All Chapters of MARRIED TO A MONSTER; HIS OBSESSION: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
359 Chapters
11. Childhood Sweetheart
Kate was surprised by what she heard, her eyes widening in surprise; if the rumors are true, then it was good news for her.''Yes, our boss hasn't been seen with any woman, so everybody presumed that he was into men, I think the rumors were getting too much so he wanted to silence it. I think his grandfather had got him a woman, but he didn't want her, so he got himself a wife so he could keep his grandfather off his matters for the time being.Kate thought to herself; the explanation really made sense; he could have chosen a million things to do with them but he wanted a wife; a wife whom he would never touch. Now she thought about it, he never looked at her body the previous night! The more Kate thought about it, the happier she became; if he was gay he would never ever touch her, right?And when everything had calmed down, he would let her go?That was the happiest she had been since she started living in the mansion.''… and the boss is
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12. He's Coming Back
The next day, Kate woke up early and waited for Liam to come downstairs; the day before she had asked around and she was told that he goes to work by 8 am, so she woke up early and dressed properly and waited for him at the end of the stairs;She wanted to leave the estate, and he had told her she could not leave unless she told him about it; although she didn't want him seeing her often, she had no choice.She stood there for about ten minutes before she heard his footsteps on the stairs; her heart beating rapidly as his steps approached, he was someone who couldn't be comprehended, so she wasn't sure what his reply would be;Liam walked down quietly when suddenly, he saw someone standing at the end of the stairs; her head was bowed low. His brows creased, no-one dared to stay in his path whenever he was home, he wondered what gave that woman such audacity. Pulling his eyes away from her, he continued down the stairs, but just as he was about to walk past her,
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13. I… Am Married
After Irene had left, Kate took out her phone from her purse and tried to call him, but the call was rejected, instead, immediately she received an incoming call; and it was from him. Her heart pounded against her ribcage as she stared at the number, hesitant to pick the call.She was still contemplating on whether to pick the call when it ended and he called again; this time she took in a deep breath and answered;''Hello? '' She said, unsure of how to start the conversation. If this had happened a month ago, she would have been shouting over the roof with joy, but she could only manage a hello which was still strained;There was a little shuffling on the other end and then he spoke;''Hello, Kate, are you there? '' He asked; his voice very sober. Kate inhaled sharply, her eyes closed; she had missed this voice, so much, that hearing it now, brought nourishment to her sad soul, but her heart squeezed tightly, knowing that she couldn't be with him now, no
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14. I'll Wait...
Justin was beyond shocked when he heard what she said;He had not finished recovering from the news of her father's death and she threw a more shattering news to him;He could not believe his ears;''What do you mean? You are married? ''He asked; turning to face her; his eyes red and his face pale; Kate seeing his expression could not bring herself to go on; she wailed;''Talk to me, what do you mean by saying that you are a married? I don't talk to you for six months and you're already in the arms of another man? And worse even marred? ''''NO!! '' Kate blared, trying to justify herself;''Then what is it! What do you mean by saying that you are married? ''Justin was almost shaking from the pain, his heart was thoroughly broken; he had not contacted her because of his final medical exams; and as soon as he was through he came back and see her before his graduation, but when he arrives, she tells him this?''Father owe
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15. Which Modeling Company Are You Working For?
