All Chapters of The Confession: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
23 Chapters
Chapter 11
                           Attraction          Roslyn dressed herself in an elegant Sunday dress, hoping for a beautiful day with God in church. She hoped David will come with her. Looking at her slender body and nude make-up for the last time, she strode out of her room, shutting the door behind her. With reverent enthusiasm, she knocked softly on David's door. His muffled voice floated out of the room and Roslyn took it as a queue for her to enter. Roslyn entered the door and stood at the door, scrutinizing the room. The room wasn’t looking presentable and Roslyn was sure she cleaned the room two days ago.    “What do ya want this early morning?” David questioned, and Roslyn tilted her head to the side, trying to figure out where the voice was coming from. “It’s Sunday, perhaps ya would like to go to Sunday service with me.&rd
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Chapter 12
                              Dave         There was a series of laughter on the table; as the family makes fun of each other during lunch, Mrs. Williams never failed to tell David about Roslyn’s most embarrassing moments as a child. David continues to laugh as Mrs. Williams narrates the stories; Roslyn Blushed with embarrassment. She continued to beg her mother to stop embarrassing her, although she liked the fact that her mother was making David laugh, for the past one year she’s known David she’s never seen him laugh the way he was laughing at her mother’s childhood story. Roslyn couldn’t help the butterflies in her stomach; she glances at David at every given opportunity; she likes the way his eyes sparkled and radiates happiness. “Oh God, let this happiness for a lifetime.” She silently prayed as she chewed on her food. 
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Chapter 13
                        Cancer       The next day David awakened Roslyn; Roslyn slowly stirred and looked at her surroundings. Her head shut up the moment she realized she was in a hospital room; she glances at the window but there was no light from the window; she wore a frown on her face and glance at her wristwatch; her. It was 4:30 in the morning. “Its morning; can we go home now?” David’s voice echoed in her ears. She tilted her head to the side and looked at him. “Oh deah, it’s only 4:30.” She said glancing at her wristwatch for the second time, “but I wish to go home.” he whispered and groaned like a wounded child, “patience deah, the doctor should be here in no time.” She said persuasively, “do ya want anything else?” Roslyn asked, changing the topic. David shakes his mutely, and the two settled in a pause silent, with
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Chapter 14
                             Expecting        Roslyn shivered as the brisk wind greeted her face; she hastily went to her dresser and retrieved her crocheted shawl her mother gave to her about two years ago and wore it over her loose blouse. She went back to stand close to the glass wall. Winter has approached in no time; Roslyn stared from her room as the wind continues to blow nonstop. She saw in the news last night that the weather would be around 10 degrees Celsius, but the temperature out there was obviously cooler than 10 degrees Celsius; she gazed at the garden below her and smiled; most of the flowers bloomed beautifully, especially the perennials and black tulips. She stared mostly at the winter Aconite which has already formed buttercup and a yellow bloom that boldly pops up between the cyclamens; it was such a beautiful sight for Roslyn. If it wasn’t for the cold, sh
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Chapter 15
                         Complication     “Son, thank you for coming,” Roslyn’s father whispered. “You are welcome sir; how do ya feel?” Asked David; The older man laughed cordially. “I feel older than my age. How have ya been curbing?” asked Roslyn’s father as he stared at the wheelchair his son-in-law sat in. “Oh, very well sir; I’ve been undergoing therapy for a while now, there has been enormous change; can easily move around my room without using the wheelchair although I get exhausted easily.” Mr. Williams nodded his head, understandably. “Great—great; I’m happy to hear that. Ya told your wife I s’posed.” David nodded his head but said nothing, “She hasn’t confronted me, but my wife told me.” “Beastly.” Said David, “I’m awfully sorry it was my entire fault;
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Chapter 16
                       Another kind of pain       At first David was adamant to letting Roslyn see her father at the hospital, but seeing her persistent, he allowed her with the condition that she would come back home before nightfall. David feared for Roslyn and the unborn child she was carrying; he remembered what the doctor told him a few days ago, but he knows how Roslyn can be when it comes to caring for her family. “Ya worry too much; I’ll be back before ya know it.” Roslyn said, taking her car key from the small coffee table. David was still unsure of Roslyn’s decision to go to the hospital, but nodded his head. “Please allow the driver drive you.” He said worriedly. Roslyn slightly nodded her head and slipped out of the room.       Roslyn breathes deeply as she stood at the door to her father’s ward. She suddenly felt uneas
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Chapter 17
                              Alcohol         Summer had progressed; the night sky was heather-purple color, the stars were glittering like scattered space dust. Mrs. Williams stood at the balcony with her head raised to the elegant sky above her and the beaked chorus of birds filled her ears, if it wasn’t for the ache heart and the lonesomeness she feels, she would have been enjoying the peaceful serene before her. It’s been two months since Williams passed away, but she still hasn’t been herself. She’d been enduring a degree of isolation and she’d graciously distance herself from people. She scrambled through her whirling thoughts, ignoring the melodious sound of the intoning bees that has filled the stew smell air. “Oh Williams, we are we’re now far apart from the kingdom of the world; I live most miserably and I languished in pain; m
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Chapter 18
                             Memories       Roslyn jump out of the room the moment she heard the thumping sound of the door downstairs; she’d been pacing around their room for hours waiting for David to return from work. She came to a halt in the sitting room and stared at David as he stumbled into the room, almost smashing the flower vase beside the door. Roslyn immediately ran to his side when she’d noticed that he wasn’t with his walking stick. “Ya are drunk again,” she snarled and grimaced at the horrid smell coming from David’s breath, “why are doin’ this to yourself? “She asked, wrapping her right hand around his shoulder, “I don’t know what has gotten into ya, but whatever it is, please don’t let it destroy ya and our home.” She said pleadingly. Roslyn swallowed the lump that formed in her throat and
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Chapter 19
                                Turmoil        During bed time, David scarcely talked to Roslyn and Roslyn wasn’t bold enough to say a word to David either. There was a curtain of tension inside the room and it was almost choking Roslyn. She wanted to ask David to pray with her, but she wasn’t so sure if that was a good idea to begin with. “Oh lord, I feel like I’ve lost my beloved husband again.” Roslyn breathes; she sat down forlornly on the bed and watched as David kept fidgeting on the bed; Roslyn knew that it would take by the grace of God for him to fall asleep. “My deah, can we pray?” Roslyn asked solicitously; and waited for David to speak. “Please,” she pleaded after a moment of silent. “Let’s table our problems before God.” She went on; “It’s your pain I feared. I know what it feel
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Chapter 20
                             Get together      It was such an exciting moment for Roslyn; she stared at all the smiling faces around the table and secretly thanked God for the gift of such a wonderful family he’d blessed her with. The only thing that worried Roslyn at that moment was Tessa; she worried for the poor woman; she was a woman that anyone would call a virtuous woman. Tessa was a woman clothed with strength and dignity. Roslyn remembered when Tessa single handedly do all the house chores and take care of Bernard when Mercy visited home and Roslyn was mourning her deceased father. “My deah, do ya not feel well?” Mrs. Leo asked, looking at Roslyn with a twinge of concern; everyone at the table stared at Roslyn; Roslyn slowly and steadily looked up and flushed in embarrassment. “What is happening to ya?” Mrs. Williams bargained. There was a preliminary
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