All Chapters of The Marriage Contract: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
39 Chapters
**LIA** After my refreshing shower, I opted for a comfortable travel outfit. I donned a pair of grey cargo pants and a black crop hoodie, ideal for the impending flight. I secured my hair into a ponytail, with plans to release it later. Tying it up initially saved me from the trouble of constantly managing it. As I looked around the room, I couldn't help but notice the mild disarray. Even though room service would eventually tidy it up, my compulsive nature got the best of me. I embarked on an impromptu room-cleaning session after I packed my travel bag and placed it beside Drex's. My curiosity about Drex's whereabouts nagged at me. It was unusual for him to be away for so long, and even though I was savoring the peace, a sense of unease gnawed at me. Upon completing my impromptu cleaning duties, I decided I deserved a pat on the back for making the room presentable again. With a satisfied smile, I left the room to head to the hotel's dining hall for a much-needed meal. My choice was
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**LIA** Jasper, who helped me through out the journey, through his stories, I enjoyed his company so much that I had forgotten what was up. As soon as the announcement of the plane wanting to land was heard, I realized reality. I had to go back to my seat. "Thank you so much for this Jasper, maybe if you're not too busy, we can hang out sometime, but as of now I have to go back to my husband." I said already unbuckling the seatbelt. "I'd like that very much." He gave me a smile, before I left. When I got back to my seat, it was as if Drex was waiting for me, his eyes followed me from where I was till I sat down beside him. He broke the silence finally. "Oh, I thought you were gonna use the whole time there. Why didn't you?" He challenged me. Oh for the love of God! "Well I'm sure I am not the only one who heard, we'd be landing soon." I replied. "Alright fine. I'm sorry about this morning, everything that happened seemed so sudden and I had no idea. Last night was a blur an
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**LIA** When we finally returned to our new apartment after the dinner with the Kings, they kindly offered to take Angel for the night to allow me some much-needed rest. The exhaustion was undeniable, but the mere thought of being separated from her after all those long months was unbearable. I politely declined their offer, assuring them that I could handle it, and took Angel to my room, tucking her in for a peaceful night's sleep. The apartment, still new and unfamiliar, felt simultaneously welcoming and foreign. The soft hum of the air conditioning provided a soothing background noise, and the dim glow of the city's lights outside the window offered a sense of tranquility. After settling Angel, a burning determination filled me. I couldn't let Drex's father control our lives the way he did his own son's. With a resolute knock on Drex's bedroom door, I signaled my intent. "Hey Drex, I need to talk to you," I announced. With a knock on his room door. "Be right out!" he yelled fro
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**LIA** It had been a full week since we moved into our apartment, and in that time, our communication had been limited to mere glances or occasional encounters in the kitchen or the living room. A brief exchange of greetings, and nothing more. This was the agreement we had settled on, and I tried not to let it bother me. In truth, I had no complaints. Drex had been bringing his girlfriend over, and they seemed to enjoy their time together. He would always give me a heads-up, so I'd either vacate the premises or stay confined to my room while they were around. During these times, I would often meet up with Jasper, and to my surprise, Angel had taken a liking to him faster than I had expected. They hit it off so well that I felt comfortable asking Jasper to help watch her if I had to go to work. On the ninth day, as I was taking a leisurely stroll with Angel in her stroller, I spotted Jasper. "Hey?" I called out to him. "Lia?" Jasper seemed as surprised as I was. "Are you in this n
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**LIA** The meal Jasper prepared was not only delicious but also a rare treat for me. Long hours at work had turned my home into a place I barely spent time in. Instead, I relied on takeout or dining out, and my kitchen rarely saw the presence of groceries. The only cooking I did at home was for Angel, carefully preparing her baby food. I expressed my heartfelt gratitude to Jasper for the meal, emphasizing how it had been so long since I had the pleasure of a home-cooked meal. When I entered my house, I was met with a less than welcoming sight – Drex, seated on the couch with a deep frown etched across his face. His posture conveyed his disapproval, and it was evident that he had been waiting for my return. Arms were folded, and he looked as if he had something important to discuss. Not wanting to let him know that I was aware of his presence, I feigned ignorance and gently placed Angel on the floor. "Come on, Angel, let's go play in our room," I cooed, helping her take her wobbly f