''Miss, Mrs. Milly wants to see you. '' A maid approached Kate as she stepped down from the car; she remembered that Liam had told her to get ready, so she followed the maid; Milly was sitting on a couch in the living room, immediately she saw Kate come in, she stood up; ''Follow me. '' She commanded and Kate followed, walking behind her carefully; Kate was taken to her room; but she could barely recognize it, many clothes heaped on her bed; by the side, she saw boxes of shoes, handbags, purses, pieces of jewelry to name a few; there were two lavishly dressed people in the room; a man and a lady; As soon as the door opened, they turned towards their direction; ''Is she the one? '' The man who dressed like a woman's asked; Milly nodded and gestured for Kate to move forward; satisfied that she had done her part, she left the room, closing the door behind her. ''Well, good day sweetheart, I'm a makeup artist and she is a fashion designer, we are
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16. Ancient Goddess Of Beauty
Kate bathed quickly and tied her hair in a towel; after applying her lotion, she tied her robe properly before stepping out of the room; when they saw her step out, they followed her in; ''Now, time for my magic hand! Sweetheart! '' the man exclaimed with a small smile as he rubbed his palm together; Kate sat on a seat as he worked, he first of styled her hair before working on her face; the smile on his face vanished as he worked; he was quick but meticulous and when he was through he shifted away from the mirror for her to see herself; ''Wow! '' Kate couldn't help but exclaim; she looked breathtaking. ''Yeah, that's my skills, baby gal! '' The lady stood up from the sofa and smiled when she saw Kate’s face; ''Well, I'm not surprised; she's a beauty to start with. Now, let's get you into your gown and heels; we have less than twenty minutes to go. '' The lady said as she picked her gown from the bed and the man excused them; K
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17. Meeting The Family.
Kate was lost in thought but when she felt Liam slow down, she looked up in front of her; she had thought his estate was magnificent but what she saw in front of her was something else; she watched with great awe as the elaborated-iron gates with ornate dragon design opened on their own accord; the grass smelt freshly cut and there were some drops of water on them as though they were recently watered, Kate's jaw dropped as they stopped in front of the exquisite mansion which had a beautiful fountain in front of it. It was at least six floors and it was definitely wider than Liam’s Mansion. Kate couldn't help but wonder how many people lived there; There were many other flashy cars parked there, Kate wondered just how many wealthy people she would have to put up with that night. Liam turned off the engine and turned to her; ''I'll do most of the talking, you'll answer only when it is very necessary, do you understand? '' Kate nodded; ''Wait here. '' he
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18. Make Beautiful Babies.
Kate breathed rapidly as they stepped into the massive living room, she could hear some people chattering in the room but as soon as the guard by the doors pushed it open, their eyes turned to the door.Liam carried an mysteriously quiet air around him, such that when he entered the room with his hands around Kate, everywhere became quiet. They watched them as though they were some alien.What made them quieter was the fact that Liam had come with a woman! Liam has never been seen with a woman before, so the sight was shocking to them. It took about thirty seconds for them to leave the slight daze they were in, but the shock could not leave their faces.He barely came for the dinners and whenever he did, he was always quiet and alone; he was so quiet that no-one even noticed him, but today was different, they suddenly couldn't keep their gazes off him, or more like off the woman that he came with.Liam pulled Kate close to him as they sat down on a couch
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19. Smile Of Victory.
It was Lilian Smith, Benjamin’s Wife. She was sitting beside her husband, and although it looked as though she was eating, she was busy studying and Kate. When she saw them in the living room, she was shocked; she knew that Liam had issues with commands, and he barely listened to suggestions, so she was expecting him to disobey grandpa's command, but on the contrary, he had obeyed him dutifully. As soon as she saw them, she knew that they weren't in love; she knew that Grandpa knew it too, but he just wanted to support him. He was always on his side from the beginning! Her heart squeezed as she thought about how much her husband had worked to get Smith Corporation to where it was now. And Liam just came out of the nowhere and demanded to take it back? After twelve whole years! Grandpa just used her husband as a pawn, a pawn to build his first son's company! He had a liking towards Daniel, Liam’s father, and had favored him ever since childhood. His de
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20. Act Like A Wife?
Lilian knew that Kate had faked her cough to avoid her question. She was so clever! Initially, she thought she was easy to get rid of, but after what happened, she knew that she was wiser than she thought her to be.She felt her husband hold her free hand which was on her laps and squeeze it lightly. He saw what had happened, but he didn't say a word;Liam was really pushing him, and he wasn't sure of what he could do once he was over the cliff.After the meal, the family had their dessert. Liam waited awhile before he told grandpa that he wanted to leave;''Oh no, are you leaving so soon? We haven't even gotten to know your wife yet.'' Albert said, looking over at Kate.''Don't worry grandpa, I'll come some other time, and we'll spend quality time together. '' Kate said with a beautiful smile on her cheeks;''Oh, that's sweet! '' Albert replied with a smile. “when are you two planning to have an official wedding?”Albert
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