Все главы Alpha Ashton: Глава 11 - Глава 20
Chapter 11
The two men didn't dare to dilly-dally and immediately left. Although they were older than Ashton, he was still their alpha and no one dared to offend him. They immediately flew for their lives because they knew that the moment they hesitated, they won't live to see another day. After the two people fled, Ashton returned to where he was hiding Maya. "Did I scare you?" He asked gently. "No, it's okay. I just didn't expect your grandfather to still be persistent about that matter." Maya said. "He is stubborn and likes to control everyone, but I won't let him succeed this time," Ashton assured. "I don't want to be caught between you and your grandfather nor do I want you to be forced to choose a side," Maya said. "Don't worry even if it comes to a day that I have to choose a side, I will choose you without hesitation. No one has the right to separate you from me again." Ashton said as he kissed Maya on the lips. "Let's go. I can feel that we are close. If we travel for another tw
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Chapter 12
"Can you speak properly?" Gael tensed his jaws as he looked at his man. "We followed the young alpha to the northern mountains. We thought that we were discreet enough but he had already discovered us." "When he discovered us, we tried to reason with him that you are only worried about him and sent us to protect him but he did not buy it." "He had already found out our motive a long time ago. He ordered us to come back and inform you that he was going to see wizard Eliphas and no one will stop him." "Insolent! Bastard!" Gael shouted angrily making the house tremble from his voice. "Pat lost his life on the way back. He sacrificed himself so that I can reach safely and report to you." "His death won't go in vain," Gael said. "That is all my Alpha." "You can go now." Gael dismissed everyone and locked himself in the room. He thought about what happened back then and blamed himself even more. If he had not blindly trusted his son and his wife, none of this would have happened.
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Chapter 13
It's been three months since Maya and Ashton arrived in the northern mountains to find wizard Eliphas. After three months, Maya was doing great and the curse was almost uplifted. Her relationship with Ashton had also made leaps and bounds. If in the past they have only been fond of each other then the past three months have made them realize that they were inseparable. They depended on each other for everything. On this particular day, as she was resting with Ashton under a tree Maya had a strange voice in her head. She almost jumped up in fright. "What is it?" Ashton asked in a gentle voice. "I heard something weird in my head now. Like someone calling my name." Maya said. Hearing her words, Ashton was delighted as a faint light passed through his deep blue eyes. 'At last, it was finally here.' He thought. "Try listening carefully and you will know what it is," Ashton said with a smile. Maya looked at him and realization dawned on her. "Could it be….." Before Maya could
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Chapter 14
Gael called Kelly, he was his grandson and he was almost the same age as Ashton. His father was the eldest among his other sons and he at least looked more promising and loyal than the other others. When Kelly heard that his grandfather was calling him over, he was excited but hid his feelings well. He could already tell what the call was about. After all, his good brother has been gone for a long and the pack couldn't be without a leader. "Grandfather, you called for me?" Kelly asked as he pushed the door open. He was tall and built and had a wild aura around him. He looked sloppy with a careless attitude but Gael knew that there was more to what met the eye that is why he singled him out. "How is the pack doing at the moment?" Gael asked, he did not go directly to the point. "The pack is doing well. Everyone is just worried about their alpha, that is all." Kelly said. He could not say something bad about his alpha because he wasn't yet sure about his grandfather’s intention
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Chapter 15
After Kelly left, he went to look for his uncle, his father's brother. "Uncle Kevin are you there?" Kelly called out. "Kelly, is that you?" Kevin asked. "Yes, uncle. Do you have time to talk?" Kelly asked carefully. "What is it?" "Grandpa called me today," Kelly said. "Your grandfather? What did he want?" Kevin asked. "He told me to take care of the pack for the time being since he doesn't know when brother Ashton will be coming back," Kelly said. Kevin looked at Kelly deeply. Although he was not his real son, he treated him as one. All his sons were useless and they spent most of their time messing around instead of contributing to the pack. Only Kelly had a promising future since he was more hardworking and talented than the average wolf. At first, they had even thought Ashton will take him as his beta but when he announced that Theo was his beta, Kelly was devastated though there was nothing he could do. His uncle Kevin told him to work hard to improve himself and maybe
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Chapter 16
