All Chapters of The Twin Alpha's Faery Luna: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
131 Chapters
I threw the ridiculous crown of branches and flowers on the bed and tear the dress from the hem out of frustration and grief, screaming in anger. My new maids got so scared that all of them ran outside the room with fear in their eyes, not wanting me to vent these feelings on them.I look at the wide mirror in front of me, the black pigment on my eyes had already melted down my cheeks because of the incessant tears that keep on flowing from my swelling eyes. But even before I break down into another scream again, the door opened and Phillius stormed inside the room, his eyes are darkened by the deep furrow of his eyebrows his lips stretched into a straight line. My heart suddenly froze in fear but I didn’t flinch from him when he walk towards me in heavy steps and grab me by my neck to look closely at my anguished face.“ENOUGH OF THIS, SAPPHIRE! There is no one to save you from here, anymore. You are all mine now! Remember that! MINE !!!” he growled at me, baring his teeth, and then
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An Unexpected Friend
“Please ma’am you need to eat something! You’re starving yourself to death!”My stomach grumbles but I refuse to eat the breakfast that my new maid named Camila, an old woman, brought into my room. I have no track of what day today is, already. I am just glad that Phillius didn’t go back here last night because I wouldn’t know what will he do to me again if he did. He’s getting worse and worse every day and I couldn’t take it… I regret the day I came here to this mansion and just wished that I have just died with the Faeries in that caves than suffering in this place being food to Phillius’ strange craving for mana.Mana is a life force that exists in every living being on this planet. That is what Xeno had told me when he used to train me with his team but he always makes sure I also have my own kind of training that he said suits me best. It’s to use the magicules of life forces in my surroundings to replenish my own. I have no idea how he knew about it but there is a hunch in me th
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The Old Mansion's Secret
I tried to look my best to let Phillius think I am not affected by what he had done to me last night and the food and the warm bath helped to lift my mood to do what he wants me to do today. Wearing a light blue dress with flowers embroidered on the hem, I chose to wear a sunglass with it today to hide the emotion in my eyes from Phillius. The brightness of the sun made a good excuse for me to use it so no matter how many times he raises his eyebrow at me every time he gazes at my face, he just lets me have it just so as not to start our day with another argument.“You look wonderful today, love. I wish I had come back with you last night but I had an emergency meeting with the Vegas Clan and I had to stay the whole night to solve that problem.” He whispered to me after we get inside his limousine and the chauffeur started driving the car to wherever Phillius wanted to take me.He gave me a teasing smile and took my hand to kiss it. The shackles that bound my hand clang at each other
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The Real Reason
My brows met at once.I feel like I have heard that voice before but I can't tell when. My mind is distracted by the eerie atmosphere in this dungeon where several prison cells are empty with bones inside them. I can’t tell if they’re either human or some kind of creatures because it seems like Phillius has this kind of strange fondness for collecting species to imprison in his dungeons.The sound of chains echoed in the cold bricked walls of this place and even though it’s dark. I know that man is also bound by a chain just like mine. Specifically, the kind that suppresses the mana inside the body just like mine.My eyes widened could it be…“Sapphire!”I ignored Phillius’s warning and walked hastily towards the man who's hidden behind the shadows of his cell. I grabbed a torch to look at him better but I almost gagged when the light reached him. Even through the dim light of the torch, I could tell he's been suffering so much because he's so thin to the bones and the tunic he's wea
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Fragments of Memory
“I’m so sorry for what happened to you…”I wiped Fae’s face with a wet towel washed with soap and I feel bad that I have been feeling scared to look at his eyes. He is just so thin his skin just sticks on his bones and his lips are stretched back from his protruding teeth.After begging Phillius to let me take care of the Fae, I brought all the stuff I need and food and drinks for the poor prisoner and feed him early in the morning. The sky is clear above the sky and maybe I would appreciate it more, only if there are no shackles around my hands and neck.When I got into the dungeon, I won’t lie but I still feel the dread in my chest, remembering the horrible things I experienced and witnessed here. When I step my foot on the stair, the dread came back to me, and the cries and screams of Hazel made me hesitate to enter this awful place. But I have to. The Fae needs me and I have to take care of him because he’s the key for me to remembering everything from my past.“I could do this… I
