All Chapters of Consolation Prize: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
41 Chapters
9. Julianna
I realized I was thinking of you, and I began to wonder how long you’d been on my mind. Then it occurred to me: since I met you, you’ve never left. —UnknownBy the time my day ended, I was frazzled and drained. I didn’t see Colton anymore, though I kept expecting to bump into him again throughout the rest of my classes.When I slumped into my apartment, I collapsed on the couch and let my book bag thump to the floor beside me. After a second of gazing dazedly across the room, I decided I could move again after all and dug into my backpack to pull out my Kindle.Nothing tore me away from distressing thoughts like a good book.But every time the hero and heroine shared a heated glance, I kept thinking back to Colton, and the way he’d looked up at me when I put the condom on him or when I’d cupped his cheek after class today, or the first moment we’d met when he’d told me I looked like Rihanna.This wasn’t working.I swapped that book for a grisly murder mystery Chad had insisted I
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10. Colton
Ever since I met you, no one else is worth thinking about. —UnknownDammit. I couldn’t escape Julianna anywhere, could I?Sarah had shown up at our place earlier, announcing she was going to help Noel watch the kids tonight, ergo I needed to get out for the evening and go do “college-guy stuff,” as she’d called it.“It’s the first day of the semester,” she’d told me as she’d shooed me toward the door. “Go. Celebrate.”So I’d left, though I felt guilty all the way to my truck. Aspen hadn’t come out of her room once today, and Lucy Olivia had been fussy, or at least she had been when I’d been home from school. It didn’t seem like a good time to go out and celebrate anything.I would’ve gone to Forbidden and bothered Brandt at work. Since I was eighteen now, I was at least allowed through the doors while they were open. But I hadn’t really talked to him since he’d returned from his honeymoon. I was still sore about the whole “you owe me” thing, not to mention the fact that he’d unkno
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11. Colton
When two people are meant for each other, no time is too long, no distance is too far, and no one can ever tear them apart. —UnknownBy the time the song ended, I’d found myself a new drink and was sipping from it as I stood on the sidelines to watch Julianna rub and grind against her girlfriends.The way they skimmed their hands up the other’s thighs and then laughed and leaned into each other as if they might kiss took sensual to a whole new level.I realized I wasn’t the only one gawking when some guy paused beside me and let out a loud wolf whistle. I tensed, hoping he was watching one of the other two and not Julianna, but damn, she was by far the most gorgeous of the trio. The one in the middle was tall, maybe even taller than me and wore her hair in box braids. And the chick on the opposite side of the sandwich was the shortest. She had a nearly shaved head, the biggest loop earrings I’d ever seen, and was packing some serious curves. They were all beautiful, but Julianna rem
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12. Julianna
Protect her heart, and she will love you wholeheartedly. —UnknownMy insides shuddered madly when Colton glanced across the interior of his truck at me. Verbally, he’d just told me he would never have sex with me, but the look he blasted my way murmured, unless you want me to.I was tempted. Oh my God, was I tempted. But Colton really did have me figured out, the cocky jerk bastard.If I didn’t think something should fit into my life, I did try to resist it, no matter how much I liked it or not. Liking Brandt had fit. It’d made sense, so I’d been determined to make it happen. But then Colton had come along, and he’d been wrong…all wrong except for the little fact that he’d ignited things inside me his brother hadn’t even been able to touch.The more I fought my feelings for him and tried to convince myself he wasn’t the one I wanted, the more bottled up and miserable I felt. This wasn’t working. I wanted so badly to blurt out that I did want him, I wanted him so much it ached. But
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13. Julianna
I don’t know where I stand with you, and I don’t know what I mean to you. All I know is every time I think of you, I want to be with you. —UnknownThe next morning, I woke up fifteen minutes before my alarm sounded. Sitting upright, I immediately checked my head scarf to make sure it hadn’t come off in the night, then I snapped my attention to the closed door of my room.I knew he still couldn’t be out there. He’d said he would leave when my roommates came home, which made me bite my lip, wondering what Sasha and Tyla and possibly even their men had thought of that. I was already aware I would have a million questions to answer.But I’d just be honest. I’d run into a classmate, and when I’d spotted Shaun in the crowd, I’d asked him to bring me home. Enough said. They’d totally understand.Sure.Things had been stilted and moody when I’d fetched him a blanket and pillow to sleep on. After he’d used the bathroom, I hadn’t checked on him again or even told him goodnight, which felt w