One month passed by in a flash. Maya had recovered almost fully and they were only waiting for her first shift because the full moon was around the corner. After that, they were planning to leave the northern mountains and return to the pack after a few days. Although she had yet to make her first shift, the aura around her had changed. She was not a naive and easy-to-bully little girl anymore. Now because of her wolf, she could hear, see and smell things more clearly. Her instincts had heightened. She was like an Eagle soaring in the sky. Ashton did his best at training her in everything he knew. Her senses had sharpened. Maya found it amazing. The bond between her and Ashton had also grown strong with each passing day. They were true mates as they could sense each other's emotions more clearly. "Today is your last day of training. You have done great because now you can control your emotions and your wolf well." Eliphas said as he looked at Maya. Although he had said that,
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Chapter 17
After Maya came back from the woods with Ashton, he prepared a feast for her and the three people in the house sat at the table as they enjoyed their meal. Eliphas has even brought out a rare bottle of red wine. Although it's said that werewolves, witches, and all supernatural beings don't get easily drunk, the wine was specifically brewed so after a short time, Maya’s cheeks had turned red from the wine. She had not even taken a full glass and her face had already turned a crimson red. Ashton looked at her misty alluring eyes and found himself drawn into them. He could feel that his blood was rushing to a certain part of his body speedily and his mind was getting more and more excited. He could feel his blood boil just from looking at her pouty lips. He seemed to have taken only a small sip of the red wine but why did he feel like he had taken a whole bottle? He felt that Maya was too delicious and delicate at the moment and he wanted to take a bite of the delicacy. He wished
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Chapter 18
At the ash band pack…. Most of Ashton's trusted subordinates have already been captured by Kelly and his uncle Kevin. Those who refused to bend were immediately killed. Theo barely managed to escape with his life but he was severely wounded. "Uncle, how is the going?" Kelly asked his uncle. They had created a temporary but hidden house in the pack where they could meet freely without worrying about anyone seeing them or discovering what they were planning. Although Kelly has also earned himself some people who fully trusted him now, he was not ready to engage any of them and most of his plans were carried out by his uncle. "Those people are hard to crack but we have managed to turn a few to your side," Kevin said. "What do you mean a few?" Kelly asked. "You can't expect me to lead the pack when half of the pack members are disloyal to me. How will I even show my power?" Kelly asked angrily. "They either have to accept me as their new alpha or they can get lost. Do they really
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Chapter 19
Ashton and Maya finally ended their visit to the northern mountains. They would be heading back to the ash band pack the following day. Ashton kept having this nagging feeling that something was wrong with his pack. He could not wait to go back. But this time they won't be traveling for several days because Eliphas will be sending them back using his magical teleport and it will save them whole more several days of travel. It was also because Ashton wanted to surprise everyone at the pack. If he went by physical means it will mean that people will find out about his arrival and if his intuition was correct then he won't be able to make it to the pack. Maybe there was already an ambush waiting for him. Ashton wanted to give them a surprise so that he could see the person who had the guts to mess with his pack. Since he was the pack leader he had a connection with each pack member if so he wouldn't be able to command them that is why he felt that his people were somehow crying out
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Chapter 20
Maya knew that whatever was written on that piece of paper was beyond their expectation. Ashton had never given out such a terrifying aura since she got to know him. This was the first time Maya was seeing the blood thirst and murderous Ashton. Although his aura was terrifying, Maya was not afraid. He was so angry that his fingers had already elongated and the fangs had already started to show. His ears were also growing and his body was becoming more and more fairy. His spinal cord was protruding and his shirt had started to get torn. It was an indication that his wolf was also angry and he wanted to wreak havoc. In the past, although Ashton had faced a lot of enemies and he had almost lost his life countless times, he has never felt the strong urge to kill. Even his wolf could not stand the betrayal. He has always gone by the motto of severely injuring the enemy until they could not attack again but this time what he wanted to do was to kill directly. He could hear the scream
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