one hand bringing her face close to his. She looked into his eyes and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. When Luca moved in to kiss her again, she moved her head to the side and started kissing his lightly stubbled chin, then his cheek, moving onto his neck. While she did that, she began to remove his armor. It was heavy, and it made a clang on the floor when it fell to the ground. Luca let himself be kissed, feeling Scarlett’s skin beneath his hands. He caressed her back, slowly moving his way down towards her bottom. This time her senses were alert and not muddled from the ale. His coarse hands moving through her body made Scarlett shiver with pleasure. When the last piece of Luca’s armor fell on the ground, it seemed like a weight had been lifted from him. With one swift movement, he took off his white shirt and grabbed Scarlett, picking her up by her butt cheeks. Scarlett wrapped her arms and legs
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