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I feel so stunned by the things that I am seeing.There, not too far from me, is a woman carrying a basket in her hand with a smile on her lips the second she saw me and the strange man that is in front of me. I feel like my heart’s going to explode from this overwhelming feeling of happiness and an indescribable ache, the thought that I have a mother. That there is a place where I used to call home with a family that I belong to. The void in my heart suddenly filled with warmth that I have never felt ever since I got out of the cave. The feeling that there is a place I could call my own with a mother waiting until I return.Tears run down my face as sobs emerge from my throat, the swelling almost makes me gag. My hands automatically covered my mouth and my wrenching stomach. What is this feeling? I never thought I could be happy and heartbroken at the same time.“Eodelle?” Benny’s brows furrowed but raised upward the second he saw me trembling and immediately put his hands on both of
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The Curse
The thought never leaves my mind.It’s like a hundred needles pinning my brain, making me restless as I curl myself in the middle of the bed, wishing that it is Xeno they are talking about. I saw how Phillius reacted when the man whispered that news to him and I know he’s more threatened now that Xeno survived whatever he did to him. I knew he’ll come back. I knew he won’t let Phillius do these vile things and take over to spread more dread in their Clan.I could see that Kelly knows what happened to him and I wish I could use my powers to create a barrier where no one would ever hear whatever the two of us talk about Xeno’s situation. But I don’t think she would have the dare to tell me though. I saw the fear in her eyes when she was behind Phillius at that moment and I understand because she doesn’t want to get her family involved in any of this fight between Xeno and him. She won’t risk their safety especially when she’s the only one who could protect them.Despite my desperation f
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Rivera Clan
I couldn’t stand his eyes staring at me like he is memorizing every detail of my face. Like he had seen me before and it made me wonder if he was one of the visitors of Phillius on the night of the worst day of my life, my marriage to the Alpha of this Clan.Uncomfortable and annoyed, I averted my eyes from the scrutiny of his gaze and focused on the food in front of me. Despite having no appetite, no matter how scrumptious the food is in front of me, I still forced myself to act normal and eat it. It tastes bland in my mouth. But I pretend that everything is alright between me and Phillius because if I don’t, he threatened me that Felrim’s life will be in great danger. He didn’t put the chains on me but I am still not free from his evil grip.My maidservants made amazing work on my dress and hair. They made me wear a fitting purple mermaid dress with matching gloves that stretched to my elbows. Its asymmetric neckline gave more view of the smoothness of my skin with a matching tiny d
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He's alive!
Mr. Rivera cleared his throat and put down the bottle on the table gently, his exuberant mood suddenly changed after he saw the distress in my eyes. But the smile is still on his lips is still there, trying to ease the anxiety in me while he continued the conversation with Phillius.“I have heard that you stopped the operation for a month, Phillius. Where is Xeno by the way? He’s the to be in charge of it,” Mr. Rivera asks, looking left to right as if he would find Xeno if he did that. His mouth arched downward and he put both of his arms up, leaning his head and waiting for Phillius’s answer.I look down on Phillius with so much hatred in my eyes. I am aware that my expression is too obvious but it’s too hard for me not to react because I know he’ll make another lie to cover all the awful things he had done since I came here to this mansion. His selfishness and his lies are beyond forgiveness but I couldn’t act against him. With my power sensing Felrim’s life force inside the dungeon
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Affliction (Xeno's Point of View)
It's been just ten hours and I feel like it has been forever since I was tied with chains here in this dungeon.My body hurts all over and I feel like my arms are going to be torn off my shoulders for staying standing for so many hours without being able to sit or rest. Every thirty minutes, Phillius men who I knew from our training days come here to torment me by kicking and punching me wherever they desire. Motley, the one who raped Hazel, Sapphire's poor maid, has been enjoying hitting me since I got imprisoned and chained. The physical pain is the least of my worries now. It's the agony of knowing Sapphire is in the hands of Phillius and I knew him better enough that she's not safe with him. I feel terrified to think of any possible way that Phillius would do to Sapphire and all I could do is just scream my lungs out here in anguish, knowing she's vulnerable, just like the Fae I am with here, the ancient Felrim who's imprisoned by my family a century ago.The horror of my family
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