All Chapters of He’s Mine!: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
60 Chapters
Chapter 31
SOMA: He didn’t expect it, no. Because if he did, he wouldn’t be this surprised enough to even gape at me. Thought he was trying to act dominant here before. I sit upright soon after while staring at him acting all surprised still. Beats me that a grown-muscled man like him could actually be this affected by words that could end up being insincere. “You didn’t mean what you said, did you?” he asks, which I know was a little forced because he’s trying to compose himself. “Every word... I meant it.” I tell him, mostly because I have it in mind to taunt him a little. “Haven’t you got no experience in this? You’re acting like it’s your first proper night out with a lady,” He finally looks like himself once again. The same neutral vibe came exuding from him once more and I bloody love it. “I do have on
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Chapter 32
SOMA: The moment I step out of the elevator, I first sigh out loud. The sigh could not entail anything else other than it coming out because I am on the way to another day’s job. I take my time to stare at both ends of the floor I just ascended to. No one seemed to be passing or moving about yet. I get that this is the top floor which is for the executives only, but at least a few walkabouts should have occurred. Oh, timing, was what came to mind after recalling that I’m actually a little late today to work so most would be immersed already in whatever job they have to get done. Enough sightseeing. It was high time I find my way into my office. And so, after one more stare at both ends, I start to approach the left side of the floor whole holding firmly a file of documents I brought with me from home. For today, I chose a one-inch heel. Already said how much I hate he
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Chapter 33
SOMA: “You kissed him or he kissed you?” Cassie throws a sort of confusing question at me, earning a twitch on my face. “I don’t get you,” I say. “I want to know who made the first move between you two. Did he do it? Or did you do it?” I press on the pillow I have under my left arm while still trying to figure out what she’s trying to drive at with her statement. “Does it make a difference if it was me who made the first move or him?” I quiz, shrugging alongside. “It does, Soma. In a whole lot of ways. Kissing him first means you’re desperate to have him knowing fully well he has not made a decision about what the two of you share. But if it’s him who made the first move, then he’s starting to acknowledge the bond. Which, I will say, is a green light there,” Well, this i
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Chapter 34
LUIS: Leaving the land area into the woods uncleared is the most unwise decision made by the Alpha. Probably no one has complained to him about it. But without it being mentioned to him, he should have noticed it already himself. At least he frequents the woods. Because of the Alpha’s negligence, I have to make sure I walk really fast while going through the woods at present. If I had the super vision that most of the others have, I’m sure it would be a different scenario. But right now, I can only force myself to try to embrace the low area I can cover with my vision. I’m in here to train. Training has been the better part of me for years now. It’s the only way I can feel worthy of being a wolfling that already knows he’s got no chances of being like the others. Although it is a bother for me, I still ensure to do what I can do to make myself stronger every passing day. 
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Chapter 35
SOMA: A weird thing I did today was to park my ride by the entrance of the territory and then go into the woods to transform into my spirit wolf. Pretty weird because of the timing. Why didn’t I just take my ride to the main quarters and then do what I wanted to do? I can be so messed up sometimes. But the feeling that came with me bringing out Rainia after a very long time didn’t let me think things through and so I just went along with the flow. I’m certain the warrior guards must think I’m crazy after seeing me suddenly jump out of my car and then instruct them to get it sorted for me. Rainia had been so delighted when I finally let her out right in the woods. But first I had taken my clothes off to prevent them from ruining in the process of the transformation. They were perfectly good materials that I paid a lot of bucks for. The cheerful howl from a yellowish-white wolf
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Chapter 36
LUIS: Asides from the fact that I chose to come to see Soma today without much of a reason established, I might be here to break down a piece of terrible news to her. And it’s more about my well-being once again. I know I shouldn’t be doing this same cowardly act over and over again — for sure I’m a coward now — but I can’t help it. Soma’s relationship with me has been going well. She has been frequenting my pack over the weekends to train the Luna, although she made it clear that I am the reason because it should be the Luna going to her pack for the training and not vice versa. However, I took it in good faith with a lot of looking outs to ensure no one sees us together. She’s going to be devastated once again. She will be utterly disappointed in me after hearing my newest flimsy excuse. I know she will. And the contrasting feeling is eating me up.
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Chapter 37
SOMA: Every damn thing about me lately has been contrasting. And what’s more contrasting is how embracing I’ve been as they come to me. But now I’m fed up. First I start to feel something for a man. Later I find out it might be in shambles because he does not feel the same way because of his inability to produce a spirit wolf. I still try to get on with it but my best friend seems to disagree with me because of it, citing that he’s undeserving of me. I think I want to believe that now because his insecurities have been a major factor in trying to make the relationship between us work. The new situation that he cited might actually be one of the reasons he’s so insecure, but trying to make it sound like it’s my fault is the factor I do not even want to consider. It was irritating to the core because this was meant to be a two-person thingy. If anyone is at fault here, it shouldn’t
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Chapter 38
SOMA: He doesn’t resist. No, he doesn’t at all. Instead, he just looks down at me with a wide stare, telling me how surprised he is. But that doesn’t even last for long because he is back with the smirk for the umpteenth time. “Don’t you think you’re going a little bit far? We could always talk out whatever is going on without getting violent,” he says, mockery laced in his tone. “Oh, you think this is too far?” and I put more pressure on his neck. “What about this? How does it feel like?” The crazy thing about it is that he doesn’t even flinch one bit. I think he might be entirely resistant to pain, which might be a disadvantage for me if this goes on like this. “Still feels the same to me, Soma. I still can feel your anger pouring out through your arm. You might need to tone it down a bit,”
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Chapter 39
SOMA: I knew it was a bad idea when I decided to go on heels today. Now my feet are all weary as I try to take them off. I do not struggle with it because I know it would add to my distress. And so, gently and comfortably, I take them off, heaving a sigh of relief soon after for a job well done. Did I really resolve anything with Leonard today? I guess not. It was more like we had a little fight before venturing into a healthy conversation. At least I achieved something from all of that. I found out he’s not the culprit in Luis’ predicament. And neither does he have an idea what’s going on. How could I tell? I have this itch for knowing when I’m being lied to. And I sure as hell knew he wasn’t. Still, that didn’t get me anywhere. It means Luis would still be going through the ordeal without having an idea what’s going on. I’m suppos
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Chapter 40
LUIS: “And there you go messing up again,” Ryk says as soon as I finish the explanation that has my mind all cranky all day. “I know I did, man. You don’t remind me once more about how stupid I can be most times,” I respond saucily, bending my head a little to avoid a tree branch. “I wasn’t implying that. I just do not understand why you keep messing things up with Alpha Soma. I get that this is your first time trying to make a relationship with a woman work, but is it worth all of these insecurities you’re portraying?” “Even with what I just told you is going on around me, you think it’s not worth it?” Perhaps he didn’t get what I said about the issues I’m facing. Because why would he be making a conclusion based on just me messing things up with Soma? I admit that I did mess up, and I’ve a
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