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**DREX** Thud! A loud noise reverberated through Lia’s room, Distracting me from what I was doing on my phone and amidst the echoes, the baby began crying, I'd thought it should stop by now, assuming Lia was attending to her but the cries of the baby intensified. Though I'd been somewhat nonchalant about the baby, preoccupied with school and thoughts of Jesse, the escalating cries drew my attention. Anticipating Lia to have attended to the baby's needs, the persistent screams suggested otherwise. Worry gnawed at me, prompting me to rise from the couch and rush into Lia’s room. To my dismay, I discovered the baby lying on the floor, having fallen from the bed. Lia, engrossed in the shower, seemed oblivious to the incident. Without hesitation, I scooped up the distraught infant, attempting to soothe her distressed cries. “There, there, baby girl. It’s okay, I got you,” I murmured, cradling her gently. As I wiped away her tears, she gazed at me with an odd intensity. A sudden warmth
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**LIA** “Come on, Angel, let's give mommy some space to get ready.” Drex said. It sounded weird hearing that come from him. I think he realized how weird it sounded given our situation, because he didn’t bother looking up anymore, he practically ran out of the room. I almost bust into laughter because of how cute that was. After my shower, I didn't bother to lotion my body, it was already night so I didn't want to have to stress, I decided to go for comfort, I went for black shorts and a big grey T-shirt as my outfit, after drying my hair I packed it up in a rough bun. Took my phone from my bed and headed to the living room. As I observed Drex holding our child, it struck me that this might be the first time he had ever held her in nearly two years since her birth. The thought brought a pang of sadness as I recalled that my own father had never held me; he had passed away long before I came into the world. Despite the pretense of our situation, I felt grateful that Angel could expe
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**DREX** The warm morning light gently streamed through the curtains, casting a golden hue across the room. I lay there, still and contemplative, trying to piece together the events of the previous night. Did anything happen between Lia and me? The memory was hazy, blurred by the fog of sleep and the remnants of alcohol from the night before. Reluctantly, I opened my eyes to the brightness of the day, relieved to find myself fully clothed. A soft movement beside me caught my attention, and I turned my gaze to Lia, nestled against me on the floor. My arms instinctively tightened around her, pulling her closer as if to reassure myself of her presence. Her peaceful sleeping form, with her hair cascading over her face, filled me with a sense of warmth and comfort. Gently, I reached out with a trembling hand to brush a stray strand of hair away from her face, revealing her delicate features. She looked so serene, so beautiful in her slumber. I truly meant what I said on our first night t
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**LIA**As I glanced down at Angel, cradling her gently to coax her back into slumber, a whirlwind of thoughts raced through my mind. The intensity of the moment we shared was undeniable, but rationality prevailed as I dismissed any notion of an impromptu rendezvous. It was just a fleeting moment, I reassured myself, albeit a tempting one. Trying to get rid of Drex that was in my thoughts, I tried thinking about the bulky work I would have to do today, catching up in school today. But somehow he stayed in my thoughts. With Angel stirring in her sleep, I knew I had a limited window of opportunity to get everything prepared for the day ahead. Today was Angel's first day at preschool and I wanted to prepare as much as possible for her. As I carefully laid her back in to her crib, I couldn't help but feel a swell of pride mixed with a hint of apprehension for what the day would bring.After completing my own morning routine, I tended to Angel's needs, bathing her and dressing her in a ch
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**LIA** My first day so far wasn't really bad, all thanks to Jasper. Only thing stopping me from having much fun right now is because I am aware about the bulky work load I've got coming. Being a transferred student is not as easy as the Kings thinks, but at this point I've got no choice. At the end of the day, I ended being swamped with coursework at school, desperate to catch up on missed classes. I knew Drex would understand if I just ask him of this favor. I hastily dialed his number, thinking about how I was going to ask him to pick Angel up. I clearly told him already she was my responsibility, so bothering him would be going out of it right? But at this point, doesn't seem like I have any choice. "Hey" he answered the called. "Um...hey" I replied. "What's going on?" He asked. He was bound to ask like that, I mean it's not like we normally call ourselves. I took a breath out and tried my luck. "Um...I need a favor from you..." My thumb nail in my mouth as I started talkin
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