All Chapters of Fight for Your Love: Ryo and Oliver's Truth : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
93 Chapters
Chapter 31 - late night
Ry Are you asleep?It’s 10 pm after allPatient O Nope. I’ve been waiting patiently for your call Ry You can’t be thinking about driving all the way here It’s late O Patient O Yes I amI’ll see you in 30 minutes Ry Please drive safely Patient O Always 30 minutes later Patient O I’m outside  I hope you didn’t fall asleepI don’t want to drive all the way back without seeing you
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Chapter 32 - Trust
“I promised you a date so…” Oliver says opening his car door for me. I smile at him for being so gentle with me. I get into the passenger seat and watch him walk around to the driver’s side. He gets in and smiles at me. “Are you ready?” He asks starting the car. He puts it into drive and we’re on our way. He texted me this morning telling me to get ready. I tried so hard to get him to tell me what we’re doing for our date but he’s been mum the whole day.He’s pretty good at planning these dates but I am feeling anxious. I decided to be present and enjoy every moment I have with him but there are times like now when I feel anxiety take over me. I want to at least know where we’re going. We live in a small town so I can guess what the date is if he just gives me a hint.“I don’t know what I’m getting ready for. You don’t want to tell me what the date is about remember?” I say
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Chapter 33 - "Rich boy"
“I can smell water.” I say when Oliver comes to stop. I take in a deep breath, yep. I can definitely smell water.“Okay. It’s time to take this thing off.” He says taking the blindfold off. I take a few seconds to readjust to the light. I look around and smile when I see the boat in front of me. I almost scream when my brain makes sense of the beauty that’s in front of me. “Is this our date?” I ask staring at him. He smiles nodding at me.“I thought we could have a day on the water. Get a dose of the fresh air and hopefully have fun.” He says taking my hand in his. We start walking to the boat. I’ve never been on a boat on a lake before. This is incredible.“Who’s going to drive the boat?” I ask as he helps me get on.“I’m going to be driving.” He says surprising me.“So you just happen to know how to drive a boat.” I state and he nods. “So what do I do now?” I ask feeling a little out of place. This is the part of Oliver’s world I know nothing about. I don’t know anything about boa
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Chapter 34 - In the Past
“And by all of this you mean the boat money?” He asks smiling at me awkwardly. I nod and he sighs looking in the far distance. “This is a part of who I am. I want to be in a relationship with you as who I really am and that includes this.” He says looking back at me.“So are you saying that I need to get used to it or…” I say and he shakes his head.“It’s not an ultimatum.” He says touching my face softly. “It’s just a fact.” He says and I nod. “A fact that has held me back from truly showing myself to the people I’ve dated in the past.” He adds and I can see regret in his eyes. “My father’s money is the first thing people see when I look at them.” He says and I remember the way I saw him before I knew him. First I saw him as a playboy, then I saw him as a spoilt playboy. I’m happy to say that I was wrong. But now that he’s showing me his world in full I can’t help but feel like I will fall short. I’m a normal girl, I don’t have the luxury of owning a boat or even spending a day on a
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Chapter 35 - Yellow
“Today I’m the one taking you on a date.” Ryo says smiling at me excitedly. She smiles as we walk into her mother’s plant room. I smile back at her feeling like the luckiest guy alive. The past two weeks have been the best time of my life. I’ve been going on multiple dates and for the first time in my life I’m enjoying dating. I look forward to these dates with her. I always look forward to planning them, the exciting anticipation leading up to the date and the actual dates are always a dream. “I feel like this is turning into a competition.” I say and she turns nodding at me. I laugh because that’s not the point of us having these dates. I look around at the plants feeling so happy. There’s so much magic in this room. I need to convince my parents to create a room like this at the house. I bet it would do wonders for all our moods. Maybe we would get along better. “Oh. It most definitely is. I’m having fun trying to out-plan you on these dates.” She says and I shake my head at her h
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Chapter 36 - A different view
