All Chapters of Warning: Danger: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
106 Chapters
Chapter 70 - Dough
~Dough’s Point of View~   Leia had been acting incredibly weird all night, and it was obvious she didn’t care for Ryan. I couldn’t imagine why. They didn’t know each other. I mean, his demon vibe is a bit weird I’ll admit but I’d made it clear to her that he was a good guy. I wouldn’t let just anyone be around her.   Of course all the guys and I were dying to get info out of Ryan about exactly what happened when he transformed into his full demon. We wanted to know where he’d been, if he was back for good and all that. But he just picked up and carried on like he’d never left so we didn’t want to make it weird.   When Leia was occupied with the girls I sat next to Ryan on the couch. Since I could have a one way conversation with him, I decided to do just that.
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Chapter 71 - Dough
*What the hell are you doing,* my wolf yelled, for the hundredth time. I pulled my knees to my chest and squeezed myself tight. I was alone on a nearly empty bus. It was the only mode of transportation I could get with the $400 I stole from Dustin’s wallet. Not to mention I didn’t exactly have any ID, I couldn’t fly. I just had to get away from him. I felt like I was absolutely suffocating. I feel so lost and like I barely know who I am anymore. Jessica Thomas … that was the name I used to get my bus ticket. Sounds like as good a name as any. *We are Dustin’s mate, that’s who we are! No amount of miles between is going to change that,* my wolf scolded. I’m more than aware o
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Chapter 72 - Dough
~Dough’s Point of View~   “Dough man I dunno know. If she doesn’t want to be found that’s her choice,” Jesse said.   “Something is wrong though, like really wrong. Her emotions are all over the place. It can’t be good,” I said, trying to get him to understand.   Trying to find her on my own, even with our mate bond would take too long. I’d never done it before either so I didn’t know what to do exactly. Both Jesse and Troy were giving me a hard time and I was about to fucking lose it.   *Shift! I’ll find her,* my wolf insisted.   *Dude she’s not like a mile up the road, she’s fucking G-O-N-E okay,* I said, annoyed.  
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Chapter 73 - Dough
~Leia’s Point of View~   “You have to let her go, she didn’t do anything,” I said, trying to reason with Javier.   He had a maid bring me a gown, a literal fucking gown for dinner. It was a long black velvet kind of mermaid cut that clung to my body and I could barely breathe. It was so tight. He also gave me four inch heels and a massive diamond necklace. Already making me into his little doll I imagined. If the dress was red I’d be freaking Jessica Rabbit, my boobs were out all over the place since it was strapless.   He was dressed in a collared dress shirt, unbuttoned at the top of course to show off his ink. He actually looked pretty fucking hot but obviously I’d never tell him that. He had enough ego all on his own and of course, I hated him intensely. 
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Chapter 74 - Dough
~Dough’s Point of View~   With the witch war we hadn’t needed many weapons, well right now they would have come in pretty handy. I was absolutely terrified something could happen to one of my friends. Murphy couldn’t die that easily, but if Jesse or I got shot that would be very … very shitty. I couldn’t allow that to happen.   I watched as Troy flew overhead and dropped a grenade on the poolhouse, then another on a little gazebo. We needed to get their attention so they’d all run out, and that they did. One by one Jesse stunned them so they couldn’t move and the vampires took their guns. It was pretty sweet how well the plan worked, but there were just so damn many of them. They were still getting off a ton of shots and since I was the weakest link all I could do was stand back. I fucking hated it.  
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Chapter 75 - Dough
~Leia’s Point of View~ My mate was here, he came for me!! He still loves me! He’s fighting for me! How the hell he got my grandfather here I can’t even begin to understand. But this is going to go bad and fast.  I gripped my abuelo with all I had, knowing he would keep me safe. I relaxed slightly at his familiar scent, some kind of hot pepper, which of course suited him. Like the food, he looked innocent enough but spend a couple minutes around him and your nose will burn a bit. Maybe it was the fear he instilled, I never could separate the two. Now wasn’t at all the time to relax. Javier still had a gun and he was a desperate man. I had heard him sound the alarm for more boots on a call only minutes ago. Now the squeal of tires and the sound of
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Chapter 76 - Dough
~Dough’s Point of View~   These pieces of shit just don’t give up!! I almost thought ‘what’s it gonna take’ but I can’t go there. That’s not a question I needed to put into the universe.   I didn’t have my damn phone, who knows where it is at this point. The only thing I could do was try and keep my mate calm.    “There’s an exit, get off,” I yelled as the car sped up alongside of us.    A few other cars on the road didn’t deserve to be in the middle of our shit and I knew it was probably only a matter of time before shots would go off. I just needed to buy us some time. My boys would come for me, they’d have to. They had to come.   *You better ma
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Chapter 77 - Dough
~Leia’s Point of View~   Finding a spot outside to make love to my mate, on a towel in the middle of nowhere... Seems like a worthwhile mission. Until you factor in that my arm is a bloody painful mess, his leg is bleeding and he’s shot. We’re both seriously exhausted and feel beaten down. But we’re not yet beaten, and if all we have is now we should definitely make it a night to remember. For however much longer we have.   I wasn't sure that Dustin’s vision scared me. It absolutely should, but the last time I contemplated facing down death I was alone and desperate. Now if I decided to go off a cliff, at least I had my mate beside me, hopefully to be in the afterlife with for all eternity. Or something, I don’t know. I don’t even know what I believe in anymore. My mind was just too much all over the place.   
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Chapter 78 - Dough
~Dough’s Point of View~   I held my amazing mate and played with her hair. Making love to her now, outside like this had been unlike anything I could have ever imagined. It was wild and untamed. Two people absolutely in love and obsessed with each other, that have nothing to lose. Who may fear death but it's not as bad since we aren’t alone.   But, she deserved better, and it killed me that I couldn’t give it to her.    I had no idea what time it was but I imagined we didn’t have long. I called out in my mind again to Jesse, to Ryan. Please don’t let them be dead, please goddess. I was glad I could give Leia closure on her friend, but I had no clue about mine. They couldn’t die … they just couldn’t.   But then
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Chapter 79 - Dough
~Leia’s Point of View~   My dad begged me to come to him, pleading with his hands, with his eyes. There was no damn possibility now of him convincing me he was sincere. That he cared about anyone but himself. It was pointless.    Dustin was my heart, soul and my everything. If I can’t have HIM, no one will. No one else gets my heart or my body.   Mine.    Over a cliff, if that’s what it takes.   Dustin’s grip on me tightened and in a split second he flipped me around so I was facing him and without thinking I held onto him like a death grip. Like my life was depending on it. Would we fall together and stay together the whole way down? How poetic,
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