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14. Colton
Someone who really loves you sees what a mess you can be, how moody you can get, how hard you are to handle, but still wants you. —Unknown“Where the hell were you last night?”I paused, half inside the back door where I was entering my house. From the other side of the kitchen, Noel arched an eyebrow as if he were pissed.I frowned, confused. “I texted and told you. Didn’t you get my message?” He’d been uptight lately, yeah, but he’d never cared if I’d stayed out all night before, not as long as I always checked in.“All you said was that you were helping a friend and might not make it home until morning.”“Yeah, well…that’s all I did,” I answered slowly. “And I didn’t make it home until morning, so…” About as soon as I spoke, though, I noticed the strain around his mouth and eyes. He looked beat, physically and emotionally. “Did you need me?” I hedged.“No,” he answered too quickly and glanced away, retreating a step before placing a protective hand on the counter next to a bed
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15. Julianna
I won’t abandon you, and you can damn well know that I’m going to fight for you. —UnknownI was still in a daze as I watched Colton race from the lecture hall.I couldn’t believe what I’d done, but I didn’t regret it. The moment our shocked gazes had clashed after my tongue had claimed his skin, I’d been zapped with this surge of energy. He’d stared back almost as if he’d been afraid as if his entire future had just been laid out for him, whether he liked it or not, as if he realized he was mine now.It was a powerful, almost overwhelming sensation. I sat, shell-shocked for the first half of the hour. Then I’d finally dared a sidelong glance his way only to find that he was still frozen with his own shock. For some reason, that made me feel better. I wasn’t the only one who knew something momentous had just happened. But apparently, I did seem to be the only one who needed to know what the momentous thing was.I don’t think I’d ever seen a guy run away from me like that before. It
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16. Julianna
I just want you, that’s all. All your flaws, mistakes, sales, giggles, jokes, sarcasm, everything. I just want you. —UnknownHe only dragged me a few steps before reality struck home. “Wait, Colton. Wait!” I dug my feet in, stopping us.He jerked to a halt and turned to me, looking distinctly in pain. I knew exactly how he felt, but one of us needed to be practical here.“This is crazy,” I said, the God’s honest truth. Besides… “A quickie on campus is not going to cut it.”“Fuck,” he whispered and blew out a harried breath. “You’re right.” Chewing on his bottom lip, he glanced around us. I could practically see his mind spinning as he tried to think up a way around our dilemma.But all I could do was watch his teeth sink repeatedly into the fleshy fullness of his lip.“Stop,” I croaked, holding up a hand. “Stop chewing on your lip like that.”“What?”When he paused mid-chew, his eyebrows crinkled in confusion, I confessed, “It’s sexy as hell and not helping the situation at all
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17. Julianna
When you find someone who can make you laugh, smile, grow, lust, want, crave, feel, make you mad but happy, keep that. That’s euphoria. —UnknownI swear, little aftershocks kept afflicting my pussy after Colton had walked me to my car. If I could’ve driven to my apartment with crossed legs, I would have. It was all just so bizarre. I felt completely sated and pretty much ready to nap a month away, and yet I was wired and giddy for more, knowing we were going to continue this in minutes.Minutes!I’d get to feel him inside me and finally wrap my legs around his hips as he spiked himself deep.With another shudder, I pulled into the parking lot outside my building and jammed my fist against my stomach when his souped-up red pickup pulled in and stopped beside my Camry.Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God.I closed my eyes and jumped when I heard his truck door slam. Then his footsteps echoed throughout the interior of my car as he walked around to my driver’s side. The door opened.“Second
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18. Julianna
A true relationship is two imperfect people refusing to give up on each other. —UnknownAfter he cleaned himself up and returned to the bed, we lay prone on our backs, side by side and stared up at the ceiling together for I don’t know how long, but it felt like eons that I just gaped at nothing and thought holy shit, what just happened?I mean, my body still hummed from how hard and long I’d come, and I was sure I should be over the afterglow by now. But I was ready for more, eager for more, craving it like some kind of drug addict.I blew out a breath and muttered, “Well, that didn’t get shit out of my system.”Next to me, Colton grumbled his agreement. “Nope,” he muttered before he cursed and scrubbed his face. “Dammit. I guess this means once won’t be enough for us.”Rolling onto my side, I gaped at him. “What do you mean once won’t be enough?” I shoved his arm, more scared he was right than actually angry about it. “You fucking asshole. You promised me once would do the trick
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