The School gardens I take a deep breath trying to calm down.  It’s day three of school being back. And all three days have been filled with watching Ryo and Oliver being happy. I sigh as my eyes drift back to where they’re sitting and having their lunch. No matter how hard I try to ignore them I always gravitate towards them.My heart breaks at the sight of them together. I hate to see them together but I can’t deny the fact that Oliver looks happy. I don’t remember him being this happy when we were together. We barely spent any time together but he can’t seem to stay away from this girl. I want what they have, I want to inspire the feelings in him that she does.“I hate her.” I say taking a bite of my sandwich, I can’t taste anything. I’m just eating because I have to. I may be stressed out about Oliver parading his little girlfriend. But I’m going to eat, I need all the str
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Chapter 37 - A Love Lost
Once upon a time I was the one Oliver loved. I was the one that he looked at with starry eye. I was his it girl. And he would call me his princess. I smile rembering his voice when he could me by this pet name. I remember a time when he couldn't live without me. I thought I was the one he couldn't live without, his love made me feel that way. And the whole town knew it too. There was a time when I was "Marlene the girl who bagged the richest boy in town." Everyone wanted to be my friend, they wnted to breathe the same air as me. They wanted a taste of the life I lived with him. The girls wantred to be me and the bouys wanted me for themselves. For a glorious year I was loved, pampred and envied.But now they look at me with hate and disgust. It's incredible how quickly people will switch up on you as soon as they decide you are not popular enough. They have forgotten who I used to be. I can admit that I acted out of charater when everything ended with Oliver but the truth is I w
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Chapter 38 - Her redemption
Ryo is not better than me.I am the ioriginal IT Girl. She's just a shy forgatable nobody. She is not pretier than me I am the girl who's style other girls copy. I am the one with over 10 000 followers on Instagram. I'm the girl everyone is excited to see show up at the school formal. And she is definetely not smarter than me. "I mean she has better grades than me but she doesn't have street smarts." I say to the silence in my car as I drive home. The realization that hit me in the bathroom stall ealier fueling my soul. I am the one boys lust after. I am going to make that meek little girl break up with Oliver. She's not going to know what hit her when I'm done with her. I am going to make her life such a living hell she's going to beg me to take him back.  "I just have to play my cards right." I say smilling, I finally feel like myself again. I
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Chapter 39 - Action
The next morning The moment I open my eyes and Oliver pops into my mind. I feel energized. I have to believe that my plan is going to work. The love I have for him has to pull us through here.  I reach out for my phone and open Oliver and I's text threads. I scroll through and see all of our conversations. There was so much love between us, we used to text everyday all day. He used to love updating me on his day every second. We had a stoy book love, we took care of each other. We were giddy and in love.  It went bad in the end but it was beautiful in the beginning. The more I think about it, the more my heart breaks. I don't know how we let this go so bad. I know I contributed to the relationship ending but I feel like we quit too quickly.  I sit up on the bed and start my text to Oliver. I am taking a leap of faith here. This has to work.  Hey 
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Chapter 40 - Fire Ahead
"Why are you looking at me like that?" I say looking at Jameson staring at me. When I asked him to hang out I wasn't thinking of this. We haven't hung out just the two of us in a long time. I was thinking we would meet up, play a few games and have a relaxed drama free morning. I didn't want to talk about my ex. But that's all he's done since he got here. We haven't even played one board game. He just had to tell me about how freaked out he is. Marlene is making him miss sleep again. Well it's not like that but it is. I stare at him for a second wishing we were not havng this conversation. Our life is consumed by relationships and girlfriend drama lately. It's like my relationship with Ryo and everything that comes with it has taken over our entire existence. "I don't think you're hearing me." He says and I sigh. "I have a bad feeling about Marlene. You need to watch out for her." He says looking at me intently. "I feel like we've had this exact conversation before or I cou
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